Windows 7 Need to Print from Laptop to Desktop Printer via WiFi


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2014
Both machines are Win7 and both are on the same network. How can I print from the Lap to the Desk printer? At one time, I believe I was able to do this. .
You need to get the install utility for your printer install it on the lap top. When you get the proper setup utility it should ask you if the printer is local or on the network. The utility should them search your network for the printer and do the setup for you.
I have a Canon at home and HP laser and Lexmark laser at church and they were able to install via the utility to all the PCs wired and wireless.
Open Control Panel->Devices and Printers
On the machine that is actually physically hosting the printer. Right click the printer you intend to share and choose "Printer Properties" in the middle of the context menu not "Properties" at the bottom.
Select the "Sharing" tab and follow the bouncing ball.
When you give it a name, keep it short and simple and keep the spaces out. Like for a Hewlett Packard Desk Jet maybe consider using HPDJ as a share name.
Having a little problem when I put a file in the queue and try to print I get an error.. Both the laptop and desktop have the same check mark saying that they are ready to print a file. As soon as I press the button to print, I get an error msg. I have even hooked the laptop directly to the printer same result. Need to hook the LT to the Router and see what happens. I am unable to find my disks for my HP2610 Photosmart Printer. Looked high and low for it..
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Choose the Operating System and System Architecture (32 or 64 bit) for the appropriate machine.
I was on that site yesterday and started download and aborted it, thinking it was wrong. Went thru with the full download and when I started to use it, it wanted to know if I was going to connect printer via USB or Ethernet Cable. That told me that was the wrong install. Just thought of another possible problem, the printer is hooked up to the router not my desktop. Not very savy with computers but I am learning. It has been a long time ago, so not sure if the printer came with install disks. Even though I have searched for them. Watching the HP Install, sort of reminds me of when I did a download to the printer, if that makes any sense. Right now I don't know what to think, await your next step. Thanks

PS I just saw an HP update concerning printers disappearing from the network. Spooky
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the printer is hooked up to the router not my desktop
In your original post it seemed that the printer was connected to the desktop and you wanted to share that printer with the laptop.
Now it's connected to your router.
Can you tell us how, it is connected to your router? Wired Ethernet, Wireless, or USB?
@Trouble Sorry, I have the DT connected to the Router via Ethernet cable, the Printer connected to the Router via Ethernet cable.
I can copy, fax and do everything I need on the DT with this hookup. My LT is connected via network to the Router. Other than that I don't have a clue. Only have 1 Ethernet cable connection on the DT.
You need to get the install utility for your printer install it on the lap top. When you get the proper setup utility it should ask you if the printer is local or on the network. The utility should them search your network for the printer and do the setup for you.
I have a Canon at home and HP laser and Lexmark laser at church and they were able to install via the utility to all the PCs wired and wireless.
I just did what you said and I am ready to try it out Thanks

Update ::Just did not work, it says that the printer does not have a file in the Queue.

looked at the printer on the desktop and it shows nothing in the printer Queue.

Have been trying things all afternoon and no luck so I will give it a rest and tackle it later Thanks
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When you get a chance see if you can go to the printer and print out the network configuration report so we can get a sense of what IP address the network printer is currently being assigned by the router and then we'll try to ping it.

To print a network configuration page
1 On the control panel of the HP all-in-one, press the Setup button.
2 Press 8, and then press 1 .
This displays the Network Menu and then selects View Network Settings.
3 Press 1 .
This prints the network configuration page.
SOURE: Page 16 of the manual. Link Removed&
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Okay, I have the print out. How do I attach it, I see the upload file button, but how do I make the printout a file so I can upload it to you? Can I send you my email addy, or PM or is that not allowed.
You don't need to attach it to anything. We just need to know what the IP address is.
So just type it into your next post.
IP address = (yours will likely be different)
Subnet mask = (yours may be different)
Default Gateway = (your will likely be different)

Then on the laptop open a command prompt and type
ping (substituting your actual IP address on your printer's network report of the printer's IP address)
let us know the results
should be
sent 4, received 4, lost 0
That is a strange deal. 169.254.nnn.nnn are generally private reserved APIPA schema for non-DHCP networks.
Would you please go to your desktop and open a command prompt and type
hit enter
and let use know the IP address, Subnet Mask and Default Gateway address of your desktop.

This is getting really nerve racking and I think I will give up on this project as it is not a 9-1-1 Have spent way to much
on this besides the time you have helped me. Want to thank you very much. My understanding has clicked up a notch.

Tried to do the Skype thing and my Avast went off with a warning also.
That IP address makes considerably more sense logically.
And doesn't explain at all how you are able to use that network printer without problem from the Desktop (as a network printer).
Do you still have the USB cable plugged into the Desktop from the Printer?

I can understand the frustration but if you still want to devote some time, I'll be around.
We can start with doing another command prompt, this time on the Laptop.
ipconfig /all
hit enter.
Paste the results into your next post.