
Essential Member
Microsoft Community Contributor
May 25, 2009

I Refreshed my computer and just when I got everything working great, Windows updated without asking me and killed my sound again.

Now I'll have to figure out how to restore my original drivers again.

I looked and it clearly shows that it updated my Sound Blaster drives which I didn't want it to do.

I wish it would tell me what it's doing and let me say don't do that.


OK, I got my sound working again, it took several restarts uninstalls and reinstalls, but it's working.

Does anyone know a way I can block Windows from automatically updating the drivers for my sound card?

I have my updates set to notify my now, but I'd like to be able to say don't install this!

I'm now making a System Image with everything working before I go any farther.

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OH.... I don't mind the auto updates so much, if it would just stick to windows updates and perhaps other Microsoft products. What I can not stand is that regardless of how I configure the advanced system setting, hardware tab, Device Installation Settings button, it completely ignores that I have previously set it to "No, let me choose what to do": AND...... "Never install driver software from Windows Updates.
I personally don't like the auto update feature. I'd rather be notified that updates are available and view them before installing.

I personally don't like the auto update feature. I'd rather be notified that updates are available and view them before installing.

Right now in windows 10 that feature is broke/not working for anybody. I see a lot of people are having this sound issue no matter what mobo brand and chip type (intel, amd) or how new or old the mobo is.

OH.... I don't mind the auto updates so much, if it would just stick to windows updates and perhaps other Microsoft products. What I can not stand is that regardless of how I configure the advanced system setting, hardware tab, Device Installation Settings button, it completely ignores that I have previously set it to "No, let me choose what to do": AND...... "Never install driver software from Windows Updates.

Just to confirm what you guy's are saying I too cannot stop the WU unit from downloading drivers. Even if you set the machine up at the install section (when it asks if you want to run recommended settings or your own) to not download drivers it still does it anyway. I've sent two or three stiffly worded feedback comments as this is simply unacceptable. I don't mind beta testing whatever but when they start removing choice from the equation then trouble will ensue.

The thing that bugs me is, that at least you would think that since I have sound drivers that are installed and working, I could just use the Roll Back Drivers option in Device Manager when it updates but for some reason that doesn't work.

It will show that I have switched to the older drivers, (the ones that work are from 2011) but the distortion of the sound stays until I remove the sound card, reboot, reinstall the drivers from the disk that came with the sound card, reboot again, and then maybe it will work, or maybe I have to repeat the process again up to 3 times.

If the roll back drivers function would work it would at least make this a lot easier to fix.

But the thing that is really a pain is that it's failing to reboot in the middle of the updates?
That requires all kinds of fiddling around to get it working again.


Boy I hope so, I've had to redo my Sound Drivers twice today.
