
  1. D

    Windows 7 Random BSOD, ntoskrnl.exe & ntkrnlmp.exe, during game

    Greetings, You're my last hope before formating my computer ! :tongue: I had some BSOD, since several months... It occurs during a game : Left 4 Dead 2 (Steam) In fact, I hear someone speaking with microphone and then... the sound bugs (like freezing loop), and blue screen coming, reboot...
  2. P

    Windows 7 Blue Screen and Steam

    I was starting a game in Steam earlier today and I got a BSOD it happened 2 times in the same spot. I am going to attach the mini dumps so hopefully someone can figure out what the problem is. Thank you.
  3. M

    Windows 7 Program stopped working

    Hey everyone, 9 months ago i bought a computer. it worked really well for 2 months but then something suddenly happend. Everytime i start a program that requires Internett like: Mozillafirefox ( browsers in general). steam, skype, call of duty or other games for that matter... It take so long...
  4. W

    Windows 7 DirectX Fatal Error

    Hello, before I start, I know this has been posted before I just can't find an answer that works!! I had the same problem yesterday, When I installed the game. My laptop wouldn't even switch on properly yesterday, That is now fixed and I'm still having game issues. I Installed steam then Just...
  5. W

    Windows 7 Windows wont open

    Hello, this is my 1st post and I'm pretty young so if I do something wrong, i'm sorry. Windows wont open, I will give you a guide to exactly what happened. I bought a game from "Just Cause 2". I needed to upload steam so i did. The game wouldn't work, I tried do UN-install it - steam...
  6. Highwayman

    VIDEO Team Fortress 2 - Now a free game on STEAM

    That's right as many STEAM users are logging in today they are being greeted with the message that TEAM FORTRESS 2 has been officially converte to a FREEPLAY game with microtransactions, so theres no excuse not to get it if you put off doing so. For the folks who don't know what STEAM is, it's...
  7. K

    Windows 7 Really weird internet connection

    Hi I'm having this really weird problem with my internet. I am currently on the internet at the moment but I can't connect to the internet using software or other programs IE or firefox works fine for browsing the net and youtube and watching videos work fine. However the problem is when i'm...
  8. G

    Windows 7 Fallout New Vegas Installation Fails

    Hello to all Fallout Fans and all gamers. I have just upgraded my Computer to WIN & Ultimate 64bit. Now the problem starts, I have Tried to (RE-INSTALL) my "LEGAL" copy of Fallout New Vegas that I have had since the day it was released here in Australia. I have played over 600hrs as I like to...
  9. L

    Windows 7 "The Windows Installer SErvice Could Not Be Accesed" Reinstallation or help?

    Lately, I have been getting this error. This is quite a pain when it comes to installing some things, like the newest version of iTunes, some games bought through Steam, etc. I also think it may be the reason why some updates aren't installing right away anymore. I also can't access things like...
  10. whoosh

    Fukushima's No. 1 reactor building radiation level rises

    TOKYO — The operator of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant said Saturday it has detected radiation of up to 4,000 millisieverts per hour at the building housing the troubled No. 1 reactor—the highest reading taken in the air inside the complex. Tokyo Electric Power Co also...
  11. reghakr

    VIDEO Capsized: a beautiful 2D side-scroller for the FPS crowd

    When you crash-land on an alien planet, you find yourself alone and in constant danger. Everything on this planet seems focused on killing you, but you have no choice but to explore and stay alive. Sounds a bit like Metroid, doesn't it? It's actually the premise behind a new indie PC game called...
  12. whoosh

    VIDEO Fukushima Daiichi ALL REACTORS STEAMING UPDATE May 12, 2011

  13. L

    Windows 7 Will Programs I Installed On Different Partitions Work Even After I Reinstall Windows 7

    Hi,The Title Might Seem A Bit Confusing,I Dint Know How To Come Up With A Title For My Question.I Did A Search On Google,Not Able To Find The Answer To My Question.So I Post Here And Im A New User.I Like To Play Games A Lot And Pretty Much I Have A Messed Up Operating System Installation.Windows...
  14. Mark McKeen

    Windows 7 Weird crash - Advanced User - Pulling my short and curlies out over this!

    Alright, I hate registering for forums to make a few short posts... but now that it's been a month since this crash started I can't do anything but ask for help. What I've done to fix the crash : Backed up files Formatted (full format) of all hard drives disk check of all hard...
  15. whoosh

    VIDEO fukushima: world's dirtiest hydrogen explosion

    No one likes an alarmist without cause, however, in this case, there appears to be ample cause for alarm. Study the close up views of the #3 reactor explosion and you will see that the blast was not the type of blast one would expect from a hydrogen explosion. The fireball seen in the corner of...
  16. whoosh

    VIDEO How to save the Companion Cube

  17. cybercore

    Windows 7 Tips and Tricks for Steam

    If you're a PC gamer, you probably use Steam. Maybe originally it was because Steam was the only way to get at juicy morsels like Half Life 2, but these days Valve's online marketplace is pretty much the best thing going, with a huge library of titles, hyper-competitive pricing, and a strong set...
  18. whoosh

    Will Japan face China Syndrome ?

    In addition to the damage caused by one of the biggest earthquakes in modern history, the nation of Japan and the rest of the world are praying that some of their nuclear reactors do not meltdown and cause a worldwide catastrophe. After yesterday's strong earthquake, electrical power was cut to...
  19. I

    Windows XP team fortress 2

    if i have 504MB of ram and have 23.0GB memory on my local disk(C:) will that be ok for me to get steam and team fortress 2 or get half life 2 deathmatch thank you to anyone who can give me the awnser
  20. P

    Windows 7 Crysis Wont Start

    I just recently installed Crysis and Crysis Warhead through Steam and although Crysis Warhead works beautifully Crysis will not even start. I try to start it and it says preparing to launch Crysis and then it never does. Does anybody know how to fix this?