
New Member
May 15, 2013
Hey guys, I have a question. I have both Windows 7 Ultimate and Ubuntu 13.04 installed on my laptop. Here's the partition details:
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I wish to remove Windows 7, but keep all my personal data on that partition. I'm seriously done with W7 on my little netbook... it can't handle 2 applications running at the same time.

So I plan on deleting the "Windows" folder from it, try to merge the partitions into one huge one, and still keep all my data. Is this at all possible? BTW: the first partition is Acer D2D [disk to disk] which I plan on keeping there. Just merging Partition 2 & 3 :p


**EDIT** I also have a 1TB External HDD if it is needed to temporarily save the data.

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You are planning to run only Ubuntu and remove all of the Windows & installation? What is currently in partitions 2 and 3?

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I'm seriously done with W7 on my little netbook... it can't handle 2 applications running at the same time.

I don't think it's so much the OS as it's the hardware that those little netbooks use. They were not designed for the heavy user, those were set up just to check emails, surf the net and social networking. Most of those netbooks that I've run across have the limited version of windows 7, called windows 7 starter....just a basic and lite OS to run on the minimal hardware that was used to make those tiny netbooks.
