Windows 7 Are you using Windows 7 Beta 1 as your main Operating System ?



Poll :

Are you using Windows 7 Beta 1 as your main Operating System ?


Yes I am :D

As mentioned earlier there was a problem with mp3 files being clipped by a few seconds at the start

A fix has already been issued by Microsoft
find it at
for 32 bit Link Removed
for 64 bit Link Removed

Don't know if you have all registered the beta yet, but its worth it....
so far I have had about 18 updates... not sure if the above was going to be one of them, but I got there first and manually installed it prior to moving over Mp3 files..
hope this helps
What are you guys going to do when the beta stops workiing on the first of August and the retail isn't out? :razz:

I always have my Vista to fall back on. Otherwise, I will keep up with the current flavor of Windows 7. I just hope they keep the Beta's public and better yet, keep it public when it goes into Release Candidate (RC) state. :cool:

Backing up is the first thing you ALWAYS do before installing ANY Beta software. There is a reason after all that it is beta haha.:razz:

in your tag line you say we control if we are good or evil, if we use microsoft products are we then evil? if we use linux or os/x are we good?

Testing OSs

I have three computers in my office: one with Mac OS 10.5, one with Ubuntu 8.10 and my laptop with Windows 7 beta.

am i using windows 7 as my only os? yes after all why would i use an out dated os like vista when windows 7 is out? i also know ms is working on windows 8 and i want a copy of windows 8. heck i want a copy of windows 10.... and i want it now and i heard windows 10 will be based on windows 3.11 which had the fastest scores ever

Quit being a jack ass ! Ya prick ! :mad:

am i using windows 7 as my only os? yes after all why would i use an out dated os like vista when windows 7 is out? i also know ms is working on windows 8 and i want a copy of windows 8. heck i want a copy of windows 10.... and i want it now and i heard windows 10 will be based on windows 3.11 which had the fastest scores ever

Yes I'm talking to you !

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I just built a new computer (not with the intention of installing this beta). I had an extra hard drive so I figured I would install the Windows 7 beta on one drive and XP Pro on the other. I built this on an ASUS P6T Deluxe and so choosing my boot from my bios is a breeze. Since I just built this thing 3 days ago it made sense to use it as a beta test also since I really have nothing to lose data wise, expecially since my hard drive just crashed on me last week anyway. Good thing all my pictures and such are on a backup drive.

If I have a problem I can boot to XP instead or with the ASUS board I can actually use express gate and boot into their web browser which I believe is a linux system built onboard. I guess if I was at a total loss I would open my laptop to use for the time being.

I've been having problems installing drivers though. I have a whole list of stuff that has no drivers. I've downloaded some things but for some reason I can't unzip them with the windows extract feature. It freezes and sits there and eventually locks up the computer and I have to hold the power button in to get a shutdown.

W7 is my main OS right now, with OS X (hackintosh) on a separate hard drive. My C drive is imaged on an external drive and all my data is on two mirrored external drives - and the really important stuff has an offsite backup. I'll just keep a note of any new software I install and when I get rid of W7 and revert to Vista (though I may stay with W7) I'll just have to reintall it all.

Same thing I've been doing for years: spare hard drives, different OS on each one.

Default, "working" OS is Vista Premium, which came installed as OEM. It is beautiful, fast and solid (as I posted in another topic, I cannot understand the "Vista is a failure" attitude some people and even Microsoft have taken).

Spare hard drive now has Windows 7 beta on it, but will likely get another Linux distro on it in the next few weeks. I like Windows 7 and will likely purchase it, but Vista stays on the default hard drive.

I cannot understand the "Vista is a failure" attitude some people and even Microsoft have taken).

I haven't used Vista, I read comments and columns about it extensively before I built this new computer. I was trying to decide if I wanted to purchase Vista or not. From everything I've read it sounded to me like there were some problems at first mostly with drivers or software compatibility and most of those were resolved along with other various problems in SP1. I decided to let the newer 64bit systems get broken in a little more before making the jump (since that is the direction we are all going anyway).

But since Windows 7 is just around the corner and I have had the ability to beta test it, I decided to stick with XP Pro a little longer and then get Windows 7 64bit later. My XP Pro is only 32bit and is sufficient for now.

It almost seems like Vista has become the Win98SE or ME of Windows operating systems. I've seen it used and visually it looked fine and it seems there are plenty of people who don't have any problem.

I'm currently dual booting Vista Ultimate x64 and 7 Ultimate x64. The more I use 7 the more I love it. I did the same thing when Vista when it came out, though I'm alot more excited for 7 than I was for Vista. Once I test some more stuff out and make sure I can get my printer working I'll have 7 as my primary OS. I still can't believe how good of shape it's in for a beta 1 release. M$ really put some good work into this one.

Still sad that there's not WinFX though.

Less Bugs than Vista

I'm using 7 as my only os and so far this is way more stable than vista and only uses about 1/3 less memory. Definitly going get this baby when it comes out.

W7 is my main OS right now, with OS X (hackintosh) on a separate hard drive. My C drive is imaged on an external drive and all my data is on two mirrored external drives - and the really important stuff has an offsite backup. I'll just keep a note of any new software I install and when I get rid of W7 and revert to Vista (though I may stay with W7) I'll just have to reintall it all.

you realize that you just admitted to using illegal software right? Using Mac OS/X (hackintosh) on anything other then an apple product purchased directly from apple is against the law. Also remember apple monitors the net and they can track you down via your ip address.

I'm using it as the only OS on two computers. I can cope with a few problems until there's a fix for them...

im using the hd as my primary atm used it on a patition on my samsung spinoint f1 got fed up of it and decided how fast i would get it on my raid system after testing the basic functionaltiy of some drivers and such on the partition

Backing up is the first thing you ALWAYS do before installing ANY Beta software. There is a reason after all that it is beta haha.:razz:

Backing up is the first thing you always do before installing ANY OS, beta or otherwise.

I had a new harddrive, so I did a clean install of W7b, but I have the Intel 910gml chipset, so there are a lot of things I can't do. I can't do standby, hibernate, or even close the lid on my laptop (the screen turns off, and then won't turn back on).

So I'm playing with it for another week or two, and then going back to XP. Unless I can magically get some chipset drivers to work with it.

I'm quickly getting spoiled with Windows 7, I don't want to go back to either XP or Vista. So it looks like I'll be on the beta until it expires.

Well it's indeed my primary OS for the time being, after its official release by MS. I find it great, simply outsmarting any other OS they have ever released. :)

It is currently the sole OS on my desktop. I still have my work laptop (xp), my old work laptop that they haven't collected (xp), my laptop from college (xp), my laptop from high school (gentoo linux), and my mac mini (osx).

I'm running the 64-bit version on my main computer, so far without any major problems. I do, however, keep a fully up-to-date 2nd computer running 32-bit XP service pack 3 in case it all goes completely pear shaped.
