
Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2011
Started a couple of months ago. Random sites but some more than others. If/when I get this error I can open another instance of IE11, go to the exact same URL and it works.

AMDA8 3850, 8Gb. Was on Windows 7 Home Pro (64bit) SP1, just upgraded to Windows 10 Home (free) thinking that might fix problem but no. I have Reset IE several times to default, reset router, tried turning Windows Firewall off - nothing.

I have tried adding sites to Compatibility View under Tools - same issue.

I have temporarily disabled AVG Free - same issue

Also noted (by accident by using Back button) that this error appeared occasionally : res://ieframe.dll/dnserror.htm

It's very frustrating as even trying to google for possible causes solution is a problem - google inevitably works fine but as noted above I can't get to many sites that my search generated. Even this one failed the first couple of attempts and needed to be opened in a new, second IE11 window.

Any assist appreciated. Cheers
DNS errors!
To load a page, the name i.e. "www.google.com" has to be translated in to an IP address like "". And the server which does this for you is from time to time unavailable, too slow, or whatever.

There are multiple causes:
- overloaded DNSserver of your ISP, even a D.D.O.S attack of hackers on your ISP
- slow internet speed
- your IP settings may be wrong
- a virus or malware on your computer
- but...
DNS errors!
To load a page, the name i.e. "www.google.com" has to be translated in to an IP address like "". And the server which does this for you is from time to time unavailable, too slow, or whatever.

There are multiple causes:
- overloaded DNSserver of your ISP, even a D.D.O.S attack of hackers on your ISP
- slow internet speed
- your IP settings may be wrong
- a virus or malware on your computer
- but there must be more causes...

First thing I would do, after a viruscheck, is contacting my ISP and complain there.

Hope this helps
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Hi Henk - thanks for the advice. AV is up to date and clean but ran a scan anyway - clear. I've also checked same random sites via an Acer Win7 Home Pro SP1 laptop via same router, both wired and wireless - instant connections as normal .Trying exact same sites at the same time on Win10 PC fails so it's got to be local to that PC?.

Also tried via Chrome - that does the same thing - fails on Win10AMD box but ok on Acer Win7 SP1.

To reiterate tho - this was happening with Win7 before Win10 upgrade. All Service packs/updates applied .
Open a command promt [windows key] + [r] type "cmd" (no quotes) and press [enter]
at the promt type "ping google.com" (no quotes) and press [enter]
at the promt type "nslookup" (no quotes) and press [enter]
at the promt type "" (no quotes) and press [enter]
then take a screenshot please eg,
Yes, it looks like your W10 system inherited some faulty setting from W7...

Apart from the above advice, another interesting point would be to compare IP settings of your failing W7/W10 system with your other good working system.
Could you try this on both:
- Open a Command window [Windows key] + [r] type cmd
- At the prompt type ipconfig /all
Please compare the values for Default gateway and DNS server and post back
(if you see any other significant differences please post them also)
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Hi Bochane - got myself in knots trying to post screenshots from two different systems.


There was nothing further listed after Autoconfiguration Enabled (above) however there were quite a number of differences notes between the two so I thought I'd post both rather than try and post all the differences.
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Some more info on this. I thought I'd try another ADSL2 router that I had previously on this connection some time ago (6 months?), had swapped it as it lost a LAN port (now 3 from 4 working). Swapped them out and ..... no problem....... all is ok.............. Swapped the original back in to run the diags/supply info requested above (to ensure accurate info supplied via same devices) and some of the original sites now connect ok. That was about an hour ago . Now, tested again as I type this and at least one site is unavailable again. Will post this, go back to secondary (older "3 port" ) router and retest, repost.

So - five or so minutes later now back up on old "3 port" ADSL2 router - and all sites available no issues.

Summary - random connection problems evident, usually with the same sites, was running out of ideas & talent, posted here (and elsewhere) looking for possible solutions.
Tonight decided to change to older "3port" router just to test.
Older router - no problems - all sites connecting and fast.
Change back to original router to provide info as requested by ussnorway & bochane - some sites now ok??? but some others still unable to connect.
Swap back to older "3 port" - all sites now (again) no problem

So do I have a router issue here, and what would have changed (I've not changed any settings myself)? And, this does not explain how/why the Acer Win7 laptop connected ok where the other AMDWIN10device had issues. I'm happy to stay on the older "3 port" as I no longer need 4 ports and speed is the same (av 48.58Mbs down, 9.78Mbs up). Any <further> advice appreciated, Cheers
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Hi Rick,
There is only one difference with my configuration. That is the DNS server.
In your configuration is the DNS server that is the modem/router
In my configuration I see the IP numbers of the primary and secondary DNS server of my ISP
The difference is that in my case DNS requests are directly routed through, while in your case your modem/router has some active role. This does not explain the difference between the behaviour of your W10 and W7 system.
Is it possible to check this with your old 3 port router? What is the DNS server in that case?

Yes mate, the dns in your router can find basic things like google but will have an issue with any new page... I assume the old router replacement went mostly unnoticed because most the pages you visit are ones you have already been too.

  • Log into the router interface with a web brouser and set at least one dns
the steps differ from router to router but as a guide... type // (your router address) most the time there is a username and password

  • after you log in... look at your dhcp settings... there should be a place to enter dns servers... I'm in Australia so use the main sydney dns server but you can call whom ever sells your ip service to get the number of a good dns for your area

  • You may need to reboot the router but run another ipconfig to test that the setting has been fixed
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An addition:
There are modem/routes (like the one I have) where you can't set the DNS server IP's, your ISP does it for you. (And due to a recent d.d.o.s. attackt they have changed!). Your ISP should be able to provide all information.

Hope this helps
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Thanks Henk &ussnorway. Getting waaaaaay out of my depth here <hangs head in shame> but these are the settings from the "3 port". I'm in NZ so TNZ (Telecom NZ aka Spark is my ISP. Do these settings look ok? I'm happy to stay on this router now but will post same details for the original if you wish?
Being "Down under" from both Rick and ussnorway points of view I will humble step back
But will continue reading and following.
And it is interesting what your other router says and what ipconfig /all tells you in this situation.
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Cheers Henk, and thanks for the interest. So... by special request back on original router and confirming yes, at least one site (again no longer available again - V8 Supercars - The Official Website) - probably means not a lot to you but likely will to ussnorway being an Aussie . Screenshot from original router

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& ipconfig . Damn but this sucker is slow to start and connect (and now disconnecting and going back to "3port"):
OK, some time left, and looking into it.

As far as I understand it, there is nothing wrong with your settings!
With your settings your router performs your DNS lookups, the router itself calls back to the primary and secondary DNS server of your ISP. (In my conf I go directly to the DNS servers of my ISP, bypassing the router).
The 3-port router does this without fails
The newer 4port router fails after a short time. Maybe too fast growing name tables? or overloaded or just a bug?

You could try to change your router configuration: switch off DNS services in the router, and maybe the IP addresses of the DNS servers are passed on to your settings. If it does (after next restart of your PC) you see in your ipconfig /all list 2 DNS servers and they are different from your Default gateway. But I am not sure, it must be checked and I don't know your router.....
Or maybe it just needs to be reset, who knows.

You may even decide to put the 2 IP DNS server addresses manually in the IP settings of your PC.

That was it for now.
I realize that this may be too technical to be of much of help
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  • there is a difference between "ipconfig" and "ipconfig /all" I need the second one to see your lnet settings
  • your old settings screenshot shows two dns addresses "" is correct and should work in your area... "" is not an address I recognise and doesn't work (respond to ping) from my end.

at the time you did this screenshot your router was NOT passing dns quries downstream... that needs to be sorted before we can say the issue is fixed.

I recommend;
Ring your ip provider up and ask them if those two dns setting are good for your area... the number may have changed or some yahoo could be digging up the highway outside your town so we need to confirm those numbers. Then I would set "" as my first dns entry in the router you want to use now and "" as my backup/ second dns.

p.s. ask them to look at your router from their end.
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