Windows 7 Windows 7 desktop screenshot


New Member
Jan 6, 2009
I posted this on another thread but found this thread to be more specific to screenshots of the desktop so here it is again.

Only the wallpaper was changed and I resized the icons and moved them.

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Waiting to finish to download the new release of W7 7201 i like to share my actual desktop...Thank you all for the suggestions...See you next ;)
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I scoured the internet to find the system info gadgets you are using may ask where you got your system information display assassin0

Here's mine.

I wanted something a bit like the original Win 7 theme, only not with crazy bright awful colours:

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Heres mine. Build 7229.


Thats my desktop. With stuff like msn and spotify running.


Thats with stuff like documents,spotify,wmp and that open.

This is my first attempt at using ObjectDock. Still trying to find a dock background that I like.

Below is my Win7 desktop

I've released a dark minimal SUITE of skins. It includes a Visual Style for Windows 7 as well as many other skins and icons.
Link Removed - Invalid URL for the full details and links to the skins.

