
  1. N

    Windows 7 Windows an't load PROSet NIC driver, code 31, after "gray screen of death"?

    I've never heard of a "gray screen of death" either, but that's certainly what it looked like! I'm working on a clean install of 64-bit Windows 7 Pro SP1U, and I'm mostly finished installing my apps. The major problem symptom is that all of a sudden, my Intel PROSet Ethernet Connection (2)...
  2. Violet5100

    Windows 7 Windows 7 home premium Bsod. Ntoskrnl.exe + dxgmms1.sys

    Hello, I'm having a bsod issue with my PC that has been bugging me for a long while now. Apparently Ntoskrnl.exe continues to appear in all of my Bsod mini-dumps and is almost always paired with another exe or system file. This particular pair has shown up several times, And seems to happen...
  3. ShawnDiggins

    Windows 7 I have been getting blue screens A Lot

    Please help with my blue screens, I have 4 mini-dump files, It seems when I restart my computer the blue screens happen frequently.
  4. Z

    Windows 7 BAD_POOL_ERROR (0x19) - Please help First bsod

    So today i got my first BSOD on my new computer. i am used to macs and now switching to pc because of gaming and youtube related stuff but i was just wondering how to fix this. i saw that it could be caused by drivers. I have not tried anything yet because this is my first. so i am not very...
  5. M

    Windows 7 [BSOD] BSOD after re-installing OS

    Hello and thank you for viewing my first post on windows7forums. I came across here previously but never signed up until because I have just given up all hope on trying to fix my BSOD(s) that i've been experiencing and figured someone here would hopefully help me out. I just recently...
  6. ttangb

    Windows 7 BSoD Issues - My battle with BattleField 3 (BF3)

    Thanks for your help in advance. I seriously need some experts' help on some BSOD and also game crashing issue. The Issues: I bought a new computer mainly to play BF3, but I keep on having error (like random crashing and BSOD issues) for like 3 months. My game crashes every day, if I am lucky...
  7. P

    Windows 7 BSOD problem

    It's been happening more and more lately. I've attached the Mini-dump file.
  8. D

    Windows 7 BSOD DRIVER_POWER_STATE_FAILURE ntoskrnl.exe +70740

    Help! Keep getting this BSOD at reandom times. The mini-dump is attached and CPU-Z snaps are pasted below Thanks! Link RemovedLink Removed Link Removed
  9. M

    Windows 7 Blue Screen of Death Cannot Reboot..

    On Friday, my PC crashed and restarted with blue screen of death. Yesterday I was able to booted it once in Safe Mode. Since then I cannot boot (constantly crashes and restarts). Tried anything and everything I can think of without any success. I run Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit OS ON Dell...
  10. vicn

    Windows 7 Win7 keeps crashing with a blue screen

    My computer keeps crashing with a blue screen. It is running Win7 Pro 64-bit upgraded from Visita. Attached is the mini-dump. Does it tell what is causing the crash? Thanks.
  11. T

    Windows 7 BSOD error after sleep mode

    Windows 7 64bit build 7057 System has been setup for about 4 months now with no problems and there have been no hardware changes. A couple weeks ago I started seeing the BSOD errors when the machine came out of sleep mode, maybe once every few days, now it happens every time the machine goes...