My HD usage is almost constantly at 100% making my brand new laptop pause when typing every few seconds.
Lenovo 530
I5 w/12GB RAM
2 months old
I tried a clean retail install of windows 8 pro, and without any other installed programs problem existed.
There is no program using more that 0.1mb/sec, its just usage.
Tried clean retail install of windows 7 pro, and without any other installed programs problem existed.
I did NOT notice this at all for the first month I had my new laptop.
The only thing that ever makes it better, is if the HD is being constantly accessed by a program, such as defrag - while defrag is running, my computer never pauses and it runs smooth as it should.
Any ideas?
I tried Clean installs, turning off page file, turning off indexing. Not much is helping.
Is it a HW issue?
Thanks guys!