voice commands

  1. B

    Windows 7 Some Windows 7 add-ons for speech recognition

    Hi friends, I have Repetitive Strain Injury, so I use speech recognition a lot. I think the speech recognition in Windows 7 is great, although I miss some things in it. For those who also have RSI, or just want to use the voice, I found two add-ons that I think is pretty interesting. The first...
  2. Windows 7 Push to talk, with windows speech recongition?

    So, I use ventrilo to voice chat with friends online, however if I am using windows voice recognition I have to turn it off every time I want to say something to my friends. Is there a way I can have windows voice recognition turn off while I'm pressing the push to talk key?
  3. C

    Windows 7 Questions re: using Skype on my netbook with lid closed

    I want to use Skype on my netbook with the lid closed and need help with appropriate settings: 1) I set closing the lid when on battery to do nothing. (My netbook is in my briefcase and the lid must stay closed) 2) Do I need to set sleep settings? I'm fine with it going to sleep if Skype will...
  4. R

    Windows 7 List of Voice Control Comands.

    do any of you have a good list of Voice control comands. Thanks