Windows 8 how do I turn off the password protect on windows 8?

Quicker way. open an elevated command prompt and type net user <username> ""
The 'users must enter a user name' is unticked and has been for as long as I can remember.
It says there is only one user (me) who is the administrator so it is not a 'conflict of users' issue.
when I first switch the computer on I get the boxes telling me to enter a password.
It shows a user name in the name box and I can't find the password, if I put in what I am sure it is then the boxes disappear and the spots spinning round appear for a few second (possibly 30) it then goes back to the boxes and says it is the wrong password, if I put anything else on the password box it just goes straight to the incorrect password line so my password is partially recognised.Below the password box there are two keys, if I click on the left one the user box clears. If I put my e-mail address in and the password for it in the password box it lets me in?
I hadn't noticed this as I was trying to get in before now?
If I open up the users account windows as described in the video above it shows the 'users must enter a password etc' box as empty and just one user in the box below.
It does not show the user name that comes up when I first switch on?
If I put my e-mail address in and the password for it in the password box it lets me in?

If it's allowing an email address as the user then you are using a "Microsoft Account" which basically means a register email address not necessarily a Microsoft hosted email account. You won't be able to have a blank password while using a email sign in and it's highly recommended to not have a blank password. You'd be better off setting up an 'Other Sign-In Option" such as a picture password or PIN
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