
New Member
May 7, 2013
I am using Win7, and until very recently, I have been able to burn downloaded music onto a CD
in my optical drive, and also play the CD on the CD player attached to my audio system.
Now, when I burn a recording, the burn goes to completion, and when I reinsert the burned
CD in to the optical drive the music plays perfectly on my PC. When I place the new CD into CD player on my audio system, nothing happens, I tested the CD on my daughters CD player,
and it doesn't play, likewise on a CD player at a local electronic store. I haven't changed any
of the settings in Windows Media Player, so I need some help!!

.wav and .mp3 are data file types. And will not likely play in a typical CD player.
However, once they are burned to the CD they should have a file extension of .cda which should play on any CD player.
If you place the CD into your computer and explore it, what are the file extensions of the files that are actually on the CD.
I just used Windows Media Player to burn some old Beatles songs to an "Audio CD" took it and popped it into my Sony Bravia TV and it played without issue. Took it out to my car and it played in the CD player there as well.
The songs that I burnt started life as .mp3(s) and .wma(s) but once on the CD they all have .cda extensions.
So if your songs still have their original file extensions after you have burned...
Check the file extensions of the files that are on the CDs that you are burning. They should have a file extension of .cda if I'm not mistaken.
Double check Windows Media Player to confirm that you are not accidentally burning data discs. See attachment


  • AudioCD.webp
    25.4 KB · Views: 470
Quite many CD players don't play self burned CDs. I've had problems there too. Even if you straight copy the CD - actually illegal - the CD player won't play it, even if a computer will. It varies with CD makes, check if you have have the same as earlier.

The only way to be sure is to buy the original.
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Thanks for the suggestion; I checked the file extensions for most of those I was trying to burn, they are: WAV & MP3,
neither had a successful burn for a CD player.
.wav and .mp3 are data file types. And will not likely play in a typical CD player.
However, once they are burned to the CD they should have a file extension of .cda which should play on any CD player.
If you place the CD into your computer and explore it, what are the file extensions of the files that are actually on the CD.
I just used Windows Media Player to burn some old Beatles songs to an "Audio CD" took it and popped it into my Sony Bravia TV and it played without issue. Took it out to my car and it played in the CD player there as well.
The songs that I burnt started life as .mp3(s) and .wma(s) but once on the CD they all have .cda extensions.
So if your songs still have their original file extensions after you have burned them to a CD then you are burning DATA and you need to switch Windows Media Player to burn AUDIO.
Thank you for your response. I don't know what has changed in my system, I have burned downloaded songs for the last several
years on the same PC and played them on my current CD player without a problem. the only thing that has changed is I recently
encountered a problem trying to load a copy of Turbo tax. on the PC. The optical reader went into some sort of loop and didn't load
the program. I took the PC to the local Geek group and they replaced the optical reader, and I was able to load the program.

Out of frustration, I took advantage of the free download offer of Express Burn on this Web site and burned a recording. I tested the
burned cd on the PC and it played the recorded song. I tried it on my CD player and the car CD player and got nothing. I can't
figure out what is going on, there must be something on the recorded CD that is being rejected by the cd players.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Like Trouble notes, files on a cd should be in .cda format. Some or many cd players do play other formats, but it's a guess.

There is, however, one problem: companies put restrictions in various forms in order to stop the free copying of their products and thus, even if the original one is freely to be listened to, copying may be impossible, due to some hidden ciphering.

And, .cda is a copyrighted file format, meaning you can't get it in freeware.

End of lesson? Finally, somewhere at some point, you have to pay.
It used to be if the burn was not closed out, the CD would not play except on the originating computer. If you are burning multi-session or some other variance, do you have an option to close or finalize the burn?
Thank you for your help; I think I might have found the cause of my problem. I tried playing on a Sony portable
CD player, one of the CD's I recently created, and it played. That same CD won't play on my home CD player;
my home player is probably 8 or 9 years old. I visited my local Best Buy store and tried playing the CD on one of the
displayed CD players and it played. I am now looking for a replacement CD player for my home.
I may have experienced something of the same kind: self burned CDs that played well 10 years ago, won't play at all. Makes one wonder if it is the lifespan of the player, or the CD.

Anyways, happy you seem to have resolved it.