
New Member
Jun 13, 2009
I'm running Vista Home Basic 32 on a computer not even a year old. When I log in (Safe mode w/|w/o networking, and regular) it works for about 5-20 minutes then freezes. Windows installer doesn't work as I tried to install Kaspersky to check for viruses, it got to the install point and crashed. I managed to keep the computer stable for a little longer period of time by ending all Windows Installer processes that were running, and kept ending them all when I checked.

This hasn't been the first time my computer has been acting up, it has been doing multiple things that get me mad. I am thinking either my Vista is bad or my MoBo is going as I got rid of a nForce SATA driver (nvstor.sys) and it became stable for 2 weeks, then I got a BSoD of the driver I removed. (The computer has sometimes not been finding my HD after a restart, which then makes me open it up and unplug/replug the SATA cables back in)

The damned thing has been to the shop 3 times now and they couldn't find anything wrong. Also I tried running Malwarebytes and the computer froze 5 minutes later in safe mode. I havn't tested the RAM, i'll do that tonight while I run a virus scan w/ this computer on the hard-drive.

Is this a vista issue, driver, device, or a virus/trojan/worm?

Please help, it sucks trying to play games on a computer w/ a 1.8ghz single core processor =(
Sorry if it's in the wrong section/forum/website but I want good tech smart people as the local computer shop does did-daly squat..

System specs:
HP Pavilion 6400z
Asus M2N68-LA micro ATX
AMD Sempron 1.8Ghz duel core
2gig Corsair XMS2 ddr2
Asus 8600gt Magic

check your RAM like you said but also what are your temps like? If overheating was an issue then you would see the symptoms you describe.
I'd also check for the latest driver versions especially after you have un-installed nvstor.sys.

Temps are the same when under full load and idle. 'Bout checking my RAM I ran Memtest last night and I came back to my computer this morning and I couldn't get it to show the screen. (I am only using 1 monitor right now as I gotta use the PS from the troubled computer to power the HD which I "tried" to scan with Kaspersky.) Also about the virus scan, it was on for 9 hours but just had a read/write error on the Nvidia gpu drivers almost right away. (I think it was.) And about the nForce SATA driver, I still have it on my computer. But hp/asus(product not listed??)/other sites that report that MoBo's specs fail to say which nForce I have. I really wouldn't want a full HD clean to factory setting (If it would even be up that long before it freezes..)

Edit #1: Forgot to mention for some weird reason it wiped all my restore points, and my computer does not see any USB devices connected, even though they can see it. (Most notable with Cell phone and PSP) Went to HP's website and tried to update HD's firmware and when I downloaded it for the specific computer it said it wasn't necessary. (Also can't find any info about my HD, Seagate Barracuda 7200.10 on their site.)
-Still crashing 5-10 minutes upon loading vista.

Edit #2: I downloaded the vista install CD from a link I found on the site and burnt it to a CD. Ran it and on the second time running the CD it froze while looking for vista installations. 3rd time booting from CD it froze at the beginning, and 4th time it froze loading the CD. So I am wondering if it is my RAM. I'ma try to test it again tonight. Could it be a MoBo going out?

Try testing your RAM one stick at a time. This way you won't get any false readings...

Only have one stick. The other one is "supposably" bad. Running Memtest now. Will reply w/ results.

Edit #1: So far 4 passes, no errors shown. Will continue to run overnight and reply in the morning.

Edit #2: Finished testing my RAM after 16 passes Now 25 passes(too lazy to turn it off =p), and... no errors.

Edit #3: I got bored and was searching through other posts and found out I forgot to list my PS: 400W

Well, if I can't fix it tonight I'm just gonna bring it in to the local computer place tomorrow. I really don't want to pay $$ for it though.. Any suggestion on what it could be?

You could try re-installing your drivers and also checking your bios is up to date. Run a chkdsk too and see if the HDD is ok..

Well I took it in yesterday, and the store found some things wrong. Really bad news for me.. But I do have a 2 year warranty on it so I am a little relieved.

The Graphics card went, (Even though no image qualities were distorted, weird) and my hard drive went.

Guess there woulda be little you could have helped me with.

Thank you for your time and generic response efforts, as this isn't a usual problem..
