
  1. J

    Windows 7 Can access but can't edit shared folders on other Win7 computer-help!

    I have set all groups, users, etc. will all allow permissions. I have 2 computers - one laptop one desktop using windows 7. Laptop has Home Premium and desktop has Ultimate. I can access and alter/edit files when I am on the desktop and accessing the laptop. I can access but cannot...
  2. J

    Windows 7 Can't network old Mac (OS 10.3.9) and new PC with Windows 7 Home Premium

    Help ! I have an old iBook wired to a router and a new PC linking wirelessly to same router. On the Mac I have 'seen' the PC but not been able to connect to it. On the PC, the Network and Sharing Centre lists 'IBOOK'. When I click on this, 'Windows Security' asks me to 'Enter Network...
  3. S

    Windows 7 Problems with with Home Group Visibility

    I recently purchased a Dell PC and a Dell Laptop both running Windows 7 Software. After carefully constructing the HomeGroup the Laptop is still unable to communicate with the PC although it can see the folders. I have checked the permissions etc and all is the same on both the PC and Laptop...
  4. B

    Windows 7 Printer Problem on Home Network - Not Printing from One Computer

    Hi all, I'm going to do my best to describe what's wrong here - I usually find myself a competent computer user but this problem has me completely stumped and I'm hoping someone can help! Background info: I have a desktop computer and a laptop at home. The desktop is connected via CAT5...
  5. S

    Windows 7 How to Set Up a Two-Player Chess Game Between Two PCs in the Same Homegroup

    Is it possible to play a 2 player game of chess vis 2 pc's connected to the same homegroup? If so, can someone guide me through it, I hav e both pc's connected but cant figure out the rest. Thanks
  6. P

    Windows 7 Sharing standard Folder with HomeGroup

    Here's the scenario: I have two PC's with Windows 7. They're both members of the same HomeGroup. They can see and access each others libraries through HomeGroup sharing. All that is fine, but there something specific I want to achieve. I want to share a standard folder to my HomeGroup. Now...
  7. J

    Windows 7 Linking iPad to Windows 7 home network

    I have an iPad with WIFI that I want to use on my Windows 7 home network. When I try to log on, I am asked for a password. My home group password does not work. Is there another password? How do I find it?
  8. P

    Windows 7 unusal network map/bandwidth issues

    I have 2 W7 PC's; the good one and the bad one! Let me say at the outset that on both my bios & all my drivers are up to date! I have yet to establish a cause but the bad W7 crashes around start up 3 times per week on average. I suspect that 1 of the two 500Gb RAID discs is the culprit and...
  9. yoshirocks

    Windows 7 Homegroup issue

    I started a homegroup so my mom, my brother, and I could share files without always having to use CDs. My computer will share files just fine, but theirs won't. When they are in the homegroup, they still can't share files on it. Please help.
  10. D

    Windows 7 Wireless/Wired computer network issue & OneNote sync corruption :(

    Hi guys, Id be so thankful if anyone can help me with this issue because I am stumped. From my ISP I have a Netgear DG834GUv5 DSL Wifi router connecting: My desktop (wired) Win7 32 My lappy (wireless) Win7 64 My housemates 2 mac lappys (wireless) My laptop and desktop are connected via...
  11. S

    Windows 7 Unidentifiable Network

    Hello Everyone - I recently created a homegroup with my new MAC laptop, and now I am getting the "Unidentifiable Network" error every day multiple times a day. It is driving me NUTS. I keep having to disconnect my router / cable modem to remove that message and have internet access. My...
  12. T

    Windows 7 Homegroup connection wizard hangs while trying to share libraries

    This issue seems a little weird. I have a desktop and a laptop at home running windows 7. They can both see each other, and share files freely, over the network. When I start a homegroup on the desktop, the wizard stops at the Caution symbol screen where it declares it's "currently sharing...
  13. S

    Windows Vista Can't Connect to Any Network Shares from Vista Home Premium Laptop

    Hi, I have a Dell Core2Duo laptop with Vista Home Premium 64 with SP2. It's connected to my network wirelessly however I've tried it wired too but that made no difference. On the network are a number of devices; 2 windows 7 Home Premium 64 machines and a brand new netgear ReadyNas Duo, all...
  14. O

    Windows 7 Networking Issue

    All, Not really happy with W7 security because you can not see computers that are not in your homegroup. I have several laptops that must connect into 3 seperate LAN groups and each have different Domain/Workgroup names. How do I do this is W7? This was easy in XP (our corp standard)...
  15. S

    Windows 7 Icons on desktop that dont offer a delete on right click

    I have two icons on my desktop that don't just seem to be just Icons. Not sure how they got there!! I must have done something! One is Libraries and the other is Homegroup. I don't want a Libraries icon on desktop and I don't want to set up a Homegroup at all. Neither of these offer a 'delete'...
  16. D

    Windows 7 Help! My network is disappearing!

    Can anyone help?! I set up a network with five computers, all wired through an ethernet router, with a homegroup. It was great! All the computers could have access to each others desktop, which is what we wanted. When we came back from the weekend, one computer could no longer see the others...
  17. abivens

    Windows 7 Internet won't work on desktop computer

    Here is the rundown of the situation: Bought a new HP desktop computer just a few months ago, Geek Squad did their "thing" to it, including installing Webroot Antivirus. About a month ago, contracted a virus --- it was caught by my antivirus, but could not be removed. It prevented my computer...
  18. K

    Windows 7 Home group setup a vivcious cycle

    I am trying to set up home group and switched the password to something easier to remember. This has now set up a cycle where I type the new password in the other computer in the change homegroup setting page and the Join now dialogue box is removed , however the join now dialogue box reappers...
  19. G

    Windows 7 How to set up Win7 Network of 6 computers

    Hello all, Please help a newbie here. Really was wasting last 2 days trying to set up network and couldn't figure out how. First let me describe how actually the physical network is set up. There are 6 computers all having Windows 7 installed on them. One of the computers is connected to...
  20. D

    Windows 7 Problems with Homegroup - I added a switch, now not working

    I added a switch to my network because I needed more ports for my DirecTV receivers. Turns out the receivers don't play nice with the switch so I cannot port them to it. I have to port my desktop running windows 7 to the switch. Now I'm finding out that Homegroup isn't working well with the...