
New Member
Apr 29, 2010
system details: Win 7 professional 32bit OS


my OS got corrupted. need to reinstall it.

i ahve installed many applications. its a pain to reinstall all those applications and drivers after i reinstall OS. is there a way i can backup only applications and drivers and not any OS component in my C drive??

i tried to use builtin backup feature. unfortunately it backs up everything in c drive including windows files.

pls help me out.


If you are convinced that a clean custom install of the OS is required and an Link Removed repair will not help your current issue, you will unfortunately not be able to backup your existing programs in the way you are hoping to do. That is not to say that you cannot back up your program directories as some programs keep important data files within their own program directory (QuickBooks comes to mind (QBW and QBB)). However; when programs are installed they add custom files, directories, and registry entries that are required for them to run and simply backing up your program directory and restoring it will not accomplish what you are after, you will need to reinstall them.
I would suggest that however you decide to...
Your probably best to track down them down as some will have undoubtably been updated. Personally I always back my apps up to a spare HDD so ensuring I always have a copy to hand.

When you say reinstall, are you referring to a Repair install? Your system should maintain the installed programs, and if it works correctly, you could then do your image backup before anything else happens.

Your probably best to track down them down as some will have undoubtably been updated. Personally I always back my apps up to a spare HDD so ensuring I always have a copy to hand.

i am unsure as to how to backup installed programs.... pls explain as to how to do it

When you say reinstall, are you referring to a Repair install? Your system should maintain the installed programs, and if it works correctly, you could then do your image backup before anything else happens.

since my OS has got corupted i am planning to install it by formatting my c drive. i need a way to backup whatever programs i have installed and not any windows files

You could create a system image backup using windows 7 backup. Then after you've reinstalled attach the backup vhd file and copy whatever programs you want from the image.

i am unsure as to how to backup installed programs.... pls explain as to how to do it

As Saltgrass mentions try a update installation and this will keep the intergrity of your apps. The only way to back up installed apps is to do a complete backup so hence my answer above.

If you are convinced that a clean custom install of the OS is required and an Link Removed repair will not help your current issue, you will unfortunately not be able to backup your existing programs in the way you are hoping to do. That is not to say that you cannot back up your program directories as some programs keep important data files within their own program directory (QuickBooks comes to mind (QBW and QBB)). However; when programs are installed they add custom files, directories, and registry entries that are required for them to run and simply backing up your program directory and restoring it will not accomplish what you are after, you will need to reinstall them.
I would suggest that however you decide to proceed you make every effort to backup your current installation entirely to the extent that that is possible. Realizing of course, that what ever is presently corrupted and possibly whatever was responsible for the corruption will likely be contained in a full backup, but still at the end of the day it's better to have it and not need it then to need it and not have it.
