So do I! Windows 8 CP gave me a score of 2.4 (out of 9.9). Well, the screen looks better with Windows 8 CP installed than 7 did brand new out of the box. Windows 7 score was 2.7 when new, after upgrading my RAM, it jumped to 3.0.
But I'm really not into these scores. They are only MS's measure of performance. As long as I'm satisfied with what I have, and can do what I need to do with it, that's the score that counts. There are some users chasing down that perfect 7.9 score with every last cent that their credit cards will allow, but not me.
As far as AMD/ATI goes, I was lucky to get a driver for Windows 8 CP that makes it look good. Now, if they can provide that great of a driver for a beta OS, why can't they do that for Windows 7/Vista/XP owners who bought/built these PC's? Sure, they update it most months, but the updated ones looks hardly any different from the original.
I prefer NVIDIA a lot more over AMD/ATI.