Windows 7 Keyboard and Mouse Intermittently Stop Working


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2012
Within the last week, my keyboard and mouse will suddenly stop working, around 2-3 times a day. I can fix the problem by pulling out the respective USB connectors for the mouse and keyboard from their USB port, then simply reinserting them (but obviously this is a hassle).

Any help would be appreciated.

I just ran a SiSoftware Sandra Lite report, which took about an hour. It shows me the analysis steps it went through, and it says the report was created successfully- at the outset of the Sandra scan, I chose to save the report to my desktop, but it's nowhere to be found (the name of the report, as a .txt file is shown in the Sandra window, but can't be found even by a Start Menu search), thus I can't post it. (The Save icon at the bottom of the Sandra window is grayed out and unusable.) Any suggestions?

thank you!

I wouldn't be sure that wrestling with SiSoftware Sandra Lite is the best option. It seems that you have a hardware problem = either mouse or keyboard / or both, or simply with physical connections they have with the motherboard. This part you could try out with another mouse / keyboard.

The fact that it appears in seemingly standard intervals of time, somewhat, could indicate one of the most basic issues: heat. It's never too late, or unnecessary, to do the standard housewife operation: vacuuming.
Update your systems chipset drivers if possible, update BIOS if you know how and its possible. Disable any sleep mode you may have, look in Power Management and tell the computer to never sleep the Mouse / Keyboard.

Update your systems chipset drivers if possible, update BIOS if you know how and its possible. Disable any sleep mode you may have, look in Power Management and tell the computer to never sleep the Mouse / Keyboard.
Thank you for responding. I did all those things, but am still having the same problem.

Do you know if SiSoftware still offers free computer reports, since I haven't been able to generate them in the most recent version (the save button is greyed out), or do you know of another program that also generates reports?

Any other advice would be appreciated.

thank you, Gregg

I wouldn't be sure that wrestling with SiSoftware Sandra Lite is the best option. It seems that you have a hardware problem = either mouse or keyboard / or both, or simply with physical connections they have with the motherboard. This part you could try out with another mouse / keyboard.

The fact that it appears in seemingly standard intervals of time, somewhat, could indicate one of the most basic issues: heat. It's never too late, or unnecessary, to do the standard housewife operation: vacuuming.

Thanks for your response. I don't know enough to know whether it's a hardware or software issue. My intuition is that it's software. I probably didn't explain this clearly in my initial post, but it occurs randomly, and with, from what I can now tell, all of my usb ports, but more frequently with my mouse and keyboard. I did a vacuuming using compressed air about a week and a half ago.

What's the make/model of your keyboard/mouse? Are there any drivers or firmware that needs updated?
