forum issues

  1. ussnorway

    COMEDY A tail of humorous

    I was trying to post here yesterday when the forum glitzed and wouldn’t take the post, so I shut down firefox and tried iexplorer… same issue. Then I looked at my system and noticed I had “No networks detected”… ok that can’t be right so I shut the laptop down and opened it back up on the 8.1...
  2. davidhk129

    Windows 7 "x" out does not sign me out anymore.

    Win 7 SP1, IE10. In the past, if I hit the red "x" to get out from this forum, I would get signed out automatically. I did not have to do so manually. Since today, Feb15th , it is not longer true. I have to manually sign out. This happens to all the forums I have registered with. Is my IE 10...
  3. Gaby Martin


  4. P

    Windows 7 Why is there no "new post" button for me in subscribed "Google Groups" group?

    ignore ignore this post
  5. MikeHawthorne

    Windows 8 Why can't I get my profile picture to show?

    Hi I've been trying to get my profile picture to show. It's the same one that I use on the Windows 7 forum. If I look in settings I can see it in the Edit Profile Picture window. But it doesn't show up in the forum. Another question, does the profile picture option support animated...
  6. Andrea Borman

    Seven Forums

    If you are talking about Seven Forums. Well it is not just me that has been barred from there for no reason. I saw when I went on the site that Elmer and Dr Who who also is known as Old Timer on Windows 7 forums also got banned from Seven Forums.And they are both model members and have never...
  7. davehc

    Windows 7 forums.

    I thought this might be the best place for this? Since yesterday, whenever I attempt to access the Windows 7 site, i have been getting an access denied message. In anticpation of suggestions, this is ONLY on that site, of the many I have tried. "403 Forbidden Access to this resource on the...
  8. MikeHawthorne

    This is about the forum not Windows....

    Hi everyone! I keep having problems with this forum. If I insert a link and then try and type after it on the next line, it keeps trying to mark every thing I type as a link, blue type underlined. Some times it just the first letter, and I have to type... MMike and then delete the first M...
  9. MikeHawthorne

    Searching for an old thread?

    Hi Not too long ago I posted about an Icon Creation program in the discussion forum that was really easy and fun to use, and it was free! I'm trying to find that post but when I go to my profile and try to find posts I've started I get a new page with this message. no such filter attribute...
  10. MikeHawthorne

    Mike, Can't post on Windows 8 Forum, need help?

    Hi I've been trying all day to post on the Windows 8 forum. I can log in to the forum OK, but when I try and post I get the you have to activate message. When I tell it to send my an Activation Message I don't receive one. I've tried a number of times and waited but no message. My log in and...
  11. MikeHawthorne

    Windows 7 A couple of issues with this forum?

    Hi I'm often having problems if I try and type anything after I post a link. No matter wheat I do it wants to pick up the format from the line above and put the type in blue with an underline. Sometimes just the first letter, and sometimes the whole line. Also I posted yesterday on topic...
  12. L

    Windows 7 Attaching Zip Files

    SOLVED, SEE LAST POST. I am having problems attaching zip files to a forum. My process is to go to the files location right click on it select send to >compressed zip folder> I get a pop up that says windows can not make a zip folder here, would you like for it to go to the desktop? I click yes...
  13. alfred01

    Visitor Message Problem

    I am currently having problems with deleting vistor messages. I have done a search and checked tutorials but could not find any similar problems, except mine. Could someone tell me how to report this problem and to whom? Or point me in the right direction to find the answer? Thanks, David
  14. Super Sarge

    Windows 7 Spam

    I need a moderator, I got a private e-mail message on this fourm in private message box, from a James Cutter saying I was sending spam from my computer and it redirected me to a site. I deleted the e-mail as I do not go to sites that ask to go them so my machine can be scanned. I just thought I...
  15. NikoLama

    Windows 7 Kan ikke aktivere Windows 7 (Pro OEM software)

    Jeg har da Millard Problemer med min computer efter at være skiftet fra windows xp til windows 7. * Manglede skriveadgang til config.msi * postgres og pctools der ikke længere kan sammen * iTunes der ikke virker og ikke kan geninstalleres * Dele af tekst der lige pludselig forsvinder -...
  16. R

    Windows 7 I can't see this forum/thread updating....

    since I've installed windows 7 ultimate I CAN'T SEE A NEW THREAD! when you make a new thread,,,or bump one... it goes to the top well... I can't see no new threads.. I can't even find the one I created before this one... btu I see it on the front page on the right panel side,, its crazy & I...