
New Member
Jan 20, 2009
Hi guys

I seem to get an error "Cannot Complete Windows assesment when running this on build 7048.

gets as far as Running the Direct3D 10 ALU assessment -- then takes a LONG time (> 5 mins approx hard disk light going bonkers) evntually you get a few more tests and then it fails at Windows Media encoding performance -- Crash The Windows experience for your system cannot be completed.

otherwise EVERYTHING else is Hunky Dory so far.
the __vmware_user__ User id that used to be shown in the logon screen if you run vmware (you can get rid of it with a registry entry -- there's details on this board) is now fixed by default so it doesn't show up anymore on the logon screen.

The system also is so much snappier that you don't need to turn off Superfetch or Windows search anymore. (and this is on a laptop -- can't wait to try it on my 8GB Quad Q9400 desktop CPU -- will be installing on that as well (Dual boot with Win XP Pro 64 bit --have some old legacy apps that will still only work with Windows XP).

With this build I can't wait for RC1 and RTM but I'm quite happy with this version.
(IE8 quibbles fixed -- it's now running FULL IE8 not an RC version).

I'm running on a 4GB laptop with a dual core T7250 2.00GHZ processor and 320 GB single drive.

Nice one Microsoft. W7 looking better by the day.I'm not too bothered with the Wiundows experience index so long as the computer seems to be snappy enough

WEI is working fine for me Jimbo. It has even boosted up my previous score on an old laptop.
A couple of posters on Technet have said that it is a problem with your computer not being able to cope - nothing wrong with the OS. Thats fine, but doesn't gell if you had it running previously?
You could try installing an older driver version (Nvdia is it, that seems to be the culprit on technet forums?)
WEI is working fine for me Jimbo. It has even boosted up my previous score on an old laptop.
A couple of posters on Technet have said that it is a problem with your computer not being able to cope - nothing wrong with the OS. Thats fine, but doesn't gell if you had it running previously?
You could try installing an older driver version (Nvdia is it, that seems to be the culprit on technet forums?)
Hi Dave

I re-burned ISO -- extracted the boot record from build 7022 and made a proper bootable ISO with UltraISO. Re-installed again from FRESH -- It's working now

I must have carried something over from build 7022 upgrade (not a good idea to upgrade to a new beta from a previous Beta).


Hi there -- working on the desktop -- not on the laptop -- I've actually abandoned build 7048 on the laptop --had some other issues -- build 7022 x-64 fine however.
