
New Member
Mar 31, 2013
Good evening!
Sorry if I posted this under an incorrect topic area, but I'm at a loss and not sure where to start. So, I shall give you all a brief explanation as to what is up and, hopefully, you can direct me in the right direction?

My husband's cousin had been complaining about her laptop being slow and finally, after months of me suggesting she bring it over, she begged for us to take a look at it. She said it took a long time to start up and sometimes didn't start. She said that it has crashed multiple times, but I have no details to share as to the circumstances.

So, I sat down yesterday with it and it kept trying to start but would come up to a black screen with the option to either start Windows normally or in a repair mode. I tried normal, but it would keep going back to the same screen so then I tried the repair mode. After several hours, finally gave up and shut it down.

Came back to it and double checked her BIOS...hard drive was visible. Went through the same process of trying to start it again and the normal start would not go, so I left it in repair mode and after about 10 minutes, it began the normal Win 7 load.

After about 20 minutes, it actually completed the process and we were in.

When I questioned her, she said she had no idea where her backup set of recovery discs were or if she had even made any when she first bought the computer. Alas, she has no idea if she has any other discs to load any of the other software on it or if she purchased stuff from the internet and downloaded.

She says she uses for it college but, can I say this politely, she has some real-world lacking experience and just leave it at that. She's physically challenged, in a wheel-chair, and her biggest concern is 1 - needing the laptop for connecting to friends and for college and 2 - NOT losing any of her Itunes.

I can tell you that the laptop shows VERY visible signs of wear & tear and it isn't any older than the one my husband and I have. Sadly, hers seems to have been very neglected.

I don't know where to start with it. We would love to get it in good working order for her since she says she has no money to purchase a new one until Jan, 2014.

The 1st thing that I did was make a recovery disc. Now, her system is differnt than our Acer's - which made multiple discs. Hers made 1.

At the moment, I have it defragging but I can tell you that it did take over 10 minutes to load tonite and that it does seem to be running very slowly but at least it isn't crashing.

I'd love to just wipe the whole thing clean and just do a clean factory reinstall but...since I'm not sure what programs she has..yet... and where she got them... or even if the systems is really stable enough to keep, I'm looking for advice.

This is what I know, right now.
It is a Sony Vaio - VGN-NW250F. I know it is running Win 7, I believe Home Premium. 64 bit? not sure.
I am thinking that once the defrag is done, do the Belarc advisor thing and see what it pulls up and then go from there?

Anyone have other suggestions or ideas - would LOVE them!!!! Would APPRECIATE them - GREATLY!!!!!

I'll post more details as I go along and see what happens but in advance - I would thank anyone willing to take me up on this challenge - I'll even share migraine meds, LOL!!!!

Thanks again!!!!

Re: Win 7 doesn't start


ITunes music files are stored in .m4p format.
A weird format designed to make them hard to deal with so you will keep using them in iTunes.

I convert all of mine to .mp3 so I can play them anyplace.

Download "Agent Ransack" and install it, only takes a few minutes, (it's a search engine that works alot better than the one in Windows).

Then run a search on C:\

And search for .m4p

It will find all the music files and show you exactly where they are stored.

Just copy all the .m4p files to a DVD or DVDs and they are safe.

When you get Windows reinstalled and get iTunes setup again just copy the files back to the original location.

Mine are stored by default in...
Re: Win 7 doesn't start


The tracking cookies aren't really malware as such, many are from places like Amazon.

I still remove them everyday because they constantly send data about you to commercial sites.

As for your niece's computer, you can get a decent new laptop pretty cheap now days...

Link Removed

It sounds like you are at that point.

