Windows 10 Share your Windows 10 desktop

Files are too large to be uploaded. I are a idiot when it comes to pictures and files.

My latest.

Deep Blue Windows.webp

You can copy and paste your lock screen pictures by opening file explorer, go to view and make sure hidden files is checked, in file explorer type or paste this in.


Once there you can search and copy the ones you want.

thanks Sonny but I want to know where the place is that the image was taken... do you know mate?

" thanks Sonny but I want to know where the place is that the image was taken... do you know mate? "
" I am afraid I don't know where it was taken. Sorry "

if you don't mind me intervening … seems the wallpaper in question is a pic of "govăjdia blast furnace" … located in ghelari, romania (transylvania). while there are exact duplicates of sonny's wallpaper online … the version below (different lighting/camera-angle) is courtesy of wikipedia:

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