folder permissions

  1. T

    Windows 11 grant rights to share to local service account

    I have a windows server 2012, I have a folder that I need to grant access to a local service account. Cant seem to do it through gui. The service account is NT Service\MSSQLSERVER. Is this possible?
  2. P

    Windows 10 Deny permissions for specific users

    I'm trying to deny permissions for a file for a specific user. The system we use is that each user has a folder structure on their C drive and they are all synced using Sugarsync. If changes are made on any PC they are propagated to the other PCs. I have the computer name of the one I want to...
  3. M

    Restricting users$ folder

    Hi, I was wondering if there is a way to restrict access to the users$ (\\domain\users$) folder on a server ? Michael
  4. A

    Windows 8 windows 8.1 explorer deletes thumbnails cache every 3 days

    hi. i could not resolve this issue,after many searches and test many tricks,like disabling maintenance tasks and change folder permissions, problem still exists. is there any way to fix this windows 8.1 bug?? thanks.
  5. P

    Windows 7 Take Ownership only for files+folders of user "karl"?

    Assume I have a huge directory tree with lots of files and folders. Some of them belong to (simplified) user "karl" (or unknown user "S-1-5-21-107808153") others not. When I execute now a command like takeown /f * /a /r /d y then ALL files+folders get the "Administrators" account as owner. I...
  6. L

    Windows Server 2012 Essentials R2 - Customisation

    Hi Everyone, I have just set up remote access for Windows Server 2012 Essentials R2 and i want to change the image below. Link Removed I have found the path, i have found the location, however when i try to overwrite the file already there i am not able to even with all the permissions on the...
  7. R

    Windows 7 Windows magic - I have no idea what else call this

    I am logged in as Bill (an admin user). I tried to create a new txt doc in an install folder far down under Program Files (x86). My only rt clk option is new folder. I opened another txt file in that folder with Ultraedit (my default editor) and saved it as NOTES.txt in that folder. Now I can...
  8. TheArtfulDodger

    Windows 8 Workgroup Sharing Problem in Win 8 & Win 7

    Hello: I am having no end of trouble with my network. Here's the setup: 1. BT Home Hub 5 Wi-Fi router, connected to Internet. 2. Desktop, Win 7 HP, x64, connected to router with Ethernet. 3. HP LaserJet printer, connected to router with Ethernet. 4. Netgear EX6200 AC1200 802.11ac Dual Band...
  9. T

    Windows 7 how allow program files folder to be managable by other programs

    hi intro: few days back i have formatted my hdd and installed win7ultimate i'm only user on this pc. no password. not messing with accounts, rights. what i want to do: make new folder in Program Files folder and download to this folder by program TortoiseSVN other app from github. problem...
  10. 3

    Windows 7 How to share mapped drive so it can be accesed from outside lan ?

    Hello iam trying 3 days now to set up folder so every1 on internet can acces it .. So far i can only make it accesible for lan users , but i dont get how to make it accesible from internet ..
  11. P

    Windows 7 How to really remove network share of a local folder?

    In the past I setup a network share for a local folder by right-clicking on that folder in WinExp click "Properties" click "Sharing" tab click "Advanced Sharing" activate checkbox "Share this folder" assigning my user account to the list of permissions removing "Everyone" access. This works...
  12. A

    Windows 8 Unable to change folder and files permission, neither icalcs nor security tab !!

    I am unable to change any permission for any folder . every option that supposed to be available for setting the permission is gray out!! , for some of my files I see the owner is "unable to display the current owner". The problem is the same for every single folder and file. I checked other...
  13. E

    Windows 7 Restoring User Profile

    So, I got a new, larger SSD to put windows on. I did a custom install. During the installation I pressed shif-F10 to open cmd then used robocopy /copyall /mir /E /XJ C:\Users D:\Users rmdir /S /Q C:\Users mklink /J C:\Users D:\Users I did the same with Program Files, Program Files (x86)...
  14. G

    Windows 7 Windows Media Center and file access/permissions

    I have a problem with accessing files on a second internal hard drive that I believe is related to Media Center. Running Windows 7 there were two file folders on my second internal hard drive that I store photos and videos in. I added those to my library in WMC and was able to view files via...
  15. C

    Windows 7 Remove Administrator Requirement from a Folder

    Hello, I am running Windows 7 64-bit and am having an issue with one of my folders. It's the Downloads folder; you know, the standard Windows "Downloads" folder that Internet Explorer, Firefox, etc. default to download items to. About a week ago, I moved some music I had downloaded from the...
  16. B

    Windows 8 Folder Permission Problem / secondary administrator LogonID

    I set up a LogonID giving it administrator rights and naming it "Admin" (I also have the built-in "Administrator" LogonID set up for use). When I try to install certain software using the "Admin" LogonID, I run into a few strange issues during the install ... but it seems to complete. When I...
  17. realintheory

    Windows 7 how do i locally protect a folder but allow network access

    Hi If the following is possible.. how do I do it ? On PC1 I have two users A (Admin) and B (Standard User) and Folder X On PC2 I have one user C (admin) PC1 and PC2 are on the same LAN I want Folder X to be accessible to A and C but not B... ????
  18. sirloyne

    Windows 7 How to share folders... finally

    I've spent the last 7 months trying to find how to move files from my XP machines to my stupid Win 7 laptops desktop. All I could ever find online was people saying "that would be dangerous" and "you shouldn't do that" and loads of other drivel about how Big Brother M$ is looking out for me by...
  19. T

    Windows 7 Folder Permissions - Unable to Revert Back

    Hi All, I am in a problem here. A day before yesterday, I was messing up with folder permissions and unfortunately I messed up pretty badly. The problem is I changed the folder permissions of C:\Program Files and C:\Program Files (x86) to Deny for all users. These included Authenticated Users...
  20. L

    Windows 7 Batch File that denies access to a folder

    Hi guys I know I am a newbie here but I am no newbie to tech. However there is a problem I have been having recently and I can't seem to beat it lol and it's irritating me! So I was wondering if you could help me solve my dilema. See I use a batch file on my USB that protects it (From...