Windows 7 So What Are You Playing Right Now?


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Aug 28, 2007
So I thought I'd start a 'what game are playing Right Now'? Thread. I know this is a 7 games forum and this is just a little light relief... I tend to revisit my games many, many times and I usually have a old favourite like FEAR running as well as a current title.
Often though, I'll be playing through some game or other and have an awesome experience in the process which I find is great to share... Anyway, enough of the tree hugging stuff...:rolleyes:

One game which has got me totally gripped at the moment is 'Battle-Forge'.. It's like a free to play MMO/RTS with a single player game to boot. One of the scenarios drove me nuts because I kept dying and I was still at it at 5.30am Thursday morning..and I still died.....sob..

So what are you guys playing at the moment? Which game is keeping you awake until 5.30am?

So I thought I'd start a 'what game are playing Right Now'? Thread. I know this is a 7 games forum and this is just a little light relief... I tend to revisit my games many, many times and I usually have a old favourite like FEAR running as well as a current title.
Often though, I'll be playing through some game or other and have an awesome experience in the process which I find is great to share... Anyway, enough of the tree hugging stuff...:rolleyes:

One game which has got me totally gripped at the moment is 'Battle-Forge'.. It's like a free to play MMO/RTS with a single player game to boot. One of the scenarios drove me nuts because I kept dying and I was still at it at 5.30am Thursday morning..and I still died.....sob..


I liked all the Witcher games but the first two are not like or in the same league as The Witcher 3. As far as I'm concerned it's the best game ever.
Tons of content, interesting story, great graphics it has everything.

I can't wait for their new game that's coming out this year, even though it's set in the future.

If it improves on The Witcher 3 it will have to be fantastic.

Cyberpunk 2077 Looks like it will have the same kind of theme a lone tough guy solving problems in the underworld of a future city.


I've been playing X-COM: Enemy Within lately. I don't have a very powerful laptop. It's an ASUS K501U, Intel i7-6500U, GeForce GTX 90m. So I can't play any new games. But I do really like these older strategy type games. I like to play in window mode so I can look things up in my browser, listen to music etc.


I"m a newbie here. I love to play mobile games a lot rather than playing with computer. But this time I would like to play windows games as well. Can you please recommend me a few of them?


I liked all the Witcher games but the first two are not like or in the same league as The Witcher 3. As far as I'm concerned it's the best game ever.
Tons of content, interesting story, great graphics it has everything.

I can't wait for their new game that's coming out this year, even though it's set in the future.

If it improves on The Witcher 3 it will have to be fantastic.

Cyberpunk 2077 Looks like it will have the same kind of theme a lone tough guy solving problems in the underworld of a future city.

I grew to become very loyal to CDProjektRED after they completely rebuilt the first Witcher game, using suggestions from the forum. I love that game and still play it, but I agree that the third game is one of the best ever made. Playing it today, in fact. It's been my escape route from the news.


I may go back and look at the first Witcher game again. I didn't know it had been improved.
Right now I'm playing "We Lucky Few" which I got on sale.

The game is kind of dark but has a real story and it isn't easy. Some great puzzles and it is mostly a stealth game, which is a nice change.
No hoards of evil creatures attacking in waves.

It's set in the 60s, so I appreciate the humor.
I was there.

Hi, I wrote the title wrong, It's "We Happy Few".

I like the graphics which are very different as well, but it is pretty funny and as a said it's not easy especially at the start when I have no idea what's going on. But once get the hang of it's a blast.

Put it on your Steam want list, and they will tell you when it's on sale.

Hi, me again...

I've got a new game that's different and really a blast, but not easy.
It's called "A Plague Tale and it is fun and good-looking graphics wise.

This is a very liner game, and it's mostly puzzles in a real world setting.
The premise is that a young girl, and her younger brother escape from their home when that Inquisition raids the manor and kills her father and mother.

On their own in a world dealing with the black plague.

There are no monsters of aliens just medieval knights and rats, lots of rats.

The story is very complex and the game is quite long, I'm on chapter 15.

There is little combat but a lot of violence, and you will have to sit through your on screen avatar being stabbed, hacked, speared, pierced by arrows and eaten by rats every time you screw up. The saving grace is that it saves automatically after every accomplishment so you may have to try something multiple times learning something each time, but you won't have to do it again once you get it right.

But it is really novel and something new in game format.

Put it on your Steam want list and buy it on sale, I paid $15 and it's worth it.

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I can't go back to the computer games that were around when I was a kid, we didn't even have TV yet.

I remember gathering around the radio to listen to FDR, Date with Judy and Amos and Andy, you won't see that comeback though they did make a TV show out of it.

There's an idea, make computer games based on old radio shows.
I can't remember but there was a series about a guy who flew around in an airplane having adventures.

That might be kind of neat, set in the 30s solving crimes and beating the bad guys with no modern technology.

Does Captain Midnight sound right, it was something like that.


I have a new game that's fantastic, it's called Horizon Zero Dawn. It's kind of like the Witcher 3, Tomb Raider, Skyrim, and a SciFi game all rolled into one. Set in the future after humans have been reduced to living like it was 1,000 years ago, with modern stuff still lying around.

It's third person and you play a specific character like the Witcher.
There is a deep story and many recurring characters and stories.

Huge open world to explore and a lot of stealth combat which I like, not just running in swinging.

It's refreshing to take out targets from 100 yards away with a bow while hiding in the bushes.

And the world is still filed with Robot Machines that you must fight or use.

Has climbing action like Tomb Raider, and story element like the Witcher, and tasks to do like Skyrim.

I'm level 35 now and getting tougher with better equipment.
Traveling the world on my trusty robot horse. LOL

The graphics are good but not quite the level of The Witcher 3.
But I can run 90 to 110 fps with Ultra setting's at 3440 by 1440 on my 34" monitor.

Some people are complaining about crashes but I've only had one drop out in 30 hours of playing and no other bugs.

If I get time tomorrow I'll past in some screen shots.

When my internet don't work, I play "Fresh Minder 2 & 3". These programs are for brain training, e.g. math, logical thinking. Unfortunately these programs are in German, except the title^^

Actually I play the "real life" with swim and dive. But, unfortunately all indoor swimming facilities are closed in Germany. So, I'm forced to play English scrabble games. I also installed an old vocabulary trainer "Foreign language game collection" with German - English training. A good online game is "Text Twist 2" on You have to build words out of letters, English, of course :)
German would be kind of boring. Even my OS is in English. I don't like that German one^^
