
  1. N

    Windows 10 Cd time

    I have quite a few old cd's , is there any software i can find how long a burnt cd is . I'v been sorting them and some i have turned to flac mode . Other's i'v just left , i,v renewed all the front and back cover's . Some i put the year made and time on them , on the cd itself which is alright ...
  2. Download from spotify music

    Spotify has a lot of strong rivals in its niche competing with them to become the world’s best music streaming service. Even though Spotify is loved by most music lovers, there are many inconveniences to use Spotify: You can’t listen to Spotify offline without downloading; You can’t download...
  3. Windows 10 Shortcut Convert to MP3

    How would I go about creating a shortcut, maybe in the Send To folder, that would take in a FLAC file (or anything preferably) and output a V0 mp3? ffmpeg can do it with: ffmpeg -i input.wav -codec:a libmp3lame -qscale:0 2 output.mp3 But how can I make the input file and output file work with...
  4. Windows 7 How to use Search to list MP3 and FLAC files together?

    I have tried unsuccessfully to use the Windows 7 Search (and advanced search) facility to list music files. What I want is to list MP3 and FLAC files with the same filename on the same search results. I can of course see each type with separate searches but not both together. Hope someone can...
  5. Windows 8 [SOLVED] WMP not reading MP3 Tags

    Hello There, this evening i upgraded my Windows 7 i used for Gaming to Windows 8.1 It only had 5-6 Games installed and rarely was on the Internet, so i thought the upgrade would go fast and easy. But since the upgrade (all updates in Windows 8.1 are already done), WMP does not read any MP3...
  6. Windows 7 How to create a 'smart view' with symbolic links

    I haven't done any programming for a long time, and virtually haven't done any Windows scripting since the days of MS-DOS. For my digital audio needs I am planning to separate my music collection into 3 folder trees: - lossless albums - lossy albums inclusive - lossy albums exclusive. The...
  7. Windows 7 Play All

    I have all of my music on my D drive on my laptop and I use Foobar portable as my music player. I have foobar set up as my default player for ALL music formats (Flac, Ape, Alac, MP3...). If I go into my music folder and open a band folder (thank you microsoft for not letting me goup my 600...
  8. S

    Windows 7 How to Convert Compact Discs to FLAC Files

    Hello,i would like to transform my compact discs to FLAC files,how do i do that?:confused:
  9. C

    Windows 7 Aimp 3 & Srs Audio Essentials

    Hi fellow users My acer aspire 7736z is almost only a jukebox for me. AIMP-3 and SRS AUDIO ESSENTIALS is the best combination i have had the plesure of listening to,aimp 3 has exceptional audio on its own,and i have tryed a lot of players and not even foobar2000 has the audio quality that aimp 3...
  10. C

    Windows 7 Hdmi-Winamp-Flac ?

    Goodeevening everyone.I was wondering is HDMI good enough to transport audio that it is worth downloading in FLAC and is there any alternative to WINAMP i have only had pc since 2005 so i have a lot of questions who to others sound stupid. Any advice will be recieved with thanks.Kind Regards...
  11. C

    Windows 7 Hdmi & Flac

    Hello everyone.I have a laptop connected to home cinema v.HDMI and i have been adviced to download in flac instead of mp3,but i have a little difficulty hearing the difference.I am total green regarding computers so maybee someone could advice me.:confused:Kind Regards CASI.
  12. C

    Windows 7 500-800kbs=bad flac file???

    hello everyone.can you call 500kbs-700kbs for a bad flac file(I can not hear any difference myself)??? Kind Regards casi.:distrust:
  13. C

    Windows 7 190kbs-320kbs or 1000kbs?

    hello everyone i have got a expencive home cinema system and i hear all my music via laptop through hdmi,downloaded material mostly but also streaming.The question is can i hear the difference between mp3(190-320kbs) and flac (1000kbs) i have realy listened but i can not hear the difference or...
  14. C

    Windows 7 FLAC or MP3

    Goodmorning everyone(6:40 Copenhagen Time).I have a question:Is there any difference in sound quality between flac and mp3 kind regards casi.
  15. C

    Windows 7 Flac Or Mp3 ???

    hello everyone i was just wondering what the difference between FLAC and MP3 files are and wicth have the best sound quality,i used to play my music with wmp 12 but was adviced to download WINAMP and flac options is that wise or what i would like oppinions of any kind(exscuse me my spelling and...
  16. C

    Windows 7 Windows 7 and FLAC

    In the past I saved music on my computer in mp3 format, and I was able to edit the properties (artist, track number, album, year, etc.) of the file in the music folder. Recently, I started saving them in FLAC format, but I noticed that I cannot edit the properties like I could with mp3. Does...
  17. P

    Windows 7 Looking for a reliable program to convert flac files to mp3

    I would appre ciate your help. Most programs I fing on the net do not work on 7.
  18. J

    Windows 7 FLAC Tag Support? (win7 32bit)

    i was wondering if anyone knows how to get FLAC tags to display in windows explorer? i can get them to show in WMP12, but i cant seem to find anything to add full FLAC tag support in windows 7... here's a screen shot: Link Removed due to 404 Error