If you've had shutdown issues going back to Vista and to now, than it has obviously followed your hardware. Are you using an IDE drive? Windows 7 + IDE = very very slow. I had this problem, and worked very hard until I finally got Win7 to install on my SATA drive.
If you have any add on devices (sound, video, NIC, wireless, etc) remove them one by one (assuming you have intgrated devices to substitute) to see if your problem is fixed and determine which device it was. It could even (but hope not) be a compatibility issue with your system board (chipset)
Thanks, Mike. I agree, it has to be a hardware issue. It's been up and down for me since this problem started getting critical. To be sure it wasn't the system drive (I've always been using SATA), I bought and installed a new, 1 TB drive, and loaded Vista 64 on it. After days of the usual crap, loading files and reinstalling programs, it was still shaky. So I knew then that it wasn't Win 7 per se or the drive, but rather some other hardware issue. I don't have a lot of add-on hardware. Just a graphics card (ATI HD 2600 XT), sound card (Asus DX--why does everything have an "X" in it ?

), and an ATI TV card. My MOBO (Intel DP35DP) has onboard sound, which never worked properly, and an NIC, but not onboard graphics.
This morning, after I thought everything was running more or less normally (hah!), I had Explorer crash on me (tried to empty the Recycle Bin, silly me) and then I had to do a hard reboot, as usual. Then Windows wouldn't start at all. Got the Intel splash screen and the various DOS screens (so not a graphics card issue) but then that was it--I just saw a blinking cursor in the upper LH corner of the screen, the rest black.
At that point, I figured something was toast. Tried several times to reboot, even tried booting to the Vista DVD, but no go. Finally gave up and turned it off for a few hours. When I started it up again, lo and behold, I got the "Windows failed to shut down..." screen. So I booted into Safe Mode, shut it down (gracefully), and then installed 4G more memory that I had ordered, making 8G total. In the process, I moved my old memory from the 0 slots to the 1 slots, figuring that I'd reseat it in the process, what the hell, you never know. And now, it once again seems to be running fine! It even shut down nicely just now when I installed the Windows Media Center Home Server Connector.
So I'll wait and see what happens over the next few days. If it keeps running nicely, maybe I'll think about upgrading to Win 7. Or I just might wait for RTM, since it's coming in October, and that would save me having to do a clean install then, probably.
Thanks again,