
New Member
May 8, 2009
I have problem with ColorNavigator Calibration Software, it don't even start, only this message.
“The adjustment capable monitor cannot be found automatically. Do you find manually?â€Â￾

if click "Yes" or "No" become this message;

"The adjustment capable monitor cannot be found. The monitor cannot be adjusted with the current status. Exit the software, connect the monitor and the PC with the USB cable, then restart the software.â€Â￾ and that's it.

Same messages becomes if USB is connected or not.

With XP ColorNavigator Calibration Software works fine.

Sorry my english. Jii

ps. this monitor Link Removed due to 404 Error

Have you checked this page for ICC profiles and drivers?

Link Removed


I have latest driver for Vista

I must try Revo...

...but now i use XP and can't use Seven, I must change fdisk first.

USB-ports works fine in monitor.

I have problem with ColorNavigator Calibration Software, it don't even start, only this message.
“The adjustment capable monitor cannot be found automatically. Do you find manually?â€Â￾

if click \"Yes\" or \"No\" become this message;

\"The adjustment capable monitor cannot be found. The monitor cannot be adjusted with the current status. Exit the software, connect the monitor and the PC with the USB cable, then restart the software.â€Â￾ and that's it.

Same messages becomes if USB is connected or not.

With XP ColorNavigator Calibration Software works fine.

Sorry my english. Jii

ps. this monitor EIZO / ColorEdge CG222W

I have the same problem, with eizo CG241W. I have the latest drive for vista 64 bit and it doesn't work.
What can I do?

I am using Eizo CG210 and and latest color navigator 5.2.2 and i have the same problem: Navigator won't even start, giving me the same stupid message: nv cannot detect your display automatically..........blah blah blah!

Funny thing, i installed and tried basiccolor display 4.1.1 and it worked like a charm!

Anyone has any ideas about color navigator?

The customer support tell me that a new version of ColorNavigator will arrive in july, but it will not supported by calibrators, and in december 2009 - january 2010 will arrive another version, the 5.2.4that will be work fine.

My search only revealed drivers fro 200 & XP, couldn't even locate a Vista driver.

My search only revealed drivers fro 200 & XP, couldn't even locate a Vista driver.
Possibly you misunderstood: we are talking about Color Nanigator, the software to adjust Eizo GC monitors, and they all support Vista. Drivers, or .inf files, are for 2000 and XP only. You don't need them for Vista. But we are discussing CN, not drivers, and CN compatibility with windows7.


Yes I see now.

I think it's time to take a break from posting:redface:

Same situation here, but...
For my CE210W I have found that the Color Navigator CE I use in WinXP works fine with Win7 RC.
Just copied the Eizo>CE folder from C:/Program Files to Desktop in Win7 and ran it from there (it needs the Sensor dll's present).
Will do me til the new version of Color Navigator appears...
Good luck...
