Windows 10 Windows 10 uses only 75% or 3/4 RAM


Sep 18, 2016
My PC has 4.00 GB RAM installed and since I am using windows 10, I have noticed in the Performance tab of Task Manager, that the allocated Memory is not more than 3.0 GB out of 4.0 GB. Why windows 10 restricts? It doesn't use 1 GB available for it and I must use this 1 GB. Most of the times (or even always) My allocated Memory is in range of (2.5 of 3.0). Frequently I get the message: "Your computer is low on memory" and this restriction is causing many open applications to crash and even entire system crash and reboot/restart. I must solve this problem in any cost and if not then I must uninstall windows 10 and go back to windows 7. I need your help.

Which windows 10 are you using 32bit or 64? System specs would help us see whats happening.

I am using 64 bit. See my tags as well. I mentioned the tag "windows 10 64 bit".

In the task manager under the performance tab click on Memory on the left and look at the center bottom how much RAM is "Hardware reserved"?

thanks for the tip

I mentioned the tag "windows 10 64 bit".
Where did you mention this.....?????

Please provide your system spec if custom built or brand/make/model if this is an OEM PC/laptop.

Where did you mention this.....?????

Please provide your system spec if custom built or brand/make/model if this is an OEM PC/laptop.
what "this" refers to? I have Ivory PC and 4 GB RAM. My question is about the operating system windows 10, that decides to use only 3 out of my 4 GBs and it doesn't use 1 GB available for it. I just want to know what's wrong with this operating system. My PC is fine.

Please post the info requesting in reply #4

what "this" refers to? I have Ivory PC and 4 GB RAM. My question is about the operating system windows 10, that decides to use only 3 out of my 4 GBs and it doesn't use 1 GB available for it. I just want to know what's wrong with this operating system. My PC is fine.

So I take it you have an OEM PC. I'm not sure what you mean by "Ivory PC".

With out the brand/make/model.....we can't provide the correct path/direction of advice. With out that's just a guessing game. So I'll take a guess at it. Assuming this is a OEM PC, you're running 64 bit OS, you have a total of 4 GB RAM........this means that your onboard GPU has RAM being allocated to it by the OS. This is normal under any installed OS.

What is OEM PC? I am running 64 bit OS and I have a total of 4 GB RAM and I have 2024 MB shared system memory with the GPU and RAM. You are right bassfisher6522

OEM = original equipment manufacturer. In other words is it a prebuilt box hp, dell, etc or did you build it

My father brought me this PC. I don't know if it's OEM or not, but I think that I remember that dad told me that this PC was built in place in Ivory.

OEM PC generally means something like a pre-built Dell, Acer, Lenovo, H.P, Gateway, etc.

Are Dell, Acer, Lenovo, H.P, Gateway, etc are PC makers companies?

Yes they are and there are more mostly lesser known. Before there was also E-Machines, IBM (now Lenovo), Toshiba (they make some regular desktops as well as laptops, Sony (they did make desktops before) and some others like Acer they make both.

My father only told me that he bought this PC from Ivory. That's all what I know, and there is still the Ivory label/tag on the front of my PC, oh and now I notice another label/tag of intel Pentium. I have a dualcore CPU! What a shame!


While I guess that it's possible to have a 64 bit Pentium processor, most of them are 32 bit.

If it is a 32 bit processor that would explain why it is only using 3 gigabytes of ram.

I couldn't find any listing for Ivory brand computers, so I can't find any info on your computer.

4 gigabytes of ram is really low for Windows 10, you might be better off if you did go back to Windows 7, you computer would probably run better.

Did you run the compatibility test before you upgraded?

To see what version you’re using on Windows 10, 32 or 64 bit, open up the old Control Panel and click on the System window.


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MikeHawthorne asked me:
"Did you run the compatibility test before you upgraded?"

My response: No I didn't! I didn't know that there is compatibility test! I am idiot! No one told me about this.

MikeHawthorne also told me:
"4 gigabytes of ram is really low for Windows 10, you might be better off if you did go back to Windows 7, you computer would probably run better."

Thanks for telling me that. Now sure I am going back to Windows 7. Next time I will return to Windows 10 is when I get at least 8 gigabytes RAM.

Thank you man!

Sounds like a Clone-PC; I've never heard of them either. Don't know what country that PC was built in, but I'm guessing nowhere in North America. In any case, you have your solution in the meantime. Go back to Win7 until you can get more RAM for your PC. Unless it is a 32-bit CPU chip, in which case adding more RAM will be pointless; at that juncture you'll need to replace the Motherboard with a 64-bit CPU chip and then you can go past the 3GB RAM barrier we mentioned.


Sounds like a Clone-PC; I've never heard of them either. Don't know what country that PC was built in, but I'm guessing nowhere in North America. In any case, you have your solution in the meantime. Go back to Win7 until you can get more RAM for your PC. Unless it is a 32-bit CPU chip, in which case adding more RAM will be pointless; at that juncture you'll need to replace the Motherboard with a 64-bit CPU chip and then you can go past the 3GB RAM barrier we mentioned.

