
  1. KrashDozer

    Windows 7 PFN_LIST_CORRUPT ntoskrnl.exe

    Ok, I dont usually complain about windows, but I have been having issues with BSODs. Now I have formatted, ran memtest, windows memory diagnostics, and numerous other things. But all of the test came back good. I did a chkdisk /f and scan disk, All good. I dont get it before I formatted the BSOD...
  2. S

    Windows 7 [BSOD] ntoskrnl.exe POOL_CORRUPTION_IN_FILE_AREA

    I've been getting BSOD's with the POOL_CORRUPTION_IN_FILE_AREA reason and once or twice MEMORY_MANAGEMENT. I ran memtest86+ and no errors were reported. BlueScreenView shows that it's ntoskrnl.exe causing the crashes. The crashes recently have been happening quicker (1-2 hours) with uTorrent...
  3. J

    Windows 7 Frequent BSODs

    I've been getting these BSODs for the last few days. At first I was getting different error messages, some of them were MEMORY_MANAGEMENT and FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA. After uninstalling a few programs I suspected, I've been getting the IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR EQUAL BSOD. Here are all files you might...
  4. O

    Windows 7 Random BSOD MEMORY MANAGEMENT 0x0000001a and others

    Hi, I build this system in October and since then I've had this BSOD MEMORY_MANAGEMENT 0x0000001a Caused by driver: ntoskrnl.exe Please someone help me. I already try checking the ram sticks for errors and there is nothing. Here are all the dumps: Link Removed - Invalid URL...
  5. Kilab

    Windows 7 BSOD driving me mad

    Hi there guys, I am having some annoying BSOD problems that I was hoping to get a little help with.Seems to happen randomly and looking at Blue screen viewer it seems to be mainly System_Service_Exception 0x0000003b /0x1000007e or Memory_Management. So far I have -Re installed windows -7 64...
  6. L

    Windows 7 Blue Screen Issues - MEMORY_MANAGEMENT

    Hello all, Problem: I've been having a number of Blue Screens lately with the MEMORY_MANAGEMENT error. The only consistent thing that I can say about them is that they never occur while the system is idle. Also, different boots appear to be "stable" or "unstable". An unstable boot will have a...
  7. P

    Windows 7 Blue screen error.

    Occasionally i get the dreaded blue screen when usung Vista Ultimate 64bit This can happen at any time and not during running anything specific. The message is MEMORY_MANAGEMENT. My system specs are as follows as someone may know the cure!!! Windows Vista Ultimate 64bit with SP1 Gigabyte...
  8. Z

    Windows 7 Bluescreens

    I built my Computer about 1 year ago and in the beginning i had no problems with it, after about 1 or 2 months i started to get bluescreens. In the beginning a few a week so i kept ignoring them, a month later i got around 5 - 10 bluescreens every day... Enoying Error msg was...
  9. M


    Hello,Please help me. ever since I tried plugging in an asus microphone, I started getting random errors first when I tried starting up vista normally it said something about not being able to find kernel32.dll then restarted and gave a MEMORY_MANAGEMENT BSOD(this one is the most common)...
  10. X

    Windows 7 Anoying Blue Screens- really grateful for help :D

    Hey! Ok so i'm not great when it comes to IT, i aplogise now for lack of knowledge or not giving enough information! Heres the deal, my laptop keeps coming up with blue screen, all the time. I find it is only happening when i'm on the internet, which is wireless. When i was at Uni i had to...