performance monitor

  1. Announcing Windows Admin Center Preview 1910.2

    Hello Windows Insiders! Thank you for continuing to follow Windows Admin Center as it grows and develops! This release contains updates to the platform’s accessibility and numerous bug fixes. In addition, we’ve evaluated user feedback and have implemented some highly requested features. What’s...
  2. CPU usage exceeds 100% in Task Manager and Performance Monitor if Intel Turbo Boost is active

    Continue reading...
  3. Windows 8 Windows 8 Health report tool

    Windows 8 was the last Microsoft operating system to fully support the un-popular performance monitor so I'd like to show you one of the hidden advantages of staying with eight instead of up-grading to 8.1.1 1. Starting from the desk top press [windows key] + [x] then press [p] to open the...
  4. S

    Windows Vista Please help!! Hard drive pegging at 100%, tried all I can think of

    Hi all, Hopefully you all can help me, as I've tried everything I can think of and my C: drive is running at 100% for the first 10 minutes after boot,, then sometimes goes back to 0 and is completely unresponsive or very slow. I've downloaded multuple virus scanners, malaware, spyware, and...
  5. Windows 7 Device Manager doesn't Run

    Thought I'd try to get some insight here -before- I drive myself nuts and spend hours troubleshooting why I can't get the device manager to start. I even went to the system32 folder and tried to run it from there. Also from the start menu, services, performance monitor, computer management...
  6. Windows 7 System Interrupts And DPCs

    I've tracked a problem that only began since a recent clean install of the OS, in which the mouse cursor intermittently becomes erratic. When this does happen, the CPU becomes abnormally active, with spikes to about 30%, with the last 3 cores out of 6 going as high as 75-80%. The Performance...
  7. M

    Windows 7 Win7 x64 crashing, no bsod or memory dump written

    I have a Win7 install - clean install, about 6-7 months old. Only being used for work purposes (web development) no gaming anything like that. Randomly as far as i can tell, my computer crashes. There's no bluescreen, no error log. The only thing to indicate something happened is that fact that...
  8. Windows 7 Error was detected on device \ Device\HarddiscO\DRO during a paging operation.

    I had a BSOD pop up, the first on this machine, which indicated this error. I rebooted, and everything runs fine, until I tried to run Skyrim. The game froze during the loading screen, and after a hard re-start, I checked the Event Viewer. There were 1500+ items describing that same error, and...
  9. C

    Windows 7 Strange error messages, please help.

    Hello, first post here. I've had this PC for quite awhile with NO problems but today, more specifically tonight, something weird started happening with it. I went to play The Sims 3 and I got the message "The Sims 3 laucher has stopped working, search for a soultion" but nothing ever happens...
  10. R

    Windows 7 Services fail to start, no internet or usb

    Hi. I have a Gateway T-6836, updated to Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit a few months ago from Windows Vista Home Premium 64-bit. I've had it for about 2 years, After 1 year a virus killed it, and I reformatted it. Now, a few months ago, unknowingly, my flash drive contracted a virus from my school's...
  11. D

    Windows 7 Once a week my new pc freezes and the mouse pointer disappears

    I have Acer i3 laptop which every now and then just freezes and the mouse pointer goes off screen. It can happen with no apps being open - but usually when IE8 is running. Everything freezes. CTRL ALT DEL does nothing. If I Click Start and type "perfmon /report" and press enter..I get No...
  12. S

    Windows 7 WIn 7 only using 1 core in i7 cpu's - a fix for those with this problem

    For the longest time i have been battling a horrible slownes in my win 7 64 bit system. Asus p6t MB i7 -930 2.81 gig overclocked to 3.85 gigs 6 gigs ddr Pny Nvidia gtx 470 over clocked as well. All my games played horribly.. low frame rates etc etc. well when over clocking my grafics...
  13. F

    Windows 7 Issue with generating system health report

    When I run system health report, it runs, says generating report and then asks me if i want to open or save this file: report.html. If I click on open, a blank page opens in Internet Explorer 8 saying navigation cancelled. The system health report program continues to display generating...
  14. F

    Windows 7 Windows 7 BSOD with some info..

    While gaming today, I got a blue screen of death.(mass effect 2, by the way) Well, it actually crashed the game for a moment, and windows told me there was a problem with game. this isn't unheard of for a game to have a problem, so i checked temps on computer just verifying this new game wasn't...
  15. Windows 7 Disk Thrashing - disable ReadyBoot (not ReadyBoost)

    Hello, I am trying to figure out how to permanently disable the "ReadyBoot" feature in Windows 7 x64 (note: I am not talking about ReadyBoost, that's something else!) I've checked out some guides that I found online, such as Link Removed or Link Removed - Invalid URL. But even though they...
  16. E

    Windows 7 Disks disappeared in Performance Monitor.

    [solved]Disks disappeared in Performance Monitor. Solution Formatted and reinstalled! New Screenshot of what it is suppose to be and is. :confused: I dunno what i did but something has happened, prior i s able to view disk usage on all my hdd's including my usb ready boost sticks but they R all...
  17. G

    Windows 7 Where is Software Explorer?

    Sorry if someone has already asked this - can't believe no-one has! - but I've searched the forums and can't find anything... Where is the Software Explorer tool from Windows Defender? Particularly the tool to manage Startup programs? I agree in Vista it was awkwardly positioned since you...
  18. H

    Windows 7 A Chain of Weird Problems (Including BSOD)!

    I will be the first to admit that I am not great at computers, but I know enough to know that something isn't right with mine. 3 days ago, I began to use my new Dell Inspiron 1420 laptop, which I recieved over the holidays. I haven't downloaded anything that I can think of, except Avast (virus...