Unlike many on this forum, I'm a working Computer tech (and have been for over 30 years)
By the time we're in our mid to late years, most of us don't like to change the way we've done
something for many years, right or wrong. We just don't like change!
Ok, with that in mind......
I had to install a new Toshiba Laptop for an elderly lady this past week, to replace an old XP
desktop that I've kept going for her for almost ten years. I had XP tweaked and tuned to run
efficiently on her old PC with a slow CPU and minimal RAM. But she was comfortable with it and
really had nightmares about having to change to something new and foreign to here. Many of
her friends had told her what a nightmare it was to upgrade to Windows 7.
So I spent almost six hours, installing "Classic Shell" and all the other tweaks to make Win-7
more familiar to her. I activated Windows Mail and imported her address book from the old
PC and Outlook Express. And then I set up Windows Mail to look as much like her old O.E.6
as possible. She loves it!
Then I installed Firefox for her and imported all her Bookmarks from her old PC.
When I got all done, her brand new laptop running Windows 7, 64 looked and acted very much
like her old PC albeit a lot faster. She was just giddy with excitement to actually sit down at
her new PC and begin working with it.
So there's a lot to be said for the Classic Shell and other programs that bring an air of familiarity
to the new OS.
I hate to hear anyone, badmouthing something that makes Win-7 more acceptable to the elderly.
Use it or don't use it....that's your prerogative, but don't tell someone else to not use it because
you personally don't want to. OK? That helps NO-ONE! And this is a HELP forum, after all.
Cheers Mates!
Old Timer