
New Member
Jan 11, 2009
Like Vista, Win 7 doesn't offer a way to change the stupid startup sound to something more appropriate.
A Google search led me to this trick posted on this WinVistaClub forum.

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The method described seems to work for Win 7 as well.

To avoid permission issues with replacing a system file with a modified system file I simply created the new .dll
using the method described above. ResHacker automatically creates a backup of the original .dll as well as the new one.
Win 7 won't let you replace the old .dll with the new .dll created by ResHacker.

I simply saved the new .dll to a thumb drive and booted into Ubuntu Intrepid (I have several Linux distros multibooted with both XP and Win ) and mounted my Win 7 partition. I was then able to replace my old imagere.dll with the new one.

Now instead of the inane Win 7 startup sound my computer now starts with the more appropriate (IMHO) Homer Simpson saying "to start press any key, where's the anykey?!"

As an added benefit the sound plays at the point in the boot process when Win 7 is fully up and functional.

In my case that is 45 to 48 seconds after choosing Win 7 from my boot menu. Cool.

Of course your "mileage may vary".

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Change startup sound in windows 7

How to Change Start up sound in Windows 7 This assumes you are using American English versuion of W-7 Language type 1033
All Windows 7 allows is for you check or un-check play start up sound in Windows 7 you have to do the following to change the default sound of your choice

1) Use the following beta program Reshacker from
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2) Locate the file "imageres.dll" in C:\ Windows\System32 folder. For instance, C:\Windows\System32\imageres.dll. Copy that file into a different location, i.e. your desktop.

3) Download ResHacker .

4) Open ResHacker. Open the imageres.dll file in ResHacker.

5) Find the folder that reads "WAVE" and expand everything below that.

Super Sarge;
Profound observations... The beta release of ResHacker WILL edit the (best to use a copy) imageres.dll file with no problems. I couldn't get the old one to work, like you said it shows up as a blank window when you do an edit. Now once you have done the changes you must get by "TrustedInstaller" to get these changes into the System32 directory or rename imageres once it's there, what a PITA. I got around the problem by using the 'takeown' command for the file imageres.dll. Who is this "TrustedInstaller" guy and how do you get him to (go away) understand that in some cases YOU are the only user on the system? Thanks for the help.:p
Bob Helms

When I changed my start up sound I found that Win 7 wouldn't let me copy the new imageres file to System 32.
I fixed that by booting into Ubuntu and copying the file from there.
I've been known to use a linux OS to make changes to Windows when Windows wouldn't let me.
I guess MS is "protecting me from myself".

BTW, I have 4 linux distros as well as XP sharing my HDD with Win 7 on a multiboot setup.

All this is, IMHO risky business and I wouldn't attempt stuff like this without a Partimage image handy that I can restore
in case I BORK things.

I have up-to-date images of all my OS partitions saved on a 16 GB flash drive and can restore in about 4-5 minutes.
Before doing something like this I made a new image.

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I agree but all you had to do was rename the one in system32 folder then replace it with the one you modified. I do complete backups weekly to a an exxternal hard drive weekly using Macrium reflect and I keep 3 week worh of backup, I also monthly use the W7 Pro backup monthly.

Hi Sarge, When I attempted to rename the .dll in Win 7 RC the system wouldn't let me, I assumed it was the same with the final release.
Just tried renaming in Win 7 HP and was successful.

Now if there was only a way to get the startup sound to coincide with full bootup to a functional desktop.

BTW, I'm using a wav of Homer Simpson saying "no time for that now, the Computer's starting..."
When I hear Homer I know my desktop is about 10-15 seconds away.

BootRacer 2.0 consistently shows my system booting to a full desktop in about 39-43 seconds.

I agree but all you had to do was rename the one in system32 folder then replace it with the one you modified. I do complete backups weekly to a an exxternal hard drive weekly using Macrium reflect and I keep 3 week worh of backup, I also monthly use the W7 Pro backup monthly.

The imageres.dlli is always in use by Windows, so you can't rename it directly in Windows unless you are dual-booting with a second hard drive or use Linux as figold suggested.

You don't need a dual boot with Linux to access and change/delete files Win 7 won't let you modify.
All you need is a Linux LiveCD.
I'll be using the Ubuntu Live CD/USB flash here as an example.

First D/L the Live .iso from here

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I'm using the older 8.04 LTS version here because I'm not familiar with the latest version.

Once your .iso is downloaded burn to a CD using the instructions on the D/L page.

This will create a Live CD that will allow you to boot Ubuntu and run it from the disk.

Once Ubuntu is fully booted click applications in the upper left of the desktop.
Choose accessories>terminal.

In terminal type these commands pressing enter after each command.

sudo fdisk -l

the l is a lower case L. This command will show you your partitions.
Make note of the hda or sda number of your Win 7 install, it will be a NTFS partition, the only one if you have only one partition.

next type

sudo mkdir /media/win7

this will create a directory in /media to mount your win 7 partition to in the next step

next type
sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sdax /media/win7


note: sdax could be hdax if your drive is an IDE drive, the x is the number obtained from the fdisk -l command above.

You will now have an icon on the desktop that is a shortcut to your mounted Win 7 partition.

Double clicking it will open up your Win 7 install (C:\)

From here you can explore your files and folders and make changes to files Win 7 won't let you make when you are in Windows.

You need to be very careful here because Ubuntu will allow you to make changes that can
harm your Win 7 install.
Changes Win 7 would never let you do.

In the context of this thread you would navigate to windows>system32>imageres.dll to rename the file and you can copy the new .dll here as well if you have it saved to a thumb drive.
Be patient when opening the system32 folder it has a huge amount of data and will take several seconds for Ubuntu to populate it.

BTW, while in the Live CD you might as well see what Ubuntu is all about.
Because it is a LiveCD it will boot much slower than an installed Ubuntu and will respond slower because an optical drive is much slower than a Hard Drive.

A much more responsive alternative to the CD is to create a Live USB flash drive.

Use this little free standalone app to create a USB Live flash.

UNetbootin - Homepage and Downloads

D/L the windows version
no install is needed it is standalone.
Make sure a 2 GB or larger flash drive is plugged in
and start unetbootin by clicking the .exe file you downloaded.
Select the radio button at Distribution and choose the your distro ("Select Distribution") from the dropdown and choose the version from the "Select Version" dropdown.

In this case it would be Ubuntu and the version would be 8.04 LTS.
Select the Diskimage field by clicking the radio button and make sure iso is selected from the dropdown.
Use the button on the far right of this field to navigate (browse) to location of your .iso and then click OK. This will create a bootable USB flash Live disk.

Boot to it (most newer computers will allow you to boot a USB device) and Ubuntu live will boot very fast (compared to a CD) and run fast, much like an installed Ubuntu will run.

You will probably need to change you boot order in BIOS to boot your USB Live Ubuntu.

Running Ubuntu Live will not make any changes to your HDD unless you run the installer on the desktop
or mount your Win 7 or other partition like above and deliberately make changes.

Again be very careful.

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I did not have to dual boot, I just copied file to a different location modified it using Version 3.5 beta and saved. I then went to Windows system32 folder renamed the file there with a .old extension then copied the save the modified file in the system32 folder.

This is getting blown way out of proportion.

You cannot rename imageres.dll in Windows..........period.

The only way it can be done is from another drive.

I just showed you the message I received.

If I was to boot into Vista (D: drive) , change to the C:\Windows\System32 directory, and right-clicked on imageres.dll I could rename it to imageres.old.

Trust me, I've been working with Resource Hacker fora long time.

Why do you think the others are having a hard time?

Then explain to me how I did it with out a dual boot or using a Linux disc
I renamed it imageres.old then copied the modified Imageres.dll I modified from the location I had it stored at to the windows system32 directory

I showed you the screen shot error

4 internal SATA Drives 5 External Drives

Were you on one of these drives rather than the the C: drive?

We need some more feedback from others.

No I showed you the screen shot of where I changed the extension to djc from dll look at pop-up in first screen shot that says are you sure you want to change the extension which I answered yes and it happened then I copied the imageres.dll from the location (c:\Downloads Work Area\ 01) I modified it at (using res-hacker and the procedures I posted earlier in this thread) and pasted it in the C:\Windows\system32 directory. Rebooted and everything worked as it was supposed to and my start up sound was changed. As too why you get the denial you get, may have to do with permissions you have set for the file. I have users set for full control and I have administrators set for full control of this file imageres.dll

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Maybe it has something to do with Windows 64-bit as I'm running the 32-bit version.

How many seconds can you set it to?

I've modified it in Windows 98 an it only played for a few seconds

I do not know about seconds, I just used a Wave file from HAL 2001 space Odyssey called Operational

I can't get this to not revert back to its original, no matter what.

I finally tried denying SYSTEM Write permission... BIG MISTAKE!!!

After 4 hours or more, I give up.

Well that is why I do a complete back up weekly, you should have also saved a copy of the original Imagres.dll, that way you could re-name the current one and put the original back into the system.32 folder

I did save the original... Had to boot Vista from another drive and delete and rename to get the system to actually make it back to the desktop.

I think Microsoft found this hack and disabled it.

Believe me, I did edit the file and replace it successfully, but 7 keeps re-writing it upon boot-up.

I edited mine and the file wave I wanted is still functioning properly for me. I use the Space Odessy HAL I am Opertional wave as sound
