There are a number of things that you could try. Have you attempted to rollback your Windows to a point in time before your WLM contacts got scrambled with
you should first backup all your Library folders to external media in order to avoid irretrievable data loss!
Things that could cause this problem would most likely be:
1.) Virus/malware infection
2.) Windows registry corruption in networking files from a newly installed program or Windows update
3.) Hardware failure such as a faulty Hard Drive or RAM stick(s)
If System Restore fixes your problem, you are set to go!
If it doesn't work, you should start with #1, and use your built-in AV program to scan/remove any found viruses. Yes, there are viruses that specifically attack E-mail programs including WLM. Next, visit
Link Removed and download the free
MALWAREBYTES antispyware program. Scan/remove any found spyware viruses. Reboot and check your WLM. If the problem is fixed, you encountered a virus and have fixed it.
Problems from #2 can often be repaired using System Restore. However, if that repair fails more aggressive software repairs might be required if WLM program is corrupted. Take a look here:
How do I re-index Storage Folders in Windows Live Mail under Win 7?
If this doesn't repair your WLM, you might need to uninstall and reinstall the program. Make certain prior to doing this that you completed the recommended backup first.
More aggressive software repairs, if needed require Hardware Testing first, since a computer running Windows7 are now quite old-8 years old. If you have never replaced the hard drive in that computer since you bought it, it is highly likely that the hard drive is failing or has failed. Repairing or reinstalling W7 will not fix a problem due to failed hardware.
Hard drives in modern computers are not designed to last more than 3 years in desktop PCs, and only 2 years in laptops.
If you decide to do hardware testing yourself, you can then attempt more aggressive software repairs such as W7 reset or reinstatllation. Take a look at my free
TROUBLESHOOING GUIDE here to assist with these tasks:
Windows 10 - Unclickable Task Bar
Let us know how you get on,