
New Member
Jan 11, 2009
Like Vista, Win 7 doesn't offer a way to change the stupid startup sound to something more appropriate.
A Google search led me to this trick posted on this WinVistaClub forum.

Link Removed

The method described seems to work for Win 7 as well.

To avoid permission issues with replacing a system file with a modified system file I simply created the new .dll
using the method described above. ResHacker automatically creates a backup of the original .dll as well as the new one.
Win 7 won't let you replace the old .dll with the new .dll created by ResHacker.

I simply saved the new .dll to a thumb drive and booted into Ubuntu Intrepid (I have several Linux distros multibooted with both XP and Win ) and mounted my Win 7 partition. I was then able to replace my old imagere.dll with the new one.

Now instead of the inane Win 7 startup sound my computer now starts with the more appropriate (IMHO) Homer Simpson saying "to start press any key, where's the anykey?!"

As an added benefit the sound plays at the point in the boot process when Win 7 is fully up and functional.

In my case that is 45 to 48 seconds after choosing Win 7 from my boot menu. Cool.

Of course your "mileage may vary".
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Change startup sound in windows 7

How to Change Start up sound in Windows 7 This assumes you are using American English versuion of W-7 Language type 1033
All Windows 7 allows is for you check or un-check play start up sound in Windows 7 you have to do the following to change the default sound of your choice

1) Use the following beta program Reshacker from
Link Removed - Invalid URL

2) Locate the file "imageres.dll" in C:\ Windows\System32 folder. For instance, C:\Windows\System32\imageres.dll. Copy that file into a different location, i.e. your desktop.

3) Download ResHacker .

4) Open ResHacker. Open the imageres.dll file in ResHacker.

5) Find the folder that reads "WAVE" and expand everything below that.

thanx for this information, been trying to do this since i moved to 7 and never found this thread till today. damn google failed me!!!
Re: Change startup sound in windows 7

You are a respectable footmen and actually a genius .... A week ago, looking for change in tone to begin for Windows 7. Everyone says no words, even a computer engineer does not know.
But this way I actually changed the tone and you have my respect
This is my first post here, hope that I can get some help

I am running x64, follow the steps and it doesn't work..
I copied the imageres.dll to desktop, modified it by reshack, and boot the system by XP. Open window7's drive, copy and paste the file
from desktop to system32. However, when I boot my computer by windows7, I receive the error "Window Explorer has stopped working"
( Problem Signature: Event Name APPCRASH ) and asking me to restart the program. I can hear the modified sound once I click restart.
But it is annoying since I have to click it every time..

Any help is appreciated.
First off, I wouldn't have booted into XP to change the imageres.dll file. I would follow the instructions of Link Removed in his post. Make sure you get the Resource Hacker Beta version as you are running 64 bit. I'm forever swapping my imageres.dll files out using the rename, copy 'n' paste method and I've never had a problem yet.

I will add two things to Super Sarge's instructions though:

1) Take ownership of your imageres.dll files before you start doing anything.

2) You are running x64. You have two imageres.dll files to change. One is in your System32 folder and the other is in the SysWOW64 folder. Luckily the imageres.dll file is the same in both folders, but be aware that if you wanted to modify say, your shell32.dll at anytime, those are different. Best to always check or change them individually.
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Thanks for your reply.

Yeah... I followed all his steps. I havn't copy the imageres.dll to SysWOW64 before though.
However, I have the same error even I copy it to SysWOW64 :\
Any ideas? My wave file is only 240kb..
I would be highly tempted to start afresh with a new un-modified imageres.dll, they can be found at the following locations.



As I say I've never had a problem changing the files over.... So I'm sadly at a loss for further suggestions.

Just for your info, the wave file I used for a while was just shy of 2.4mb in size and caused no issues.
I have never changed the one in the SysWOW64 folder and never have had a problem. However if you ever have to do a system repair using the W7 Repair disc or the W7 disc be aware the start up sound goes back to the W7 default sound. This method for changing the sound also works on Vista 32 bit at least it did for me.

I have never changed the one in the SysWOW64 folder and never have had a problem.
I had a bit of confusion the once when changing icons due to the fact I'd forgotten the imageres sysWOW file. That's why I always change them both, that is, if there are two.
yeah, I tried but it doesn't work still.. Looks like I dont have luck..
With the new dll, I don't receive the APP CRASH error if I unchecked "Play Windows Startup sound" tho
I am not sure where is my problem....
Re: Change startup sound in windows 7

after doing these steps and a restart, I have an issue with booting the log in screen properly. The background comes up, but no start up sound, or user name/password box, hence i cannot log in. right before this, the laptop installed some updates.

any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated
Re: Change startup sound in windows 7

Your method works very well, if followed exactly. I have just changed the startup sound on my Win 7 64-bit system.
Just to see if it could be done, of course. Thank you for the information. Question, were you ever stationed in
I made all those changes to my W7 PRO-64 imageres.dll. It turned out quite well. However I recently supplemented my laptop display with a 24" LED monitor with built in speakers. Now when I boot my startup sound will randomly be incomplete, i.e. I only hear the very end of it. I have not figured out any way to make it consistently fail. Does anyone know how imageres.dll gets queued up to be executed or played. Is it supposed to wait on any other task before running? Is there any way to make it run last?

Has anyone figured out why MS took the startup sound customization out of W7 and yet left the "Exit Windows" sound untouched? Are there any MS engineers out there who can please comment / expound on that logic?!
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Like Vista, Win 7 doesn't offer a way to change the stupid startup sound to something more appropriate.
A Google search led me to this trick posted on this WinVistaClub forum.

Link Removed

This worked nicely, at my 4yo's request, I put in a ~1.7mb wav of "I'm a goofy goober yeah, you're a goofy goober yeah, we're all goofy goobers yeah, gooby gooby gooby gooby yeah!!!"

In my case that is 45 to 48 seconds after choosing Win 7 from my boot menu. Cool.

Of course your "mileage may vary".

Is there anyway to get the startup sound to play sooner? As the sound begins to play when windows has basically finished loading and ready for use, which is a bit late we think

We'd like the sound to play when the boot screen appears... we put up a ~213kb pic of the main toy story characters, and having goofy goobers playing whilst they are up would be very cool we think
I changed the IMAGERES.DLL for having special start-up sound. Now my Windows 7 does not let me replace the original.
How do I change authorization so that I can put the new file into the System32 folder?
Thanks in advance,
Piet de Geus
Hi Degeus and Welcome to the Forum.

This thread will help you Link Removed and should be in everybody's arsenal as far as I'm concerned.