Nomad of Norad

Extraordinary Member
Jan 9, 2009
Okay, yesterday Windows updated my machine to version 17763.437, and after that I have had an issue where it will suddenly lock up the entire machine and go to a loud electronic-buzzing noise from the speakers, forcing me to hit the Reset button on my case. When it did this yesterday, I figured it was a video driver issue, so I downloaded and installed the latest official driver from nVidia, but today it did it again.

In both instances, I was in Second Life on the Firestorm viewer, in a music club, listening to the streaming music, and it happened within a few moments of me being there. I have been extensively in Firestorm the rest of last night, though in much less involving locations than in a music club. (The in world music clubs tend to have a LOT of visual stuff going on, like lights whirling around, and moving graphics all over the place.) Bear in mind, it has NEVER done this crash until after yesterday's Windows update, and I have gone to that exact same club for YEARS several times a week without anything remotely like this happening. I honestly don't know if its something strictly related to the streaming audio (it is literally just playing an Internet radio station), or something in the graphics-intensive activities on screen there, but again, it has ONLY BEEN doing this since the new update of Windows, so I'm guessing its a fouled up driver issue somewhere.

Where should I be looking? Is there a diagnostics program I can try running to narrow this down?

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Thank you,

I can see from the errors that you had a memory leak although it doesn't mention with what plus a lot of telemetry errors.

Try running these scans:

File scans
Open an 'admin command prompt'. Type:
sfc /scannow
press enter and await results

In the same command prompt and after the above scan has finished type:
dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth
Press enter and await results (longer this time).

If the first scan found files it could not repair but the second scan is successful, run the first scan again using the same command prompt box and this time it should repair the files found.

See if you have any dump files using the address Mike gave above or use the app found the thread sticky on how to post about bsod's...
If you mean letting Microsoft convert me over from Win7 to Win10, I did that maybe a couple years ago. No, this time it was just the usual, next update of Win10. Should I do this iso-disc thingy anyway?

Incidentally, shortly after I posted the previous message, the machine froze again. This time I had open that system monitoring utility you guys recommended, and also another one that came from the makers of my video card. All the temperatures of the CPU, HDDs, ram, the video card, etc were in their normal ranges at the moment of the hang.

Sent from my SHIELD Tablet K1 using Windows Forums mobile app

Bah, why doesn't the tablet app have a simple reply-to-this-thread button, instead of presenting ONLY a quote-a-whole-message button? I found a Reply option in the stack-of-lines button at the top of the app window, and figured THAT was a reply-to-this-thread button, I then posted two paragraphs of stuff, hit Send, and.... nothing happened. It didn't show up here in this thread, it didn't show up as an IM to myself, and it didn't go to email, so I don't know where it went. Anyway, trying to remember what I said, so I can post the information again:

If you meant did I upgrade from, say, Win7 to Win10 this week...? No, my upgrade INTO WIn10 from another version of Windows was probably a couple of years ago. No, the recent one was simply Win10 progressing into its next update. Would running the ISO thingy on it still fix it, though?

On a different note, a few moments after I posted the previous message in here, my machine locked up again. This time I had HWINFO installed and running, and also had a system-monitoring program from the makers of my video card running. On HWINFO it showed the CPU, ram, HDDs, and whatnot all within their expected temperature ranges at the moment of the hang. The video-card monitoring program also showed the card within its normal temperature range, and also showed the fan running at 44%, which seems to be the normal, expected amount when its not working hard.

Well, the trouble with reverting to a previous version of Win10 is that under normal operations, its going to want to reinstall the updates again at its earliest convenience, and that page doesn't make any reference to how to turn that off. IIRC, it had to be done in some nonstandard way, but I don't remember what it was off the top of my head.

On a different note, I have had Verifier enabled on my machine for a couple days. Is there a command in shell to send it to tell if it saw anything funky? When I invoke verifier /query I don't see any obvious signs of screwballiness, but then I also don't really know what to look for in there.

In any event, I DID burn a reinstall/repair DVD from that iso link you gave earlier, but haven't tried using it to do a repair-in-place yet.

edit: Hmmmm... according to Link Removed I can now turn off updates for up to 35 days.

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If the verifier hasn't found anything in 24hrs then turn it off. Unfortunately the verifier cannot be accessed like you asked or at least I don't think it can.
Probably your best bet is to try and roll back the update and see if it stops the issue.

Well, I finally elected to do the rollback, and I spent several hours trying to bend this thing to my will, and it refusing to play ball. It gave me only 3 points I could go back to, all of them being from Friday, even though the update that took me out of the version of WIn10 that worked fine happened Monday night. Also, at one point it actually had to do an automatic repair during the attempt at rollback, after it failed to a blue screen with a great big : ( frowny face text-emoticon and one of those scan-it-with-a-cellphone-camera pattern-of-dots squares for more information, and which also pointed me to where it had saved an error logfile on my machine. I tried again with a new rollback, and it finally went through successfully, but I'm still on version 1809, and I was trying to go back to something before 1809 was inflicted upon me. And the machine still hangs.

I am at a loss. I don't know where to go from here. The version I am on now is version 1809, OS build 17763.292


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See post #20 and try a clean install.

If I am interpreting post #20 correctly, I should click the "Download tool now" button (the second of the blue buttons) rather than the "Update now" button (the first one) on that page. I have burned a DVD of the iso from the 2nd button, the "Download tool now" button. Should I launch that DVD onto my machine, or should I go back and grab the .exe file from the first blue button?

Nope that DVD is all you need.

You will of course need to boot into the bios and change the boot order so that your machine looks at the DVD player first then reboot. Do watch for any prompts like 'press any key' although it's a while since i've seen that message pop up.

Don't forget when asked about activation just click 'I don't have one' as you'll activate once your back online.

Hope all goes well!

It might be an idea to get your basic drivers together first in case they are needed, particularly chipset (always installed first, graphics, audio and finally network, you could pop these onto a disk or usb.

Okay, when I booted from the DVD and it gave me some longwinded statement that the upgrade option isn't available if I boot from the disc and recommending I start it from the desktop and go onto the disc from there. It does that one the other machine in the house, too. (I have to do that every time it needs to do a new, large update to Win10, but then decides the update didn't install right, backs it back out, then notices the new update, tries to update to it again, fails again, reverts to previous again, tries to update... GAH!!!)

Anyway, I launched the update from desktop by opening the disc from Explorer, launching the exe, selecting install, and so forth. Trouble is, it has been sitting at Checking for updates: 46% now for more than two hours. Oo

Sent from my SHIELD Tablet K1 using Windows Forums mobile app

Why would want to boot from the disk and then perform an upgrade.......?

The option you want is 'custom' install. Wipe your disk clean of any partitions (unless you've partitioned it off to install other files) and just click next, thats al you need to do.

How to do a clean installation of Windows 10

Wait, "clean install" means completely wipe my HDD and do a totally from scratch install of EVERYTHING? That is absolutely NOT an option, there are too many things on here that I would not be able to readily get configured back the way I need them to be. I was interpreting "clean install" as place a fresh copy of Win10 ONTO the existing contents of the drive to replace the broken copy of it.

Sent from my SHIELD Tablet K1 using Windows Forums mobile app

Well I guess you could try the upgrade install and see if it helps.... Has it?

Well, it got stuck at 46% for more than 4 hours before I finally gave up on it and quit out of it. I'm wondering if I might have better luck trying this in Safe Mode with Internet, but right now I decided to go ahead and let Windows update me at least back to the current incremental updates of 1803, THEN maybe try this again.

Turns out it doesn't want to install from safe mode, so I went back to regular mode and let it install Win10 over the existing Win10 from there. Took hours, but this time it got all the way to the end. I've had my machine running for hours now without random hangs, but haven't yet tried doing the one thing that before was guaranteed to make it hang: go to that music club in SL and listen to the music stream.

That said, I'm heading to bed. I'll see how this behaves over the next few days.

Did this issue get resolved when you rolled back? If so, wait for 1903, as I believe you will encounter less problems. I looked at your event logs and there are just unanticipated crashes over and over. It could be a problem with your chipset drivers. There is no obvious way to determine what really happened here. I would consider the clean install (with essential docs and software backed up) as the final measure if it starts happening again. Windows also found no integrity violations and no disk errors - could be an errant driver that is causing the lockups. Best guess in this scenario. Or Build 1809 is a piece of crap and you should skip ahead to 1903. At least 3 of our team members including myself had issues with the build you were on. My main system wouldn't even recover from sleep mode on this build and would just restart. So its not out of the question that 1809 screwed something up.

Well, all the other random hangs have been gone since my reinstall-in-place, but when I went to a (different, less special-effects-laden) music club in SL, after a half hour there, it hung to bzzzzzzzzzz and I had to punch reboot. Gah.

This doesn't happen on my laptop, also running 1809, but its not as fancy a machine, either.

edit: A few short hours ago, I updated to the newest video driver again from the maker. A short while ago, I hung to bzzzzzzz during a youtube video. 0o

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Well, a couple days ago I was doing a 3D render in DAS Studio, and the machine suddenly shut off as if I'd yanked the cord out of the wall. Basically just went FOOOoooooommm!

Today I pulled the machine out, dusted it out a bit with compressed air can(s), checked at least superficially that the video card was still snuggly in place... and then connected the mobo power connector from the PSU into a tester device. Didn't bother with the ones going to the drives or stuff.

I might be reading this wrong, but I noticed the -5V led was dark. 0o

I guess I need to order a new PSU from Amazon. 0O

Dang, what happened to the day when manufacturers made their electrical devices to last at least 20 or 30 years at a stretch? Now it's "Buy a new one in 5 years and throw the old one away!" **Facedesks**

edit: Well, someone on another forum was telling me, "There is no -5Volt rail on ATX PSU's. There's a 3.3, 5 and 12. According to that tester your PSU's voltages are right."


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