Windows 7 Autoplay - LG SATA Super Multi


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2010
Win7 Pro 32 bit

For some reason I am unable to get my Autoplay to function on my LG SATA Super Multi DVD drive. I have tried various setting but feel that maybe I have missed something. I have attached a screen shot of my Autoplay settings. I have also tried specifying what must open for each disk but this also did not seem to work


  • DVD01 Jul. 31 09.48.gif
    DVD01 Jul. 31 09.48.gif
    26.5 KB · Views: 598
Yes after some digging I found reference to Deamon Tool adding in this extra drive. The funny thing is even when you uninstalled it that drive still remains. I was just thinking about the references you made to the registry entries in this thread and I suppose the fact that I did not find them in my one should have been a clue that this was the problem lol Oh well I hope this thread will also help the next person that is pulling his hair out about it. Funny thing is not having it work was not really a show stopper for me but it reached the stage that I just had to know why rather than actually getting it working again lol
