file path

  1. B

    Windows 7 bottomless pit of folders Please help!!!

    Hi everyone, I currently have a problem with what appears to be recurring folders. I have the main folder which then shows a folder inside that, then another inside that, then another inside that until I come to about 7-8 folders. opening any of these and the you end up opening one folder...
  2. B

    Windows 7 bottomless pit of folders Please help!!!

    Hi everyone, I currently have a problem with what appears to be recurring folders. I have the main folder which then shows a folder inside that, then another inside that, then another inside that until I come to about 7-8 folders. opening any of these and the you end up opening one folder...
  3. D

    Windows 8 videos

    Hi everyone. I have installed windows 8 preview and I love it. There are a few minor things that need to be improve ,but that's alright. I downloaded media center and installed it. They have another video player that is troubling me. You can play videos without the media center extension in...
  4. B

    Windows 7 Out-file problem

    Hi In the PowerShell 2.0 console in Windows 7 SP1, I wrote: PS C:\Users\test\Documents\PowerShell> Get-Help * | Get-Help -Detailed | Out-File C:\Users\test\Documents\PowerShell\PowerShell_2,0_Guide.txt Out-File: Can not convert 'System.Object[]' to 'System.String' type required from...
  5. Y

    Windows 7 Please help reduce the number of steps to open Opera Mini on desktop.

    I am running Windows 7. I have created a desktop shortcut using the following path in Target: C:\Users\mycomputer\Desktop\microemulator-2.0.4\microemulator-2.0.4\apps\microemulator.jar This shortcut is successful in opening the microemulator but I then have to go through additional steps...
  6. D

    Windows 7 Please help. What is the default folder to which Windows 7 is installed?

    Please help. I have one answer I can not find for a quiz. What is the default folder to which Windows 7 is installed? c:\Windows c:\Winnt c:\win c:\system Also, I was unsure of this one too. What is the agreement that you have to accept when installing Windows? Is it...
  7. paradive

    Windows 7 PLEASE HELP! i just wanna log in normally!

    so, i had a reinstall. i set up for the next week or 2 under "owner", which i changed to "james", then a WEEK LATER, realized it was still saving everything to c:\owner instead of c:\james. annoyed by this, i copied everything to c:\james then changed some registry values...
  8. News

    HTML Help files (.chm) do not open from paths that contain GB 18030 or Unicode characters

    Resolve issues where opening HTML Help files fails due to GB 18030 or Unicode characters. Link Removed
  9. P

    Windows 7 How to create a shortcut to a *.bat batch file in the SAME (unknown) folder?

    I have written a batch file ( which can take several paramters and runs fine as long as I enter the start command at the command prompt e.g aaaa.bat -start -log In order to avoid always having to enter manually this command I created a shortcut to this batch file and placed it...
  10. News

    How to fix speech recognition on Windows 7

    What to do if speech recogntion just won't work QUESTION Speech recognition will no longer load on my Windows 7 PC. Unless I first switch off User Account Control, I get the error message: ‘C:\Windows\Speech\Common\sapisvr.exe. A referral was returned from the server’. According to my online...
  11. E

    Windows 7 Windows 7 Offline Files - 2 problems with terrible workarounds - I want better solutions!

    I have two problems with Offline Files in Windows 7 that maybe you can shed some light on. I have narrowed these problems down specifically to Offline Files in Windows 7 and have manufactured some workaround solutions, but they are not great. This is a really long forum post, I apologize...
  12. B

    Windows 7 Indexing stucks

    Hi, this is my first post. I just a new user of windows 7, and I was really happy with the search engine of it, until today. Here the history: first i copied my files from the old pc and pass to this new pc (windows 7), after copy the files to a folder I organize all the files on others...
  13. D

    Windows 7 Windows cannot access the specified device, path or file. You may not have appropriate permissions t

    OK so here's my issue, i'm getting the following error when attempting to access my DVD-ROM to play a movie. This is a recent development, i haven't installed any new software on my system. Windows cannot access the specified device, path or file. You may not have appropriate permissions...
  14. A

    Windows 7 way to figure out if a driver is digitally signed

    I am looking for a way to figure out if a driver is digitally signed. I use the api SetupVerifyInfFile for this, but this always fails with the error "Parameter is incorrect". Following are the parameters that I pass to this function, InfName - The Path of the Inf file with the file name. (say...
  15. M

    Windows 7 manual editing of desktop.ini has no effect

    I've been trying to modify the "folder picture" for a large number of folders, and to that end am going to write a script to modify the desktop.ini in each folder. The thing is, changing the desktop.ini doesn't seem to have any visible effect. If I manually change the picture (folder...
  16. C

    Windows 7 Folder has shortcut to Itself inside and will not delete

    Hi all, I solved my own problem but I thought that I would post the solution here. I did not see anything on the net for the issue I was having but I am sure it comes up from time to time. I accidentally created a shortcut inside a folder to itself. I was clicking on the file path at the top...
  17. C

    Windows 7 Problem When Trying to Open a PDF in FireFox

    When I go to a web page in FireFox and try to open a PDF I get this: I even tried reinstalling FireFox,, but still get the same message help!
  18. Q

    Windows 7 Xbox 360 / Windows 7 / Media Center Extender - media sharing not working properly.

    As I'm clicking "Play To - Xbox Media Center Extender" on my Windows 7 Laptop, I'm getting an error message of my Xbox 360/TV screen that says... "Windows Media Center cannot find the specified file. Be sure the path is typed correctly. If it is, the file does not exist at the specified...
  19. B

    Windows 7 Problem locating files when attaching them to mails

    This is probably a really easy-to-solve problem, but to me a very annoying one. Win 7 has done something with its files that makes it more difficult to find them in certain occations. Say for ex that I have done an ordinary search via Start on the whole computer to find an old document that I...
  20. vicn

    Windows 7 Win7: How to change username

    When I installed Win7, I picked ABC as my username. Is it possible to change it to say XYZ? I went to Control Panel, User Accounts and changed the name. On the screen it now shows XYZ, but in the hard drive, everything is still under ABC. For example...