Gwen Robinson

New Member
Apr 22, 2016
2016-04-22 (2).webp

So I called the number. They said to take my computer to Best Buy and have them do an OTR, run an infection sweep, do a malware removal and a full system tune- up then buy Stopzilla for $99.00 and have that installed because my MacAfee is worthless. He said it would cost about $350.00. My computer is less that 6 months old! I freaked out...then he said they could do it online for $250.00 and install the Stopzilla for one year free but I had to let them do it right now and he told me to not use my internet. Is this a ligament thing or is this a scam? I told him I was going to have to check my checking account and he said HE would call me right back in 10 minutes. SO I'm on my phone trying to use the internet to check this out and several places say its a scam. then I hear him say I'm going to keep my eye on this to make sure I was the real deal. (he forgot to hang the phone now I'm thinking okay, this really might be a scam. So I try to get him OFF my computer. YES, I gave him permission to operate my computer remotely. I can't get hi, off so I just yank the plug. Then I hear him say F*** that B****!! So, how do I get this off my computer? Is it a scam?


  • 2016-04-22 (2).webp
    2016-04-22 (2).webp
    78.9 KB · Views: 486
Well, my daughter came over. She opened Windows Edge and of course the frozen beeping page is STILL there so, she goes to the three little dots (options) on the right hand corner and clicks on open with internet explorer and McAfee say's oops! Do you really want to do that? She hits back and THE BLUE BEEPING FROZEN page is gone! Yes, it was THAT simple! So, I'm thinking this was not Malware it was a website that was trying to hold my Windows Edge hostage. So, my questions now, Is there anything I should still be concerned about? Have I done everything I need to do since I DID give him access to my computer?
Yes! It is scam! How is your computer running now? Are you using it to log on to the forum??You may have lucked out by pulling the plug! Have you tried to restart your computer??
Did you make a repair disc or a recovery drive?? W10 has several ways to recover. Have you tried to use the Advanced Startup Options?
Advanced Startup Options - Boot to in Windows 10

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Boot to Advanced Startup Options from a Hard Reboot
This option can be handy if you are unable to boot into Windows.

1. Press and hold the power button on your PC until it powers off.

2. Press the power button on your PC to turn it on.

3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 above until you see Please wait during boot It may take three times!

Would really be nice to know if you can boot in windows. If you can, then running the malware scanners like @kemical suggested would be the thing to do. If you can't we need to know that, so that more advise can be suggested!

This site looks like it's blacklisted. Also I don't think this is malware, this is scareware. The site is just a fake warning trying to scare you into buying something.

This site looks like it's blacklisted. Also I don't think this is malware, this is scareware. The site is just a fake warning trying to scare you into buying something.
Hi @Neemobeer ! I don't understand your reply. Scareware is covered in my reply #6. I really don't think the OP wants our help.;)
Should be a easy fix! The way I understand all this is the OP took a phone call. Then allowed the caller access to her PC, but got suspicious and unplugged, probably before any damage was done. It happens all the time here in my retirement village. I agree with @kemical that the OP should run some malware scans to make sure their PC is free from malware! It could be done in safe mode if the OP can't boot into Windows normally!
I'm not going to reply further until the OP replies and asks for more help. I have made several suggestions and asked questions:)
Thanks for helping!

This message is a website so the solution is don't go to this site. There is no fix because it's not something on the computer.

Hi So the OP clicked on this website. Called the number. @kemical suggested the OP run Malwarebytes and ESET on line scanner.
If the OP gave the caller excess to their PC, I see no problem with suggesting the OP to run these. I would probably run Adwcleaner after malwarebytes and then ESET!;):)
Never trust and give a stranger access to your computer is my advise. Hang up on anyone saying they can fix and clean up your PC. They are all scams!

That certainly wouldn't hurt, but 90% the purpose of these scams is to extort money and steal data. In most cases they are not installing malware.

Hi friend! I think my link in post # 6 explains that very well.
Thanks for helping. Team work is always good IMHO;)

I have run the Malwarebytes Anti-Malware and it found nothing. My McAfee found nothing. I downloaded adwcleaner, NOTHING! However, I removed everything he used to remotely command my computer BEFORE running these programs from the downloads tab. Maybe I should have waited, but I was worried he might be able to get personal information without me knowing. So as of today, I can use windows edge by opening another tab but the BEEP, BEEP, BEEP from the frozen page will drive you nuts! When this first happened, I just turned the sound off while searching for ways to remove it. Then I downloaded Google Chrome for a back up browser. I can use Google chrome with no problems. I have turned my computer off and disconnected my internet, unplugged the computer from the wall and from the back of the monitor (it's a three in one type computer) then connected everything back AND IT'S STILL THERE!!!!

Hi So the OP clicked on this website. Called the number. @kemical suggested the OP run Malwarebytes and ESET on line scanner.
If the OP gave the caller excess to their PC, I see no problem with suggesting the OP to run these. I would probably run Adwcleaner after malwarebytes and then ESET!;):)
Never trust and give a stranger access to your computer is my advise. Hang up on anyone saying they can fix and clean up your PC. They are all scams!

Lesson learned! The hard way!

Hi Gwen,
if you check this guide you'll see about halfway down instructions on how to remove it from the Edge browser... Worth a try perhaps?
Link Removed

Well, my daughter came over. She opened Windows Edge and of course the frozen beeping page is STILL there so, she goes to the three little dots (options) on the right hand corner and clicks on open with internet explorer and McAfee say's oops! Do you really want to do that? She hits back and THE BLUE BEEPING FROZEN page is gone! Yes, it was THAT simple! So, I'm thinking this was not Malware it was a website that was trying to hold my Windows Edge hostage. So, my questions now, Is there anything I should still be concerned about? Have I done everything I need to do since I DID give him access to my computer?

Hi Gwen! Thanks for your thread. I think we have all learned from your experience. If you do have more trouble, just use the link that @kemical provided. This is the first I have ever heard about this. I know that a browser can be Hi-Jacked by malware and it seems this is what happened to you. Edge is new and a good target for hackers. I'm sure Microsoft will figure out a patch for this before long. I don't use Edge for that reason.
There was a time when Chrome was being targeted. I firmly believe that you need a layered protection plan these days. I use Window Defender and Malwarebytes Pro . Thank you again for this thread. I'm sure it will get a lot of attention. I think you will be just fine. If you have more problems, you know where to find us. Welcome to the forum Gwen and thank you for sharing your experience.

Hi Gwen! Would you please explain how you got on that site. When I try, I get a forbidden site pop up.
@Neemobeer says it's black listed. I'm trying to learn more about this.
Thank you!

Hi Gwen,
glad to hear your problem is solved. As Neemobeer correctly surmised it was indeed 'scareware' and it sounds like it hijacks your homepage. First time I've seen it to be honest although i have read about similar exploits. Just to be on the safe side ask your daughter to look in your remove programs section just in case the tech installed anything like Teamviewer. Chances are though is that you'll be fine.
