
New Member
Nov 17, 2009
My own solution:
Since the computer went into infinate booting loop, I changed the boot drive and booted from the disk. Upon starting the boot from the CD, I was able to format my c drive and in less that 2 hours, I am loaded and on-line. This is for a clean install from Vista 64 bit to Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit. After a week of fighting with this install and finding out I had to perform a clean install (no real upgrade), this was so simple I'm kicking myself. I hope this helps someone get their operating system up quicker.

I followed the instructions in detail including running the migration software for hardware/software issues. That came back ok; saved my personal data to an external HD then proceeded to do the clean install. The install is stalled at "Completing Install" with the dots moving. The status bar is about 80% complete and I can move the cursor. It has been in this state without movement for 13 and a half hours. My system is:
Asus M2N-SLI Delx
AMD x2 5400
4 gig of Crucial Ballistic memory
EVGA nVidia 9800 GT 512 ddr3
Maxtor 500 gig hard drive for the c drive

All peripherals are disconnected other than the monitor.

Returned home from work after running an additional 4 hours and my computer was off. Started back up and now just restarts after a message states restarting will restart the setup but just loops. I have been down a week and have not been able to access my important files just because Microsoft cannot get their act together on something that should be automatic these days.

My Vista Business 64 bit ran great without any issues. I am doubting the $200.00 spent on an operating system that you cannot install. Help someone!

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I take it you just went ahead and did a clean install. You will probably be happier with the OS now. This response is basically to make sure you show at least one response, but glad you have it working.

My own solution:
Since the computer went into infinate booting loop, I changed the boot drive and booted from the disk. Upon starting the boot from the CD, I was able to format my c drive and in less that 2 hours,

First... WTF? 2 hours to format? I have a very old system in the back room and it formatted the hard drive from the install disk in less than 1 minute.

Second... Saltgrass seems to think you have offered a solution but at the end you say "help" I'm confused.

Third... It does appear to me that you have problems at 80%... if that is the case, it suggests a couple things..

1. You need to reset your bios and see if that fixes it.. but PROBABLY
2. You bios firmware needs to be upgraded.

Forth... if you google AMD x2 5400 windows 7 fix you'll find that a lot of people are struggling starting back when Win 7 was in beta... someone probably found a solution.

tblount Mis-read

Replying to tblount: If you had read my post correctly, the format did not take 2 hours, the entire process took 2 hours (I was able to format my c drive and in less that 2 hours, I am loaded and on-line). The solution is different than what the MS instructions tell you to do so this is a different solution to loading Windows 7. As for your suggestions, I have the current BIOS from Asus so that is not the issue. The issue is Microsoft and their inability to produce a product that is easy to use, easy to load, and free of errors.

My suggestion to you is to tone down your responses when replying to posts. You don't always have to be politically correct but your perceived arrogance is a turn off.

Replying to tblount: If you had read my post correctly, the format did not take 2 hours, the entire process took 2 hours (I was able to format my c drive and in less that 2 hours, I am loaded and on-line). The solution is different than what the MS instructions tell you to do so this is a different solution to loading Windows 7. As for your suggestions, I have the current BIOS from Asus so that is not the issue. The issue is Microsoft and their inability to produce a product that is easy to use, easy to load, and free of errors.

My suggestion to you is to tone down your responses when replying to posts. You don't always have to be politically correct but your perceived arrogance is a turn off.

Thanks for the lecture. I'm sorry I wasted my time trying to help you. It won't happen again.
