Windows 8 Anyone else seeing this error - Failed to schedule Software Protection service


Excellent Member
Microsoft Community Contributor
Oct 16, 2009
I seem to be getting many of these errors lately and they seem to have started on Aug. 8. When I say many, I mean like 100 an hour showing in Event Viewer.

Failed to schedule Software Protection service for re-start at 2113-08-03T18:48:31Z. Error Code: 0x80041316.

I have been researching and the fix appears to be deleting some files in a specific directory and using ones from the install.wim file to replace them.

But, am I looking at it correctly and it is showing a date of 2113???

The link below might help with a fix if you are showing the error and I will be going through it and others to see if I can find a reason and verify a repair.

Link Removed
Joe, I don't think it is related to MSE, I see nothing to indicate such.

Davehc, I don't think a refresh is involved in the situation, but I do so much testing, it could be. I did have, at one time, a dual boot set up with Windows 8.1, but I have no reason to suspect that situation.

I found that if a file, SvcRestartTask, in the directory below shows as 4 K (3.54 K) the problem occurs. If the file is good, it should show as 5 K (4.67 K) so I checked two of my backup images for the same file. My latest image has the smaller bad file but an earlier image has the larger file.

C: \Windows\System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\SoftwareProtectionPlatform

To correct the problem, I imported the Task from another system. And that is...
Is that a popup or in the event viewer.?
It can occur after you have completed a refresh (Your case?). I understand it returns a couple of files, without extensions, which are giving false readings.
Joe, I don't think it is related to MSE, I see nothing to indicate such.

Davehc, I don't think a refresh is involved in the situation, but I do so much testing, it could be. I did have, at one time, a dual boot set up with Windows 8.1, but I have no reason to suspect that situation.

I found that if a file, SvcRestartTask, in the directory below shows as 4 K (3.54 K) the problem occurs. If the file is good, it should show as 5 K (4.67 K) so I checked two of my backup images for the same file. My latest image has the smaller bad file but an earlier image has the larger file.

C: \Windows\System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\SoftwareProtectionPlatform

To correct the problem, I imported the Task from another system. And that is all it seems to be is a corrupted Task. In Task Scheduler, the task was not even listed until after I imported it. Doing as the prior link suggests and importing the file from another location will probably also repair the situation, if it develops. My other system, which is not used for testing, did not display the problem. The only other difference in the systems is one is a Windows 8 Downloaded version and the other is a Purchased DVD install.

Task Scheduler - Task Scheduler Library - Microsoft - Windows - SoftwareProtectionPlatform

Thanks for the responses.