Windows 7 Java version 7 update 6


New Member
Aug 29, 2012
So I have Java version 7, update 5. Trying to update to 6 and keep running into a problem. It's giving me an error saying that it can't find this file:


I searched my entire computer, it's not there. And I can't do the update without it evidently, I tried searching the Java site and get nowhere. I tried doing a google search again with nothing with the exception of this forum being in the search results. lol
Next fix worked. I searched Error 1714 and found this link: Error 1714. The older version of Java cannot be removed.. There are 3 fix suggestions, the first being to uninstall Java. If I could, I wouldn't be searching the entire universe on how to uninstall it.

The 2nd suggestion was to use a Microsoft FixIt, so I tried that. I never had one work before, but this one did. If you need to run this utility again, you'll find you can't, it just goes to the last screen you saw the last time you used it. But, you can copy the download file and name it something different, like copy1, copy2, etc. I did this for each of the files, and saw they were removed from the Add/Remove Programs list.

I was finally able to install Java, then...

My wife is getting this on her computer now.
Every day is says Java needs to update and when I tell it to go ahead it always fails.
So far no luck.


I have not had that problem yet but I usually go to the java site to update. Have had no problem doing it that way. I now have java 7 update 7.

My wife is getting this on her computer now.
Every day is says Java needs to update and when I tell it to go ahead it always fails.
So far no luck.


Hi Mike,

Check out the steps I took in posts #12 & #13 above (they may be on another page). Maybe they can help your wife. I haven't had any issues since then.

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This program will remove all traces of the old installations and allow you to update to the newest version of Java. You need to launch this program as an administrator for it to work properly. I found this info on CNET after searching for a solution to this problem for hours. This is the post I found on CNET that led to this issue being resolved for me.
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hey guys! i had a veeeery similiar prob with java 7 update 9, it missed that file too, i could neither uninstall the old versions nor install the new version. BUT! i found a solution! and because i seem to be far not the only one with this sort of problem, i've registered now here, to post u this link: Download msicuu2.exe kostenlos - Windows Installer CleanUp Utility
just do a leftklick at the [FileCluster US Server], so u will get the programm "msicuu", the "MicroSoftInstallCleanUpUtility". it is highly recommended that u work with eyes wide open and read before every click what u r going to do, otherwise u might have more probs then u tried to solve!
if u got it, open the prog, search in the list for all "java"-entrys, then leftklick at them, click remove, and - tadaaa, u have no more java on ur computer. this fine prog deletes EVERYTHING of the remove-chosen prog, in my case this had been about 1500 files / registry entrys / similiar stuff.
took me 2 days to find this solution. then it took me 2mins until old java was deleted and new java installed.
have fun with it! ^.^
Microsoft Windows Installer Cleanup Utility has been a proven solution. Revo Uninstaller is also a definitive application for these types of tasks. It is a great program for managing your installations and software removals.
I can't uninstall Java because again it can't find the jre1.7.0_05-c.msi file. I can't uninstall, I can't update, I'm stuck with this version and 90% of the stuff on the net that requires java doesn't work anymore cause I'm stuck with this damn version.
Ok I finally have it fixed. Thank you to whomever suggested the Reva uninstaller, that worked! And then I was able install the latest version of Java with no problems at all. And I've tested it on one of the sites I was having Java issues and it all works great. Oh I am so happy! You guys are the best!
The jre1.7.0_05.msi is the install file for Java.
Try and download it again and then run it, it should do the install.

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There's a link here about removing older versions.

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I've noticed it to be safe way to
1. Have Java notify a new update
2. Get it updated "manually"

Never failed.