
  1. whoosh

    VIDEO Dear Forum Spammers...

    Daily we do that 🥾
  2. Mike

    May 2015 Website Updates and Changes

    Good news to report! For May 7, 2015 Today we have updated the forum software to the latest version. This fixes some small bugs and performance issues. We are talking about removing the Profile Posts from the front page and will be discussing this. PHP upgraded to 5.5.24 Main server was...
  3. davidhk129

    Windows 10 A perplerxing as well as irritating observation

    I came across this incidence in another Forum site. An OP asked about Win 10 TP Windows Automatic Updates. He asked if he could make it Manual. I posted an answer of using registry editor. I also mentioned that it could be done using gpeditor as well. Then an moderator came along and copy/pasted...
  4. davidhk129

    How to stop spam

    I have been spotting spams very regularly. One fact to be certain is ....... the spam post is also always the first post by the "new" member/spammer. In some forums, the FIRST post of a new member does not get posted automatically until it is "approved" by moderation. This definitely will stop...
  5. davidhk129

    RE : Profile post

    Whatever the Profile Post is meant to be, it seems to have been misused. Spammers had been using it to post spams, and now new members are using it to post computer questions. Perhaps, management will consider adding a line at the profile box to explain to new members what it is NOT meant for?
  6. davidhk129

    Spammers in Profile section

    I spot one a while ago, here is another one.....
  7. davidhk129

    Att Admin

    We all know that Pay4key website is not allowed to be posted in these forums. I reported it several times and the threads were subsequently removed. Now there is a "new" member posting the link in his/her "profile". Perhaps the admins or mods will remove that also ?
  8. kemical

    Reporting Posts feedback

    Thank You First of all a big thank you to all those users who take the time to report unwanted posts like spam for example. Most of the time we manage to catch many of these posts but as it's an international forum many of us are from differing countries with different time zones so some errant...
  9. davidhk129

    A matter I would like to bring forth.......

    I am having an issue on Tutorial forum. In most forums, Tutorial section is reserved for well known selected few with the credentials to indicate their expertise. Other members will not have the privilege to post there. Tutorial section, therefore, enjoys well deserved prestige and...
  10. Mike

    April 2014 Website Changes and Updates

    We are pleased to announce additional updates to the website this month: April 8, 2014: PHP Version 5.5.11 April 8, 2014: Forum software update (stability/maintenance release) Our forum software has been updated today with an improved stability and maintenance release: Added tool to test...
  11. Ralph Bromley

    Boycott Firefox

    I know this may a sort of political post here and I know such discussions are discouraged but hear me out. Recently Mozilla has gotten a new CEO that is against gay rights and as an advocate for gay rights this is not acceptable. In protest I removed all mozilla products on my computer as it has...
  12. Mike

    March 2014 Website Changes and Updates

    Good news, everyone! We continue to work on our support community here at Please expect more updates in the coming month. March 5, 2014: Forum software was updated. March 5, 2014: Special thanks to @Pauli for his generous donation to help continue website operations. March...
  13. davidhk129

    Password cracking post

    May I ask the mods or the admins to delete this thread. Link Removed The entire thread is a spam, posting password cracking software. Thank you.
  14. Mike

    Team Staff Updates

    If you have been here for awhile, you will notice that the format of the site has changed. So has its make up. Our current team staff consists of: @Mike @nmsuk @kemical @Josephur @bassfisher6522 @patcooke @Captain Jack @Mitchell_A The following team members have been removed from moderator or...
  15. Mike

    2013-07-25 Maintenance Notice

    Please be advised that extensive maintenance took place tonight. If you had an account whereas you had never posted before, and it was over 30 days old, you have been deleted as a zero poster! You can always create a new account. Members with at least one post will never be deleted. Many soft...
  16. Mike

    Facilitating Free Discussion – The Balancing Act

    The goal at is facilitate an open, unbiased community of technology enthusiasts. That is a careful balancing act, and a nice term for saying that even if you disagree with something related to Microsoft Windows, we are not going to kick you to the curb. We have discussed this...
  17. Andrea Borman

    Seven Forums

    If you are talking about Seven Forums. Well it is not just me that has been barred from there for no reason. I saw when I went on the site that Elmer and Dr Who who also is known as Old Timer on Windows 7 forums also got banned from Seven Forums.And they are both model members and have never...
  18. Mike

    Inactive Accounts Removed

    Inactive Accounts Purged Please note: If you have made even one post on the website, you need not read ahead. Hi! We have recently removed forum accounts that did not have any posts. If you had recently registered, but did not post a message on the forums themselves and cannot access your...
  19. C

    Need to Know

    I would loke to know if I have the audasicity to question why a thread was closed, will I be banned for life? I was a member of another Vist, Win7, Win8 forum. As such I started a thread asking where or if possible to obtain a download or install cd of Windows XP Media Center 2005 retail. The...
  20. Mike

    Welcome zigzag3143, Sonny, nmsuk, and Elmer!

    Please give a warm welcome to the new members of the Windows 7 Forums Team. These four individuals have volunteered their time to assist the website during this great time of change and transition. We are happy to have them aboard. Over the next coming weeks, their performance will be evaluated...