These are the points I chose as the most useful for a newcomer (those that helped me to coordinate):
Classes Reward Experimentation
At the beginning of the game, the player must choose from six classes: Barbarian, Crusader, Demon Hunter, Monk, Necromancer, and Wizard. Some, like the Barbarian, specialize in brute force melee attacks, while others, like the Wizard, prefer ranged battles using elemental magic.
All six classes are viable, though some are a bit more straightforward than others. By the way, I play as a magician

The Necromancer, for example, is a highly flexible spellcaster capable of becoming a skeleton-centric pet class, a bone-wall building defensive monster, or AoE chain reaction nightmare using Corpse Explosion. Some classes may be better than others if min-maxing for PvP or PvE, but all of them have considerable depth and variety. The best starting choice is whatever the player will find the most fun.
Skills And Builds Are Flexible
Diablo doesn't have extensive skill trees, it still boasts considerable variety in unlockable powers.
Here i take some boost for up my character. As the character levels up, new skills will become available and old skills will grow stronger. In addition, powerful gear will enhance skills all the more, either by buffing the effects that are already there or by replacing those effects completely.
It's natural to find favorite skills and develop strategies around them in the early hours of the game, but
it's advantageous to play around with new skill and build combinations. Even if a player doesn't think that a given skill will be to their taste and suit their playstyle, it's worth giving it a shot, as trying out new skills can reveal unexpected power combinations, letting the player best mobs and bosses that might otherwise have stymied them.
Health Must Be Managed Carefully
The player has three health potions which are replenished on a cooldown. There is a brief cooldown period between health potion uses, too, so the player must be tactical when picking the right moment to deploy them in a fight. Killing enemies and dealing significant damage to bosses also causes red health orbs to drop, and collecting them will restore health just as if a health potion had been used.
There is no cooldown associated with picking up health orbs, so the player can snatch them up even if they have recently consumed another orb or a health potion. How difficult health is to manage depends both upon one's playstyle and how inclined a class is to play at the frontline. Whether one is taking blow after blow as a Barbarian or standing back and avoiding harm as a Wizard, knowing when to quaff a potion, when to snatch up a health orb, and when to retreat altogether is a vital skill for surviving certain difficult fights.
Unwanted Gear Can Be Scrapped
Like other dungeon crawlers,
Diablo showers players with loot. Killing demons, opening chests, and completing quests cause gold, gems, weapons, and armor to drop, and shortly after completing the tutorial, the player will find their inventory overflowing with gear. In other games, being loaded down with identical swords, shields that vary by only one or two points in a single stat, and dozens of common armor pieces would be cause for concern.
Diablo has an elegant solution for surplus gear. Any gear that the player doesn't need can be broken down at a blacksmith in the safety of a hub area. Doing so rewards the player with scrap materials used to upgrade equipment. Upgrading takes a considerable amount of materials, so the player should be grabbing every item they can and hauling it back to town to break down.
Side Quests Offer Fast Rewards
While it's tempting to devote oneself to the main story, plowing through mission after mission, there are good reasons to depart from the main path and pursue side objectives as well. Certain portions of the main story are gated, requiring the player to achieve a certain level before proceeding. While main story missions offer significant rewards for new players, there are times when completing side missions may be necessary to grind out the last level or two before proceeding.
Exploration can reward the player with gold and treasure that will make strengthening them and completing the main mission easier. Challenge Rifts and Bounties can be particularly good for earning some extra rewards, helping the character grow in strength, and outfitting them with specialized gear to hone one's build. Because they refresh daily, Bounties in particular are a potent source of extra EXP.
Also offers daily rewards for playing and killing monsters, which can go a long way towards helping to slay the armies of hell.
I hope this will be useful to you,
good luck guys