
  1. Pauli

    VIDEO Security breach stopped

    Many think that Sherlock Holmes is the best detective ever introduced, and many think James Bond is the best secret agent introduced, but woe to you, the smartest is the smart one, Maxwell Smart, code name Agent 86 in the secret service called Control. In constant fight against Chaos he has...
  2. davidhk129

    How to stop spam

    I have been spotting spams very regularly. One fact to be certain is ....... the spam post is also always the first post by the "new" member/spammer. In some forums, the FIRST post of a new member does not get posted automatically until it is "approved" by moderation. This definitely will stop...
  3. kemical

    WindowsForum Security breach

    Unfortunately suffered an extreme spam event at the weekend. The spammer initially struck Friday by managing to create a large number of false accounts. These accounts went unnoticed until Sunday by which time every account had profile posts showing. As soon as they were...
  4. davidhk129

    RE : Profile post

    Whatever the Profile Post is meant to be, it seems to have been misused. Spammers had been using it to post spams, and now new members are using it to post computer questions. Perhaps, management will consider adding a line at the profile box to explain to new members what it is NOT meant for?
  5. Astrix

    Huge security breach by russian hackers make me think this is a phishing scam, is it from Windows F?

    Last week it was on a few news sites and I saw it on CCN that russians hacked many big sites, but none where named, Apparently there were major companies hit. I have in the last few weeks had a big increase on numerous of my emails getting spammed so I can see a few must of got hit. I got an...
  6. agha rehan abbas

    Windows 7 how can i avoid online advertisements while using chrome

    i have recently switched from ubuntu to windows and i am severely suffering from the huge amounts of spam advertisements which i get while operating chrome is there a way to disable these advertisements
  7. kemical

    Reporting Posts feedback

    Thank You First of all a big thank you to all those users who take the time to report unwanted posts like spam for example. Most of the time we manage to catch many of these posts but as it's an international forum many of us are from differing countries with different time zones so some errant...
  8. kemical

    Windows 7 Buying Microsoft keys on-line

    Recently there has been some debate on the legality on the buying and selling of Microsoft activation key's. Luckily for us Microsoft are quite clear about this: Ref: Link Removed Users may have bought keys that work but basically they are not legal. Any threads or posts relating to the...
  9. davidhk129


    Admins or Mods, Please have a look at this thread. To me they are spammers.
  10. davidhk129

    Password cracking post

    May I ask the mods or the admins to delete this thread. Link Removed The entire thread is a spam, posting password cracking software. Thank you.
  11. G

    Windows 7 Need to Import Emails from Outlook for Mac

    I am in need of a solution that will allow me to import emails from outlook 2011 for mac to outlook 2010 for winodws. I need to import all the email files along with the folders, for e.g.- inbox, outbox, spam etc. Thank you
  12. Z

    Windows 7 IE9 Problems

    Why do some sites load another page behind the page I'm reading?When I clse the page another site is running spam behind the page I was on, how do I stop this.
  13. P

    Windows 7 link back or backlink

    Hello I wish i could be more specific but I am getting notifications in my inbox (Hotmail)that Win 7 has a message for me. However, it has nothing to do with me and says it is a link back or back link. Do you know how I can rectify this? Thank you Peter
  14. C

    Windows 7 Can't send email messages using Windows Live Mail - Server Response: 550 5.7.1 550 Viagra SPAM

    An unknown error has occurred. Subject 'Re: Hi' Server Error: 550 Server Response: 550 5.7.1 550 Viagra SPAM - Hi in Subject Server: '' Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x800CCC69 Protocol: SMTP Port: 25 Secure(SSL): No
  15. C

    Windows 7 windows installation records out of date???

    I got this email today and before I go ahead and do what is asked clicking on email links, I want to know why I would do this ever, and is this a hoax a virus or an invitation for SPAM? I have automatic windows 7 updates ON all the time and get frequent updates that have nothing to do with my...
  16. MikeHawthorne

    Windows 8 This may be why my Live Mail account got blocked!!!

    Hi I posted about my Live Mail account being blocked a few days ago. I had no idea why, they just said there was unusual activity, no specifics. Well I just got a strange e-mail. I received one about a week ago from a friend in Scotland just like this one. Link Removed Now tonight I...
  17. whoosh

    VIDEO Spam Busters !

  18. whoosh

    VIDEO You Got Spam - The Spam Song

  19. C

    Windows 7 Blocking mail in Windows Mail

    OK, We all know that there are spam filters that you can use, but there also used to be rules that you could set up to block certain people or domains or even words in an email that you could select to block unwanted mail in earlier versions of Windows. First you can supposedly block domains...
  20. P

    Windows 7 Mailer-Demon

    Somehow a website went out to my whole contact list and I did not send it. It said "mailer-demon", "failure to deliver". I checked for viruses and it was clean. I am getting emails from over 30 people on my contact list asking if I sent it. It was a clean website that was on the front page...