
Extraordinary Member
Aug 8, 2009
Hello, how are you?.

I am having this problem. I have three computers (pc01, pc02, pc03 -wireless-) connected with a router and I can't access from pc01 to the other computers because "Windows cannot access to \\XX - 0x80070043: The network name cannot be found.", but I can access to this computer from pc02 and pc03.

Everything works fine between computers, I mean, I can connect to remote desktop, I have replies from the ping, etc., doesn't metter from, all response fine, but I can't access to shared folders. The IP address, access mask, workgroup, shared folder and user permissions.

PS: I also can't access using IP address.

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The solution that I have found is with SMB2... Apparently it doesn't co-operate well with XP (and older) systems, because they only support SMB1, and Win7 does not automatically switch from SMB2 to SMB1 when it's supposed to.

NOTE: This is just what I read in another thread on another forum (I'll try to find the link [I think this was it]: Link Removed - Invalid URL); I'm not sure how accurate the information is. All I know is that my XP computers would intermittently not connect with my Win7 computer at least several times a day, and now it has been about a week without problems. And my other Win7 computers also do not have any problems accessing each other.

To disable SMB2...
RUN command + UNC path wont work here.

Sorry, i have no solution to this problem but to make sure that others "believe" you, i say that i have almost similar symptoms.
Machine where i try to get to share is with Win-7 ultimate evaluation copy, build 7100 and it is member of Server 2003 domain.
I can't get to shared "d-drive" folder in Srv2003, but i have access to subfolders of that d-drive if they are separately shared.
I have enabled all features from Network sharing center and tried with turning firewalls completely off, that had no effect.

Anyhow, i have several VM-ware virtual machines on Win-7 workstation and i can get to that \\server\d-drive share from virtual Srv2003 and XP machines.

When access is blocked i got this message: Link Removed - Invalid URL

Ironical, when i took that printscreen and saved it from pbrush to server i saw that denied shared folder was suddenly mapped to network drive as it should be.
But still, i can't get it to work if i copy UNC path to RUN command.

I have tried it with
\\hostname\sharename, \\FQDN\sharename and \\ipaddr\sharename .

Share - Everyone: FC
NTFS - Domain Users: Read, Domain Admins: FC
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Confirmed: exactly same problem

I have following machines in home network:

- W7 x64 ultimate, not in domain
- Vista x64, in domain
- Ubuntu 9.04
- XP 32-bit, virtual, not in domain

W7 machine shares a folder. Of all machines listed above only Vista x64 machine could access it. For some resaon, Ubuntu and XP machine were unable to do so, although they could ping. Not only they couldn't connect to machine, but they couldn't even browse shares:

C:\>net view \\amc03
System error 58 has occurred.

The specified server cannot perform the requested operation.

After reading this thread I decided to see what happens if I remove AVG 8.5 from W7 machine. I did, restarted machine, and viola - everything just started working without a glitch. Not sure WTF is going on there. I couldn't find anything else on internet so far which would explain why is it happening
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I'm having practically the exact same problem as you:
System Error 58
The specified server cannot perform the requested operation.

However, this is only happening when accessing a Win7 x64 system from Windows XP (x86) clients. When using other Win7 x64 systems, there are no problems. The Win7 server is in a domain, one of the Win7 clients is in the same domain, and another Win7 client is not in any domain. All Win7 clients can access the Win7 server. One of the WinXP clients is connected to the same domain as the Win7 server, and the other is not connected to any domain; both intermittently get the above error. It seems that when the Server service is restarted, the XP systems can connect again, but will eventually get the same error when reading files from the server.

The previous poster mentioned that AVG may be related to this problem, and I had it installed while these, and other errors, were happening. Before removing AVG, I was also getting a "Not Enough Server Storage Is Available to Process This Command." error, in addition to the "The specified server cannot perform the requested operation." error. After removing it, I am only getting the latter error.

I can't seem to find any useful information online relating to this error. All of the hardware in the Win7 server system has been tested at least twice using various diagnostic software, and passed all tests. Drivers are the latest available. The OS is a fresh installation; not an upgrade. Other installed software include: Adobe CS4, Autodesk 3ds max 2009, Microsoft Office 2007, and Visual Studio 2008. As mentioned earlier, AVG was installed, but has since been uninstalled, and no other antivirus software was installed prior to AVG, or since it was removed.

Win7 Server System: Intel Core 2 Quad Q6700, 4GB RAM, ASUS P5N32E-SLI, nVidia 8800GTS, using onboard LAN, onboard RAID, onboard Audio.

Any thoughts?

Found 2 issues with file sharing, which could cause the AVG problem

I found more issues, at least one of which was sometimes blocking access to Windows7 from Ubuntu even without AVG:

* Link Removed - Invalid URL
* Link Removed - Invalid URL

I haven't yet re-installed AVG to test if above solutions are effective when antivirus is running, but one of them surely resolved intermittent Ubuntu access problem.
The solution that I have found is with SMB2... Apparently it doesn't co-operate well with XP (and older) systems, because they only support SMB1, and Win7 does not automatically switch from SMB2 to SMB1 when it's supposed to.

NOTE: This is just what I read in another thread on another forum (I'll try to find the link [I think this was it]: Link Removed - Invalid URL); I'm not sure how accurate the information is. All I know is that my XP computers would intermittently not connect with my Win7 computer at least several times a day, and now it has been about a week without problems. And my other Win7 computers also do not have any problems accessing each other.

To disable SMB2:

[EDIT: You will most likely need to create this key; it's not there by default.]
[EDIT2: I attached the .REG file that I used. It's just an easier way of doing what's described above.]

And I'm still not using AVG; it was intended to be used temporarily until SEP11 was updated to run on 7.

I did find the information regarding 'IRPStackSize', but that didn't solve the issue.

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Had the same problem, here's how I solved this: under network properties check if Client For Microsoft Networks is installed or checked. If not use the install button and restart your PC.
Hope this helps.
i have a simalar problem too, when trying to access my partners laptop which was upgraded from vista to win7 32bit home premium from my desktop pc which runs win7 x64 ultimate but the stinkest thing is she can see and access my shares errrr WTF now that just drive me nuts... i get the same as this error Link Removed - Invalid URL as above
Use Tune Up Utilities

use a tune-up tools Link Removed - Invalid URL sharing folder windows at 7 in order to identify the network, but I have not found a way to read a sharing folder from another computer (windows
visit our blog : Link Removed - Invalid URL

you could try adding the Everyone group in the shared folders security tab and give them full security access

Works for me getting my sons XP pro machine to see and read/write to a shared folder on my win7 x64 machine
Solved - I think

I finally found a reference that looked like the answer. The shares on my win 7 box kept becoming unavailable from XP boxes, and I was generating a zillion error 2017s in the System log of the windows 7 machine.

On my windows 7 machine I used regedit to increase the size of a parameter:

the parameter was Size - and value was set at 1. I changed the value to 3.

Since this change, I have had no errors ( 2017) since, and have had no problems accessing shares on my win 7 box.
see, I've managed to open the folder sharing windows xp from windows 7, and can open my sharing folders from windows 7 as suggested by Link Removed, thanks Link Removed (sorry, my bad english)

Link Removed

Link Removed

use a tune-up tools tune up utilies 2010 sharing folder windows at 7 in order to identify the network, but I have not found a way to read a sharing folder from another computer (windows
visit our blog :
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Many thanks to Link Removed, this indeed solved this issue for me. I encountered this error on a Windows 2003 box attempting to connect to either of two Windows 7 machines, and the registry entry cited here solved this problem.

I spent a lot of time and gray matter chasing this, and this one edit resolved the problem. Cheers!
I seem to be having the opposite problem....

So i have 4 computers at home.

My laptop, we'll call it laptop 1 - Windows 7 ult
Laptop 2 - Windows 7 ult
Netbook - Xp home
and a wired print server - xp pro

Now when i initally got everything set up to where i could print wirelessly as well as access media on an xternal HDD plugged into the print server from the other three wireless computers. everything was visible with only basic configuration. Then all of this sudden the problem struck. Laptop 1 (my laptop) all this sudden decided to not view anything else on the network.... I can still print wirelessly and ping every other computer on the network but i can no longer see them. Mysteriously, homegroup went down as well so i cant even connect through homegroup to the other win7 computer on the network. The other win7 computer shows up on the network drive map, but will not let me access it. but keep in mind i can still print wireless and ping.

Now for the kicker.... if i go to any other computer on the network, i have full access to the shared folders on laptop 1 as well as the others. this problem is limited to just my laptop. all computers are visible (including laptop 1) on all other computers.... but none are visible on mine.... this was not the case when i set everything up. all this sudden it stopped on just this one computer and i cannot for the life of me figure out why..... any suggestions?
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Suggest disable your firewall as a first try. If that works, then add a custom rule for your subnet, etc.

If disabling the firewall doesn't resolve the issue, then leave and rejoin (or recreate) the homegroup.

Also make sure you can at least resolve/ping the other machine by name, if not, add it to your HOSTS file.

Good luck
Well i tried configuring the fire wall then just turned it off completely and still get nothing. As far as the homegroup is concerned i've left, rejoined, and created a new one and that didn't fix the home group but im not to concerned with the homegroup. I just want to be able to access my xp print server for data again. I am unfamiliar with the HOST file so i will do some research and look into it. Thank you
run this:

"notepad C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\HOSTS"

(without the quotes)

Add an entry for each machine in your network, e.g. Laptop1 Laptop2

After saving the file, you will need to flush your DNS resolver cache (or reboot)

of course, this presumes you have static IPs. If you are using DHCP, then using the HOSTS file is not a practical thing
hmmm...... ok well i added it to the host file but i am on DHCP. I guess what i will do is disable DHCP and assign everything a static IP.
Well thank you jeff for all your help! unfortunately i the i tried switching over to static IP and it went smoothly except it wouldn't let me connect to the internet.... Tried switching back and still wouldn't let... i don't know if i screwed up the DNS configs or what but regardless I put all comps back on obtain IP automatically, restored to factory and reconfiged my router and got back online and sure enough it solved my problem.... This is the second time this has happened but last time everything resolved itself after a day or two but this time it lasted two weeks and then had to restore my router to fix it.... wish i knew what was causing it....