
Senior Member
May 30, 2015

i have issues with my computer. Last week my computer crashed with a bluescreen caused by a damaged ram (BSOD > Memory_Management) (was using 2x4gb). With the help of Memtest i found the broken ram and bought a new package of the exactly same (modelnumber is same!). Now I have - due using again a package of 2x4gb additional to the one 4gb working - 12gb ram. I thought now, that all the bugs should gone.. but sadly now. At the beginning of the week i recognized, that sometimes for example a program crashed, once my firefox also crashed.. and yesterday also my media player classic wasnt working anymore till restart. later that day when starting a game a short time after i got a bluescreen, but with different message:

The problem seems to be caused by the following file: Ntfs.sys


If this is the first time you've seen this stop error screen,
restart your computer. If this screen appears again, follow
these steps:

Check to make sure any new hardware or software is properly installed.
If this is a new installation, ask your hardware or software manufacturer
for any Windows updates you might need.

If problems continue, disable or remove any newly installed hardware
or software. Disable BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing.
If you need to use safe mode to remove or disable components, restart
your computer, press F8 to select Advanced Startup Options, and then
select Safe Mode.

Technical Information:

*** STOP: 0x00000024 (0x00000000001904fb, 0xfffff88003185578, 0xfffff88003184dd0,

*** Ntfs.sys - Address 0xfffff88001232688 base at 0xfffff8800122e000 DateStamp

Now that sounds for me like issues with the harddrive, even when I dont think, that the harddrive should be damaged! The system Harddrive is a SSD.

What i tried yet:

1) chkdsk c: /f /r on the harddrives (even the once just for music and pictures) - it could not find any issues!
2) checked the harddrives with Crystal Disk Info everything seems to be okay.

I have not changed anything special in my system in the close past! So I don't think this is an issues caused by new drivers for example. i am really desperated :(

So Bob what did you do about the graphics driver?

Games crashing doesn't always mean your pc is at fault. Some games will simply crash from time to time for whatever reason but it's not always down to the pc. Bad coding in the game can have a negative effect.

Can you just try the things I've recommended and then we'll move on to the next issue.
Hi Bob,
can you post the dump file please. I know it's frustrating but debugging can often be a drawn out process unless your lucky. Post the new dump file and we'll go from there..

*                                                                             *
*                        Bugcheck Analysis                                    *
*                                                                             *

Use !analyze -v to get detailed debugging information.

BugCheck 19, {3, fffffa80006a05c0, 0, 0}

Probably caused by : Pool_Corruption ( nt!ExDeferredFreePool+c96 )

Followup: Pool_corruption
this dump file is usually associated with old drivers or buggy drivers. When you replaced the gpu driver did you use the driver uninstaller?
If not try uninstalling with the Display Driver uninstaller:
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Then re-install the last whql driver:

dtsoftbus01.sys Fri Jan 13 13:45:46 2012: Daemon Tools please remove to test.

Please check your gpu using this app:
Link Removed

No I did not use the driver uninstaller. I just clicked complete fresh install in the nvidia driver install setup.

Whats with deamon tools? I have it since 2013 (when I made the system on the SSD) and it worked all fine. There is also written Jan 13 so I guess this is a message maybe from a bug I had January 2013? Not sure, just asking to understand.

I will try that later, because right now I'm using the other HDD with a fresh system to find out if its something with the SSD.

However.. GTA 5 for example get crashes on both: the old SSD Win7 install and the fresh Win7 install on a HDD. The message between those Harddrives are different.. while the SSD GTA crashes told me, that the game just stopped working, the fresh HDD tells me an error of corrupted files. Solutions in the internet say to check files via steam and/or reinstall game. I did both but still have it. Also Steam didnt find any corrupted files, which makes me confused too.

Want to share this information too, because it may contain a problem that is in general with my computer and hasn't to do with my SSD/Win7, but the hardware. .. not sure

No I did not use the driver uninstaller. I just clicked complete fresh install in the nvidia driver install setup.
You must remove the old driver before installing the new. The application I gave a link to will also remove any old bit's of driver left hanging around as this can have an affect.
Whats with deamon tools?
Daemon Tools is well known for causing bsod's in windows 7. If your getting bsod's then it just makes sense to rule damon tools out... You can always re-install it later.

A new problem update:
While on the HDD also another game crashed without message. Then I also wanted to use the windows event log with Start and then using the windows search bar. While typing I got the message, then Windows Explorer doesnt work anymore. I tried more than once, always the same. After restart my computer made this chdsk thing (black screen and % of checking files). While watching this, the computer did something there too. Like deleting incorrect files or something.
I am getting frustrated a lot. This seems to be a hardware problem, I guess. But I don't know what to do and buying a whole new computer is too expensive :(

So Bob what did you do about the graphics driver?

Games crashing doesn't always mean your pc is at fault. Some games will simply crash from time to time for whatever reason but it's not always down to the pc. Bad coding in the game can have a negative effect.

Can you just try the things I've recommended and then we'll move on to the next issue.

Sorry if it is a bit confusing.
The HDD had just one time fresh driver installs, but as I yesterday found out, there were issues with Windows explorer and chkdsk on startup.. so..

Now I am back on my good old SSD with the "buggy" GPU drivers. I made exactly what you said: used deinstaller in save mode, restarted and installed the GTA 5 recommended drivers (350.12) that are like the 2nd newest drivers. I will now look up for new strange things on this computer and post them. However, I know, this clean install won't solve 100% of the problems :/

Perhaps not but at least it's a starting point, a datum if you will.

Regarding the chkdsk, these are run in order to check on the hard drives sectors and to see if there are any errors and if possible repair them. If the chkdsk was initiated on the borrowed drive then don't worry just tell your friend their drive might be getting old. If the chkdsk happened on your actual drive though then please do it again.
If you right click on your C drive, choose properties and then Tools along the top. Under the Error checking heading click 'check now' and you'll see a prompt to perform a chkdsk, please make sure both boxes are ticked to look for and repair broken sectors. You can then click to apply and ok it although you'll need to reboot in order to run the scan.

Let me know about this and/or any other issues you may have and we'll go them one by one.

Ok I will do this.
Because of the borrowed drive. He told me, that this one should work 100% (thats not a guarantee, I know), however I also did a quick test with Wester Digital Life Guard for errors. In my past times, when I had the feel a HDD was going to die soo, I always found errors in this way. The quick test didn't find any problems.

I have made a fresh clean install of the SSD. I have a Win7 x64 Pro with SP1 and then after I installed an update pack, then the drivers. I still get crashes with GTA 5 and once Steamwephelper stopped working in another game. I guess the problem is not solved yet, but I guess we can be sure, that its not a corrupted system. The crashes in GTA 5 were once caused my nvidia drivers; the others two were freezes of the game without message and also the windows event manager haven't any listed crash in this connection.

What I would like to know: When u install a fresh windows and afterwards u install the drivers for the GPU for the first time. Is this a clean install or isn't if clean because Windows7 already makes some kind of basic driver install?

GPU test gave me this:

Changing video mode to 640x480x16...OK
[04.07.2015 17:32:35] Test started for "Primärer Anzeigetreiber (NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660)"...
Trying 16bpp RGB:565 mode...OK
Trying 16bpp RGB:555 mode...OK
Trying 16bpp BGR:565 mode...NOT SUPPORTED (Code: 80004001)
Trying 32bpp RGB:888 mode...OK
Trying 32bpp BGR:888 mode...NOT SUPPORTED (Code: 80004001)
[04.07.2015 17:43:50] Pass completed (0 errors found).

Hi Bob,
windows does carry it's own set of drivers but these get replaced when you install the latest set of drivers. Games can crash for many reasons and at times it may not be the machines fault.
What are your temperatures like when gaming for both gpu and cpu? You can always alt-tab out of a game to check on temps.
Have you checked GTA forums to see if there are any fixes for the crashes?
Post any new dump files.

Due the hot summer temperatures my CPU is aroudn 50-60° and the gpu same I would say. Never too hot via speedfan/HWMonitor.
Also I dont get any dumbfiles just the one from event manager

As I said earlier sometimes it's not the machine but the game and to this end I did a search on GTA 5 and PC crashes. It seems there is a few folk out there with this issue and out of the few I saw this looked most promising:
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I just got a BSOD while I was updating windows via manual updates. This time I didnt get even a minidump-file, so I cannot post it. what the hell? I was not readign it that much because I thought it will create one. I think this is not a good thing.

Oh.. what I would like to know: I way playing a movie via Media Player Classic while he was installing (since it was a few bigger updates and I dont want to stare on an update screen). This was the time of crashing. Can this be caused because it was updating while using MPC.. maybe because of hardware-usage.. ?

However... I'm really helpless with my problems. I am really thinking to get a new computer, when I can't find the reason ;(.

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It shouldn't really matter whether your playing a movie or not as most updates are designed to be installed automatically but I guess there is a chance that the two may have conflicted. If you have a lot of updates to install then it's usually best to just let the machine get on with it and go do something else for an hour.
Did you manage to get all the updates installed? If you did and there hasn't been a blue screen since then I'd wait to see how things go..
Just make sure your settings are set like this:
Open the run application.
Type sysdm.cpl in the run box and click ok.
Look across the top of the system properties box for 'Advanced' and click that.
Look for 'Startup and Recovery' near the bottom and click 'settings'.
Near the bottom you'll see a drop down menu under the heading 'write debugging information'.
In the drop down menu choose ' small memory dump (256KB)'
Under 'small dump directory' make sure it says %SystemRoot%\Minidump.
Click ok and your good to go.
