
New Member
Nov 16, 2010
I dont remember doing anything wrong on my computer then browsing youtube, the web, messenger, watching videos and doing my homework on word.

My acer has 500 GB HDD and 4 GB memory.
All of the sudden while I was working, my computer starts being slow
and not responding to my actions quickly, then becomes frozen. After that the
blue screen of death appears. So I press the power then restart it again.
Then a whole bunch of message appears , finishes it with " Operating System Not
So I tried to goto Bios and putted the Hard drive to boot first and make sure the
network wasn't. After that I used my recovery CD from Desktop to check if I can
reinstall windows but then when it asks to choose a drive to format or to install windows on to , it says no harddrive cant be found. So I can't even reinstall windows. I called Acer and they said they will send a CD, but I want to know if there is any other way because I dont want to wait 10 -15 days for the CD. Has anyone had this problem and found a way to solve it please help me out.!

Hello and Welcome to windows7forums. : )

It is not absolutely clear from your post if you still can boot normally or maybe in safe mode only - so you can submit your .dmp files from C:\Windows\Minidump for us to take a look at.

After that I used my recovery CD from Desktop to check if I can
reinstall windows but then when it asks to choose a drive to format or to install windows on to , it says no harddrive cant be found.

The recovery CD was created for your desktop, not for notebook. You can try the CD's from Neosmsart:

Download Windows 7 System Recovery Discs — The NeoSmart Files

Download and burn the .iso to disk, then boot from it and use "Recovery Options" to fix MBR.

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