
New Member
Dec 8, 2014
Hi, so yesterday my computer has been BSOD'ing quite frequently. The first dump file is and the 2nd file is the last one that would let me zip it. The 2 .dmp files since then say "File not found or no read permission" when I try to zip them. Anyway I downloaded windbg.exe to try to make sense of the .dmp file myself and it is saying ntoskrnl.exe (nt+75bc0) is the cause. I'm sure there is more information to examine out of the .dmp file, but I'm a noob so can anyone help me? ;)

I'm not sure if i was running Avast antivirus software before or after the first BSOD happened, but I would like to blame it on that. My computer passed usb boot memtest86 and the S.M.A.R.T diagnostic is green. I'm not sure what to look for further in the S.M.A.R.T to find errors, I do have GSmartControl and such.


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I was just looking into that, Memtest86 only ran once then booted itself into windows. Should I have been running the Memtest86+ instead? Looks like the Memtest86+ tests in a loop. How long should I run it for?

Windows does have it's own memory testing app but it can often miss errors and the best app for the job is Memtest86. The latest version of which can be found here:

To run Memtest86 you need to either burn a copy of it to disk or use a USB stick. If you look down the page you'll eventually find the latest version and it's associated downloads. If your burning to disk choose the pre-compiled iso zip. If your using a USB method then the corresponding download is the auto...
*                                                                             *
*                        Bugcheck Analysis                                    *
*                                                                             *

Use !analyze -v to get detailed debugging information.

BugCheck 1E, {0, 0, 0, 0}

*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for bflwfx64.sys
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for bflwfx64.sys
Probably caused by : bflwfx64.sys ( bflwfx64+8a16 )

Followup: MachineOwner
both dump files blamed the Bigfoot Networks Bandwidth Control Wireless driver and checking the dates it appears there is a slightly later version on your motherboards support page under Bigfoot Lan driver:
If the bsod's continue try removing Avast AV and using MSE:

Post any new dump files.

Oh and how long did you run Memetest86 for?

I was just looking into that, Memtest86 only ran once then booted itself into windows. Should I have been running the Memtest86+ instead? Looks like the Memtest86+ tests in a loop. How long should I run it for?

Weird, I don't even use wireless... I my LAN driver has been fine. About a month ago I tried updating it, but my connection was actually slower, so I downgraded it again and it has been fine since. I don't like the Gigabyte LAN or the driver, I ordered an Intel NIC the other day. I'll try updating it again and see what happens.

I was just looking into that, Memtest86 only ran once then booted itself into windows. Should I have been running the Memtest86+ instead? Looks like the Memtest86+ tests in a loop. How long should I run it for?

Windows does have it's own memory testing app but it can often miss errors and the best app for the job is Memtest86. The latest version of which can be found here:

To run Memtest86 you need to either burn a copy of it to disk or use a USB stick. If you look down the page you'll eventually find the latest version and it's associated downloads. If your burning to disk choose the pre-compiled iso zip. If your using a USB method then the corresponding download is the auto installer for a USB stick.
Once you have Memtest86 on the media you selected you'll then need to enter your bios and change the boot order so that the machine will boot from either the disk or stick you have Memtest86 on.
Run the test for at least 12hrs if possible unless it becomes clear that there is a issue. If there is a problem with the RAM you'll see the errors pop up in red so you can't miss them.

Yeah I only ran Memtest86 from a boot usb, not Memtest86+. Before that I tried Mem test 4.1 in Windows with 8 instances, but I guess that one was a waste of time? I'll try the Memtest86+ soon.

When I was upgrading the LAN driver, it asked to reboot. A few seconds after clicking on restarting it BSOD with different code, then upon rebooting the LAN driver wanted another reboot. After rebooting it BSOD right away... Powered it back up and went into windows and it hasn't BSOD since. It wouldn't let me zip the .dmp files, it keeps saying "File not found or no read permission". When I tried to send the raw file it says I don't have permission to read it... I'm 100% sure those last two BSOD were driver issues. So far so good though, I will update if anymore happen. This should teach me to stick to Intel LAN/NICs. Gigabyte LAN driver is semi tied to their bloat software and I think how their software uninstalls/installs the driver caused the last two BSOD.

What is the proper way to install a new (LAN) driver? Should I have uninstalled the driver manually? Then install the new driver afterwards? Then if the new driver doesn't work out do you just do a system restore?

Thanks for your time and help kemical.

Yeah I only ran Memtest86 from a boot usb, not Memtest86+. Before that I tried Mem test 4.1 in Windows with 8 instances, but I guess that one was a waste of time? I'll try the Memtest86+ soon.
To be honest I'm not entirely sure what the difference is but use the link I posted above, follow the suggestions and you'll do fine. (see my suggestion below though)
What is the proper way to install a new (LAN) driver? Should I have uninstalled the driver manually? Then install the new driver afterwards? Then if the new driver doesn't work out do you just do a system restore?
You can do it that way yes.. I always uninstall drivers before updating them.

It sounds from what you say that the bsod's have stopped since updating the Bigfoot driver. To be honest unless the bsod's continue I would hold off testing the RAM. Post back if they start to reappear..
Post any new dump files
