pop up

  1. C

    Windows 10 Please help me with this problem |Punisher Pop UP

    Hello friends, First time I want to apologize because I an newbie and did not searched through subjects here but I am a bit desperate because I can't solve this for days. I bought a software and wanted to open it. I will attach the errors I am facing and I want to mention that I had Windows 11...
  2. E

    Windows 10 This application couldn't be started error pop up!

    Hey guys, I'm new here. Pls, I need serious help with my pc. since last yr av been having this windows error on my pc each time i plug in my charger on my laptop. The error keeps popping up countless times, disrupting whatever I'm doing at that particular time. It all started when I copied all...
  3. M

    Windows 10 USB stick window keeps popping up

    Hello all I keep my work files on a USB stick that is attached to my laptop. Several times a day a window pops up, showing me the content of the drive, as i had just connected it. Why is this happening? It's a new laptop. Yes, i could turn off autoplay to "not do anything" when a pendrive is...
  4. Sahil

    Windows 7 How to minimize the pop up while saving a file .

    Hi All , We were able to do minimize the pop up while saving a file successfully on our local machines which are Windows 8 and above, by going to task manager and locating the application and right clicking and then choosing "minimize". however when we are trying to do the same in windows 7...
  5. S

    Windows 7 Having Trouble With Internet.

    Hi, I'm Having trouble with my DNS or internet Weeks ago, And i'm so Pissed Having This Pop up Almost I wanna Smash my Montior And kicks the CPU :mad::mad::mad:. [/IMG] Here's the problem! -http://imgur.com/Wv3qqK0 -http://imgur.com/gOmeQ2N If Anyone knows the problem cover me up and if...
  6. goldencore

    Windows 8 Windows 8.1 Question

    I opened my Event Log after that i got a NET Framework unhandled exception and a new pop up (Windows Management Console) came and said "Waiting for all snap-ins to complete" and i can't minimize it so i restarted my computer and i am worried if there will be any damage on my laptop. thanks :)
  7. B

    Windows 8 Restore PC to last known point.

    I have an MSi Ge70 0ND UK. This is a gaming laptop and therefore has a Turbo boost that activates when I open a game - it clocks the processor up to 2.4 Ghz I believe. The problem I have here that Windows 8.1 completely breaks this and if I launch a game for example Minecraft, it runs at 30...
  8. L

    Windows 7 Error message

    I keep getting this box pop up when ever i try to open up word 2007 and when i try to download some programs from the net. Can you help me fix it? I've tried system restore but it didn't work. Link Removed
  9. B

    Windows 8 pop up ads:Windows 8

    How can I stop the pop up ads on windows 8?
  10. L

    Is there a way to disable the caps lock pop up on samsung series 9?

    sorry. posted in wrong place
  11. Jimbo22

    Windows 8 messenger

    Well I've been using both messenger and Skype on my laptop. I haven't updated messenger on my laptop for a long while now. Today I start up my laptop and I see messenger wants to automatically start. So I figure I'll wait till its done starting up and change that in the preferences, no big...
  12. W

    Windows 7 Reminder App.not working

    I have a home built system Windows 7 64 bit. When the system is booted I get a little pop up box saying Reminder App has stopped working. After a second it goes away. It also pops up when Scrap Book Factory is opened. I have tried to find a way to stop it. Help please.
  13. 1

    Windows 7 [langtitle=da]Autoafspilning disable på bestemte enheder[/langtitle]

    Jeg har 4 externe HD, som hver gang jeg starter min computer laver en pop up, med teksten "Automatisk afspilning". Funktionen er meget anvendelig, når jeg sætter en USB stick i en af mine USB porte, men det er ret irriterende med disse 4 HD som altid er tilkoblet og altid sidder i den samme port...
  14. N

    Windows 7 ATI catalyst manager

    I have a laptop DELL with Radeon HD 4330, after downloading and installing ati catalyst manager at the very end of installation a pop up message "No AMD device driver installed" then going to the device manager radeon 4330 changes to radeon 4300. the screen resolution became 800x600 pixel...
  15. S

    Windows 7 Help Windows for applications popping up.

    Hi, I am experiencing a strange problem with my Windows 7 for last 2-3 weeks. When I use any application, suddenly Help Windows for application will pop up and it will not go away. If I try to close it, it opens again. This problem is spread across applications. Help Windows come up for SQL...
  16. V

    Windows 7 Inactive windows pop up over active window help please

    I have both a windows vista and win 7 laptop while using the computer if more then one window is open the inactive windows will pop up over the foreground window maybe part of a new windows feature..??? I dont think its a malware issue its present on both laptops one being brand new it makes...
  17. A

    Windows 7 You are not logged on as an administrator Pop Up (but I am)

    Hello all, I am dealing with more of an annoyance than a serious problem. When I start up I recv. a msg stating that I am not logged on as an administrator. I then have to switch users at the start menu and then no more pop up and I do have administrative capabilities.I am not that computer...
  18. B

    Windows 7 Extra Software

    So I Had to reinstall win7(64 bit home prem) because of a defective hard drive. So I Reinstalled and I don't have the Extra Software, Inspiron specific maybe? I.E CAps Lock notification, Audio Pop up thingy, For the F-Keys. O and I can't use the trackpad scroll.
  19. R

    Windows 7 "Preparing to install" message pop up when I click on Internet explorer

    The machine-default permission settings do not grant Local Activation permission for the COM Server application with CLSID __{000C101C-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Hello, everytime I try to sign in on my credit card page on IE and I enter my log in details a little message pop up for 1...
  20. J

    Windows 7 File issue pop up on start up

    When I start up my computer and log in I get a windows pop up that asks to choose what program to open a file with, the file is called "James" (My name). The file type is "File". This just started this week, I haven't chosen a program to open it with, as I do not want to cause a serious issue...