
  1. T

    Windows 10 check if "trim" is enabled for SSD not working?

    User can check if the "trim" function for the SSD is currently enabled by entering the following command: fsutil behavior query DisableDeleteNotify If I enter this command in my Win10 then the following result is shown: C:\Users\pet>fsutil behavior query DisableDeleteNotify NTFS...
  2. F

    Windows XP Live CD Windows 7/8/10 to trim XP laptop's SSD ?

    Hi, (please no advice to dump xp etc, I'm aware of the issues, this is not my question...thanks.) So I'm wondering if it would be possible to benefit the trim ability of Windows 7/8/10, with a Live CD of one of those, on my windows XP SP3 laptop (using IDE mode, and NTFS file system) ? Some of...
  3. kemical

    SSD-Z Update

    A new app has appeared similar to CPU-Z and GPU-Z: ref and download: Here is a screen shot of my SSD:
  4. kemical

    Windows 8 SSD's, Windows 8 and 8.1

    I recently acquired a new SSD and found that the wealth of set up information out there can be at times confusing. Depending on what you read you'll be told to switch off this and turn off that. Luckily for us Windows 8 and 8.1 are SSD 'aware' and should change their settings automatically as...
  5. W

    Windows 7 Trim for SSD Question

    I have a new system with an SSD. I am running Windows 7 64 bit. Now my question is this. I know that 7 is supposed to handle Trim on the SSD when the system is idle. First of all will a screen saver be ok? Also how do I know Trim is in fact working?
  6. R

    Windows 7 Win 7, SSD and Partition

    Win 7 64gb SSD with 54.72 Primary Partition and 4.9 Recovery Partition. 28gb used. 26gb free. In order to take advantage of Garbage Collection and Trim do I need to create a separate partition for Garbage Collection or will the 26gb free space be used for trim and garbage...
  7. R

    Windows 7 Trim & Garbage Collection for 64gb M4 Crucial SSD

    I have trim enabled. Do I have to log off my computer periodically in order to make sure Garbage Collection does it's job?
  8. R

    Windows 7 Optimize Win 7 For Crucial M4 SSD

    Turn AHCI on Trim on: cmd/fsutil behavior query DisableDeleteNotify=0 System Restore to Off Drive Indexing-Explorer/right click SSD drive & select properties/Disable “Allow files on this drive, etc. Paging File=Right click computer/adv...
  9. News

    Windows 7 Defrag: SSD Questions, Tagging Files, Mirroring Drives, Hardware Hacks

    Microsoft tech troubleshooter extraordinaire Gov Maharaj and I help walk you through troubleshooting solutions to your tech support problems. If you have a problem you want to send us, you can use the Problem Step Recorder in Windows 7 (Link Removed for details on how) and send us the zip file...
  10. Mike

    Windows 7 Intermittent SSD Freezing on Newer Laptops

    With new laptops coming out at a deep discount, many savvy computer users may be interested in taking advantage of such offers and then upgrading their laptop with a 3rd party solid state drive. The most common updates appear to be made through Crucial, OCZ, and Intel, all of whom make decent...
  11. M

    Windows 7 New SSD. Existing Windows 7 x64 install on standard HDD. Want everything moved to SSD.

    I bought a smallish but low priced 64GB SSD on SATA II. I have already changed over to AHCI successfully and initiated the TRIM command. I have a 640GB HDD. I have brought used space to below 59 GB(actual capacity of SSD). However when using Driveclone I cannot copy because it does not have...
  12. Nibiru2012

    Windows 7 Mushkin Callisto 120GB SSD Review

    Back in early May of this year, Mushkin Enhanced released a new line of SSD named "Callisto" after one of Jupiter's moons, to go along with their earlier IO series. The following review is from May 24, 2010 Introduction: Mushkin has been a very well known and...
  13. W

    Windows 7 Run Trim Manually?

    In Windows 7 can Trim be run manually to optimize an SSD?
  14. loathe

    Windows 7 OCZ Vertex 1.4 FW

    OCZ has released two new firmwares for their Vertex/Vertex EX drives (does not include TURBO) 1.4 and 1.41. Heres what I've learnt so far: 1.4 has TRIM and will suit Win 7 and any OS with TRIM support. 1.41 has GC and will suit any OS with no TRIM support or raid arrays. You can only flash...