Windows 7 Repeated BSoDs, minidump included


New Member
Jul 21, 2012

I've recently been experiencing a lot of BSODs. These have had a number of different stop codes and I haven't had any luck tracking them down.

I am attaching a few minidump files. I attempted to analyze these myself using windbg but didn't get anywhere. I would really appreciate it if someone could point some of the problem areas out for me.

Link Removed

I have previously run Memtest86 (10 passes) so I don't think it's a RAM issue, but who knows.

Thanks in advance for any assistance!

Not sure how to move forward without new information.
I gave you a list of drivers which need to be addressed along with identification information and links.
Your two most recent dump files, at least of the three you have submitted to this point are very similar.
Download Memtest86+ from this location here. Burn the ISO to a CD and boot the computer from the CD from a cold boot after leaving it off for an hour or more.
Ideally let it run for at least 7 passes / 6-8 hours. If errors appear before that you can stop that particular test. Any time Memtest86+ reports errors, it can be either bad RAM or a bad Mobo slot. Perform the test RAM sticks individually as well as all possible...
At a quick glance it looks like you are still running on the original system BIOS version
BiosVendor = Phoenix Technologies, LTD
BiosVersion = ASUS M2N SLI ACPI BIOS Revision 0201
BiosReleaseDate = 09/07/2007
Have you considered perhaps updating that to something more current and see if that helps with your issue?

Additionally some older drivers pre-Windows 7 RTM which you should probably address by either upgrading / updating, uninstalling, or renaming to test.
[TABLE="width: 1496"]
[TD="align: right"]3/27/2005[/TD]
[TD]Asus ACPI Utility Driver[/TD]
[TD]ASUS - Motherboards- ASUS M2N-SLI[/TD]
[TD]Downloads expand Utilities First one labeled ATK0110 driver for WindowsXP/Vista/Win7 32&64-bit[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]10/20/2008[/TD]
[TD]Copy Protection Tages SA[/TD]
[TD]TAGES, the AAA Copy Protection System[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]3/30/2009[/TD]
[TD]VPN Software Juniper Networks[/TD]
[TD]Download Software - Support - Juniper Networks[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]3/6/2004[/TD]
[TD]Copy Protection Tages SA[/TD]
[TD]TAGES, the AAA Copy Protection System[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]10/17/2008[/TD]
[TD]nVidia network driver[/TD]
[TD]Drivers - Download NVIDIA Drivers[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]9/24/2006[/TD]
[TD]Download SpeedFan - Access temperature sensor in your computer[/TD]

Thank you for your replies. You're right: I had not updated my Bios. I was trying to use ASUS EZ Flash 2 but it kept crashing. I managed to use ASUS Update now, though, to update to Revision 1002, updated 5/22/09. Regarding the other drivers you mention, I'm somewhat confused. Should I look for updates for these drivers individually, or does ASUS put out updates for these components (am I correct that they are part of the board?). Thanks for any clarification you can provide.

After updating the BIOS, I now received a BSOD that I haven't gotten in quite a while: IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL. However, I don't think I received a minidump for this crash (my minidump folder has a ton of files but none from today).

For what it's worth, the only remotely recent change I made was the installation of my video card (AMD Radeon HD 6570) but that was a few months ago now. I have noticed that AMD's Catalyst suite seems to download new drivers without getting rid of the old ones. I recently used Driver Sweeper to get rid of them all (and the ones for my old nVidia card) and allowed Win7 to update the driver on its own. So I would think the video issue should be resolved, but possibly not.

Not sure how to move forward without new information.
I gave you a list of drivers which need to be addressed along with identification information and links.
Your two most recent dump files, at least of the three you have submitted to this point are very similar.
Download Memtest86+ from this location here. Burn the ISO to a CD and boot the computer from the CD from a cold boot after leaving it off for an hour or more.
Ideally let it run for at least 7 passes / 6-8 hours. If errors appear before that you can stop that particular test. Any time Memtest86+ reports errors, it can be either bad RAM or a bad Mobo slot. Perform the test RAM sticks individually as well as all possible combinations. When you find a good one then test it in all slots. Post back with the results.
See this Guide to using Memtest 86+
At an elevated command prompt check your system disk for errors by typing
chkdsk C: /R
hit enter
answer affirmative "Y" when prompted and reboot.
Let it finish all five stages and check the results in event viewer.
Also the fact that you are running Norton / Symantec which has on occasion been associated with random Blue Screens combined with yet a second anti-virus product from Sunbelt Software (maybe Vipre) is not generally considered a good practice.
I would highly recommend completely uninstalling both using the programs uninstaller if present or the Programs and Features applet in the Control Panel. Follow that up with the vendor specific proprietary removal tool from here Link Removed
Not sure if SunBelt / Vipre has a similar tool, so you might want to check Google and see.
Replace, at least for now with MSE from here Link Removed due to 404 Error
First make sure your machine is configured properly to facilitate the collection of .dmp files.
Go to Start and type in sysdm.cpl and press Enter
Click on the Advanced tab
Click on the Startup and Recovery Settings button
Ensure that Automatically restart is unchecked
Under the Write Debugging Information header select Small memory dump (256 kB) in the dropdown box
Ensure that the Small Dump Directory is listed as %systemroot%\Minidump << where your .dmp files can be found later
Click OK twice to exit the dialogs, then reboot for the changes to take effect.
Please read the first post in this sticky thread here Link Removed
Do your best to accumulate the data required.
Run the SF Diagnostic tool (download and right click the executable and choose run as administrator)
Download and run CPUz. Use the Windows snipping tool to gather images from all tabs including all slots populated with memory under the SPD tab.
Likewise RAMMon. Export the html report, put everything into a desktop folder that you've created for this purpose, zip it up and attach it to your next post (right click it and choose send to, compressed (zipped) folder.
Additionally, if you haven’t already, please take some time and fill out your system specs in your forum profile area Link Removed .
Good luck


Sorry it took me some time to respond. I apologize for not including that information earlier as I somehow overlooked that "How to ask for help" thread.

Here are the results of RAMMon, CPU-Z, and the SF Diag tool.

There was one page from the CPU-Z report I couldn't quite fit on the same image page. It was the Graphics page and just identified the card: AM Radeon HD 6570, 1024 MBytes.

Thank you again for your assistance.

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It would appear that you have ignored most of my previous recommendations.
Here Link Removed the drivers that I suggested that you update / upgrade, uninstall and or rename are still all present in your latest dump file.

It appears that you also ignored my recommendations regarding completely uninstalling your Symantec / Norton product software and your SunBelt software as well, in this post Link Removed and there is no mention of any results from your having ran MemTest86+, nor any mention of the results of having ran the native Check Disk utility, as I also suggested in that same post.
